posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to:
Developing humans of level 1 (of which we're around halfway about now) have weaknesses. I am convinced you have a weakness or few. I wouldn't trust
this level's entity that doesn't have any weaknesses. Be merciful, some incarnation you might have more weaknesses for karmic purposes than you have
right now.
It's easy to think you have no weaknesses when you feel strong and invulnerable, but wait until 'life' happens, and you'll see how even you with your
mighty strength can crumble like a pile of sand or house of cards into an emotionally imbalanced mess, and then it will be your task to rise from the
ashes like a phoenix.
Are you sure you can do it? Many can, others can't, and it's not their fault - we have all been dealt with certain cards, some have taken heavier
karmic burdens to carry, so those that you deem 'weak' might actually be people to respect because they were brave enough to dare take such bigger
burdens than you did..
So the next time you see someone suffer a complete mental breakdown or psychological-emotional pain, don't belittle so easily..try to understand their
situation and where they come from, what kind of lifeplan they are operating under.
Sometimes someone that was rock solid, stoic and strong in one incarnation, can be easily-upset, seemingly weak and emotional entity. Every
incarnation has its own needs, and 'weakness' or 'strength' (however you want to even define them), are not written in stone or stable. Like so many
things in life, they fluctuate.