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posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: Anon911

I also got my Moderna first shot about 2 weeks ago. The first 24-36 hours I did fine, then it kicked me hard for a week. I went though thanks to a little arsenal of supplements I've been taking. NMN, Glutathione, Milk Thistle Liver support, Zinc, Potassium/Magnesium.

I'll get my second shot soon and getting in shape all my organs now. I still have some breathing problems but I fear nothing and God will be with me as always. I survived the virus together with my whole family, it took us like 2 months. My wife is cancer survivor, very weak immune system, she got the first shot last week too.

I just shared with you my experience, not telling you what to do.

One thing I can tell you is that these virus and vaccines have a lot of evil people behind. I have God and we survived to give testimony of His Glory.
edit on 31-7-2021 by Trueman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: Anon911

Well , make Sure you Write a Will .

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: Anon911

First step would be to get an official note from your physician that say's he recommends you NOT receive the Vax.

Next, look at the CDC website here for travel info concerning vaccines: International Travel During Covid

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 07:44 PM
Dont go overseas , you might get stuck there and that would suck.

Lots of good vacations right here in the states. There has to be stuff here you would like to see and never have.

Bucket list it

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: Anon911
I got my 1st vaccine (Moderna) 4/10/21. Took 6 for recovery from near kidney failure (I've posted here about it prior). So can I get an exemption form or something so I can travel wherever? Or do I have to, like, never travel overseas again? I mean 2 docs, an ER nurse, and my own personal doctor told me to not get another jab of ANY of them. So am I stuck? Has this been addressed with congress and the UN? What the fac% do I need to do? I want a vacation but I'm so uncertain. I've tried googling and got nothing except Visa requests wanting people getting a card to work and their requirements on vaccines.

Did you have many bloods/tests done before you had the jab and got near kidney failure?

Any problems previously?

That’s the first I’ve heard of that type of problem with the vaccine

I’ve had elevated levels in liver function a few years ago all good now though but would be interesting to know if any problems previously

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: Anon911
Bear with me...
If ya can get to Miami, I'd surmise you can hop a private vessel going to Puerto Rico...ask around?

Depending on your starting point, it could be a Puerto Rico or bust kind of road trip where ya don't actually get to Puerto Rico, but it was fun trying.

The insane are running the asylum, so just try to stay out of the medicine line!

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: Anon911

"Took 6 for recovery"

6 what? Hours? Days? Weeks?

I'm assuming at least days, since "near kidney failure" wouldn't have manifested AND resolved in just 6 hours.

And, since it can take days for the toxins in your blood to build up to a point where kidney failure becomes evident, was there some anaphylaxis-related reaction to the vaccine evident immediately post-injection?

If your kidneys were affect so severely (and so selectively) that you required an ER, I assume that you have been referred to a qualified nephrologist. And, as your nephrologist will likely tell you, once damaged, the kidneys are one of the few organs that do not regenerate. I do hope you have not lost too much of your kidney function! Did your doctor detail the mechanism by which your kidneys were damaged? I know that some have claimed that the vaccine can cause blood clotting, and this has been related to heart issues (myocarditis), especially in young males.

But those clotting issues are usually emergent very soon after injection, and treated immediately, it would seem unlikely that if you experienced such a reaction, that your physician would leave you untreated long enough to result in risk to your kidneys!

Best of luck and health to you.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: Anon911

Go to C.D.C travel guidelines and exempts. Good luck. Should. Should easy. MS👍

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: Anon911

Well , make Sure you Write a Will .

Nice dude.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: MykeNukem
Thx, I will contact her and see what she recommends.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 12:11 AM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: Anon911

"Took 6 for recovery"

6 what? Hours? Days? Weeks?

I'm assuming at least days, since "near kidney failure" wouldn't have manifested AND resolved in just 6 hours.

And, since it can take days for the toxins in your blood to build up to a point where kidney failure becomes evident, was there some anaphylaxis-related reaction to the vaccine evident immediately post-injection?

If your kidneys were affect so severely (and so selectively) that you required an ER, I assume that you have been referred to a qualified nephrologist. And, as your nephrologist will likely tell you, once damaged, the kidneys are one of the few organs that do not regenerate. I do hope you have not lost too much of your kidney function! Did your doctor detail the mechanism by which your kidneys were damaged? I know that some have claimed that the vaccine can cause blood clotting, and this has been related to heart issues (myocarditis), especially in young males.

But those clotting issues are usually emergent very soon after injection, and treated immediately, it would seem unlikely that if you experienced such a reaction, that your physician would leave you untreated long enough to result in risk to your kidneys!

Best of luck and health to you.

Oh I must've mistyped. Sorry! I'll give you the long and short version. 6 weeks. It took 6 WEEKS. SOOO... short story (I got my shot at Walmart, not my Dr)..
Now the long story...

I have rheumatoid arthritis and am in remission yet use a T Cell inhibitor (Orencia) kind of like a booster. Because I'm in remission, I use it maybe twice a year? Maybe 3 times a yr instead of weekly injections now. T cells are a major component of fighting off diseases (covid to every freaking thing we can contract). So I have to shut down my T cells for RA. I have hypothyroidism but that isn't a biggie (though another autoimmune disease, it is easy to manage).

So I took an Orencia injection (acting as a booster), and appx 3-4 weeks later 4/7/21 5:45pm a covid vaccine. Moderna 1st shot.

2.5 days later (Saturday 4/10/21 7:30 am) woke in pain. It progressed, but I put it off (tough it out and all that). This was bottom right quadrant pain leading me to believe sudden appendicitis. No bladder infection prior. No NOTHING prior.

Sunday 4/11/21 after a hot bath to try and help the pain, I drove myself to ER. Symptoms of appendicitis increased to where I could barely stand and was immediately sent in to a room.

Urine and blood tests show a massive kidney infection. It began in right ureter, went immediately to right kidney (felt pain spread there), then it spread to the left ureter, and finally left kidney.

IV antibiotics and a 10 day treatment of oral antibiotics. After 10 days I wasn't fully better.

1 I called American frontline Dr's after not fully recovering. I was prescribed ivermectin for 4 weeks (a very specific and gentle dose).

2 my ER nurse broke down crying over side effects she's seen from this vaccine more than covid. She advised me to not another shot.

3 American frontline Dr's physician that spoke to me told me no more vaccines for this (I was his 4th case of kidney issues, of which 1 of us 4 went into complete kidney failure).

4 My ma has a very conservative Dr for her orthopedic issues (her knee). He told her his son at 19, a triathlon kid in excellent health) got the 1st Moderna (which he administers to patients) had the same issue but went into complete kidney failure.

It took him as well 6 weeks in the hospital to recover.

He advised her to tell me no more vaccines for covid.

5 I spoke to my personal Dr on the portal and again was told to NOT get another shot for covid.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: Anon911

Ah, now I understand! Thanks!

You developed a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), starting in the right ureter, which then infected first the right and the the left kidney; leading to the damage you spoke of, and the lengthy recovery period.

No doubt, being on immunosuppressive therapeutics for your RA (congrats on your current status of remission) did little to prevent the UTI. As I read the side effects of Orencia, it is mentioned that the possibility of infections, sometimes serious, is increased with use of the medication.

Is it just possible that it was not the vaccine that resulted in your misfortune, but the increased susceptibility to infections, such as a UTI, caused by a an immunosuppressive, such as your Orecia?

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: Trueman
a reply to: Anon911
I also got my Moderna first shot about 2 weeks ago. The first 24-36 hours I did fine, then it kicked me hard for a week. I went though thanks to a little arsenal of supplements I've been taking. NMN, Glutathione, Milk Thistle Liver support, Zinc, Potassium/Magnesium.

I'll get my second shot soon and getting in shape all my organs now. I still have some breathing problems but I fear nothing and God will be with me as always. I survived the virus together with my whole family, it took us like 2 months. My wife is cancer survivor, very weak immune system, she got the first shot last week too.

I just shared with you my experience, not telling you what to do.

One thing I can tell you is that these virus and vaccines have a lot of evil people behind. I have God and we survived to give testimony of His Glory.

First, I'm not criticizing you for getting the jabs, but I'm trying to get my head around all of the amazing contradictions in this one post.

1. You got your first shot 2 weeks ago, and will be getting your second, even after having pretty severe reactions to the first for a week+?

2. You were taking all kinds of the right supplements - why? If you know what to do protect yourself naturally, wht get the shot? If you believe in the shot enough to actually take it, why take the supplements?

3. You and your whole family got and survived the real thing, which means you have the best weapon you can have (real natural immunity), profess a belief/faith in God, and claim you fear nothing - yet still got the jab and are going back for more?

4. You know/believe that the people behind these jabs are evil, again profess a belief/faith in God even going so far as to proclaim that your having survived the real thing is evidence of Gods glory - yet still, are getting the jabs?

Do you seriously not see all of the absurdity contained in this post?

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: Anon911
Is it just possible that it was not the vaccine that resulted in your misfortune, but the increased susceptibility to infections, such as a UTI, caused by a an immunosuppressive, such as your Orecia?

Ummm... really? I think it was pretty clear they were saying that it was their pre-existing situation that caused the jab to cause such a severe reaction. Of course it was the jab that triggered it, but also of course it was the already suppressed state of their immune system that contributed to such a severe reaction.

This is just one of many, many problems with this jab. There should be a long list of contra-indications for getting it - pregnant women, new mothers still breast-feeding, immuno-compromised, etc etc... but no, according to teptb, it is 100% safe for anyone and everyone - except those unlucky enough to suffer severe reactions, but even then, all you get is the obligatory 'there's no proof it was the jab, so it is obviously something else' BS.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

Just saw your reply. Sorry for the long wait. I took Orencia injections weekly for 2 to 3 years. I've never gotten ill on them during that time. Like, all.... it's the timing on the 1st jab and Orencia combined with all medical professionals I've spoken with that led me to this conclusion. Being on this medication never made me to the point a flu jab or my kids having strep got me sick.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: Anon911

Unfortunately, I'm not going to be much help, other than to say I wish you well and I sympathize with your plight.

My cynical (angry) side would say...'Get in line and prepare to be branded with a scarlet 'X' on your forehead in 3" tall font because the entire World has seemingly gone completely insane! Just know that you won't be the only person in that line. Many, like myself and others, will be right behind and in front of you. The impossible situation these supposed 'leaders' are putting us all in will be the death of us all if we continue to let it.'

Fight the good fight, and God's speed to you.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: Anon911
Make a vaccine card.
How hard can it be to print out a blank one and fill in the info? jijijijiji

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