A couple things must be pointed out. It's one thing for liberals to make a lot of noise, for talking heads to flap, another thing to change the times
to where businesses can thrive, with only good little Nazi patronage, or confiscate guns. Look at the huge protests in Europe. Also, the military, and
all government, swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution, not some perv in a chair or political group. The military would be divided, and, in
large numbers, would bring bloody war on the faction violating the Constitution. In a civil war scenario, no politician or big liberal would be safe,
either, outside some underground bunker: we're talking war, they the enemy, and all targets. That means no more events, like cocktail parties,
vacations, yachts, fine dining out, no more attention they crave from the cameras, and such, when there is asymmetric war raging.
This is all to point out one question: how many Ruby Ridges would the nation put up with, from some group of liberal pervs, out of control, how many
would really surrender the Bill of Rights, and, last, but not least, how many of these snowflake cowards, that ring the Capitol with barbed wire,
because somebody put their feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk January 6, are going to be willing to die for their evil agenda, be willing to hide
underground, unlike good patriots that have died and will die for their nation and Constitution? I believe, if you think this through, you give noisy,
liberal whackjobs and perverts credit for more courage than the patriot side of this has in his little finger, and they will fold, like a cheap suit,
in mortal fear, if shooting begins. This is as if not to mention a large block of the military would be likely willing to surround D.C. offices, shoot
it out with the liberals' cops or rouge military, and carry the traitors out, if it meant preventing a civil war that would be horrendous for the
nation. There are also impeachment and legal avenues, that would be sure to follow, should the noisy liberals somehow think their pants are bigger
than they are.
We're a long ways from that scenario, and people need to stop thinking, because some liberal idiot is running his wannabe control freak mouth, that
this makes anybody a king or queen in America. Put it this way: we'll just see if they have any testicles, at all, to come and take it. I think not.
Also, if business profits plunge, because only good little Nazis can freely operate in the economy, that's as if blasphemy against their real god,
money. Not even liberal idiots want their entire lifestyle and comforts to go down the crapper, see violence, they incite in their useful idiots in
somebody else's city and neighborhood, much less civil war, come to their own neighborhoods. You have to realize snowflakes are frightened little
creatures, that even need safe spaces for their delicacy, that they have no balls, push come to shove.
You people of faith, you should also note that the apocalypse only begins on God's time, see Revelation 5, how it is the Lord Jesus that opens the
book, the seals, that begin tribulation. No man has it in their power to bring on the antichrist system, you that think the mark of the beast is
tomorrow, because of vaccine passports, are sorely mistaken, not understanding prophecy. You that put man in control simply have the cart before the
horse, it would seem don't really understand your God and how He operates, how He is sovereign.
edit on 4-8-2021 by Scrutinizing because: (no reason given)