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Dang the novel virus what is it now

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posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 12:06 AM
The facts are on NHK's website.
Since all deaths and ambulance records are recorded with not only an agency, but also with the police department and fire department here.
What I'm leading up to is this, but first, some of you have already noticed the fact that with-in 3 to 6 months, those that have been vax are actually causing an increase of positive cases of "hell, I don't even know what kind of variants now, since like another just cropped up " the novel (new ) types of virus's going around. What may not have been reported is that the newly created novel virus is now taking on the " lungs " at a much faster pace. This was on TV this morning.
It seems now we actually are in unknown territory concerning the novel virus's that are appearing. Keep in mind, NO GOVT. AGENCY IS GOING TO ADMIT BEING WONG.
Yes, we actually are seeing now for the very first time a real increase of kids coming down with some new novel virus, what really is it... it doesn't matter if it is your child, parents need their kids treated quickly. Sadly our hospitals now are seeing a real increase of respiratory problems in children.
Is it because of the vaccinated now breathing out different particles from their lungs.
I trust the day time TV news investigative journalist here more then I do with most govt. agencies around the world. Also Japan's govt. is wishy washy, but at least they don't outright lie to us, at least not yet any way.

Sorry the video I wanted to post was just taken down by YouTube

Clown world we are now living in. In just five minutes the video was taken down.

edit on 0800000002202021-08-09T00:20:02-05:00200208am12 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 01:11 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Nobody knows what is causing these mutations, except it's what diseases do and we already knew that. They are just guessing.

I would say if there's a spike in the number of kids dying it'll be a pretty good indicator the vaccine should be suspect. We'll see if they try to push the idea of a spike in deaths of children to drive more vaccination, but obscure the numbers already vaccinated.

I'm willing to bet we see it soon. Have to keep blaming the vaccinated while pushing more hopium about the vaccines.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 01:17 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

I'm actually surprised most people don't seem to care about the fact censorship has become prevalent all around the net in North America in less than 1 year, China-style. Can't even post anything anymore that goes against the mainstream rethoric on YT, FB and Instagram, three of the biggest platform in the world.

How f-cked up is that?

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 01:45 AM
Gonna write this a lot because its important:

- Danish CDC admits we will never get flock immunity, even with 100% vaccine coverage, because the Covid vaccines do not work 100%.

- US study shows the regular flu vaccine is just as effective as the test vaccines at preventing severe putcome.

- Kids hardly ever have a severe outcome, and is harder to infect.

- Those in risk have all been vaccinated, so the question about flooded hospitals is not necessary.

- Why DOES the flu vaccine work against so-called Covid?

And a little funny side note:

Since the Danish CDC came out and stated this, and since the US study, media isnt keen on posting Covid articles on SoMe.
edit on 9/8/21 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 01:51 AM
Is it just me or does it seem like every time they are about to get emergency use moved to the next age bracket, there is a new spike in the virus, or a new variant? Am I the only one noticing this? Am I over thinking this? I heard they are going for 2 yr old's and up within the next month or two. I don't have a source, just heard it from a friend in New Mexico.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 02:12 AM

originally posted by: AIC4ME
Is it just me or does it seem like every time they are about to get emergency use moved to the next age bracket, there is a new spike in the virus, or a new variant? Am I the only one noticing this? Am I over thinking this? I heard they are going for 2 yr old's and up within the next month or two. I don't have a source, just heard it from a friend in New Mexico.

We have real actual backup what TV journalist are reporting here and they are well educated and not parrots of hearsay information. The 10 am to about noontime is when the daily news are being reported. The increase in lung infection is real because it shows up on the xrays and they give examples of a time zone of xrays over a time period. Great news , but scary as all hell. We went from about 5 thousand reported ( real reports ) of infection about 3 weeks ago to now 17000 new infections daily for the last 3 days. Not sure what is going down, but we are having one of Japans biggest traveling holidays this week where millions go home and visit their ancestors graves. This puts a real dent on everything from hotels to trains and well, just everything. The economy here is in the tanks.

posted on Aug, 10 2021 @ 06:50 AM
You are saying info is not being reported you saw on tv this morning. Pretty sure it’s being reported if you saw it in the old tele.

This reads like more misinformation or just ramblings

originally posted by: musicismagic
The facts are on NHK's website.
Since all deaths and ambulance records are recorded with not only an agency, but also with the police department and fire department here.
What I'm leading up to is this, but first, some of you have already noticed the fact that with-in 3 to 6 months, those that have been vax are actually causing an increase of positive cases of "hell, I don't even know what kind of variants now, since like another just cropped up " the novel (new ) types of virus's going around. What may not have been reported is that the newly created novel virus is now taking on the " lungs " at a much faster pace. This was on TV this morning.
It seems now we actually are in unknown territory concerning the novel virus's that are appearing. Keep in mind, NO GOVT. AGENCY IS GOING TO ADMIT BEING WONG.
Yes, we actually are seeing now for the very first time a real increase of kids coming down with some new novel virus, what really is it... it doesn't matter if it is your child, parents need their kids treated quickly. Sadly our hospitals now are seeing a real increase of respiratory problems in children.
Is it because of the vaccinated now breathing out different particles from their lungs.
I trust the day time TV news investigative journalist here more then I do with most govt. agencies around the world. Also Japan's govt. is wishy washy, but at least they don't outright lie to us, at least not yet any way.

Sorry the video I wanted to post was just taken down by YouTube

Clown world we are now living in. In just five minutes the video was taken down.

edit on 10-8-2021 by Neobucket because: (no reason given)

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