Somehow I ended up on YouTube today (I know, I know - it was an accidental mis-click). But while I was there I found some of Russell Brand's
interview clips with some fascinating guests, such as Edward Snowden in one instance, embedded below. In the Snowden video, Snowden makes a really
good point which Brand picks up on, that being the fact of hiding conspiracy of the most heinous kind, in the text of incredibly dull, snooze-inducing
reports over 200 pages long.
Everything is being done in the open - most people are simply clicking 'okay', 'okay', when going through new terms & conditions to sites such as
YouTube, which seem to be popping up almost every day if you use those sorts of sites frequently (I recently quit YouTube as a source for anything
truly interesting or worthwhile in the alternative media sphere). Brand is just about the only 'controversial' commentator worth listening to on
the platform, as he manages to skate the journalistic knife-edge, somewhere between entertaining an idea & latching onto an idea - despite being
perfectly affable & sincerely engaging, and despite the constant comedic quips, he maintains a professional journalistic air of separation from the
topics & guests he hosts, and in so doing manages to get away with saying a lot of very 'controversial' things, as would otherwise be defined by
YouTube's typical 'ban hammer' terms & conditions.
Brand & Snowden discuss the way in which there is a stealthy 'mission creep', by which all the facets of our much-discussed tinfoil-hatttery
theories are gradually brought into being just as we feared - but so slowly that almost everyone trying to follow along will fall asleep & get
distracted by something potentially more interesting, frankly. The enemy of Mankind has made the weapons of their warfare so boring, dry, dull &
lifeless, that as they are laid out step by inexorable step, you'd be forgiven for thinking that 'watching paint dry' hearings & briefings, and the
ponderous inculcation of new legislation or emergency measures, etc, were actually nothing much at all happening! It's so slowly drip-fed out into
the legal ecosphere, that we who thrive on the mystery & adventure of a life lived in pursuit of radical & fulfilling ideas, tend to move on to other
topics & leave the dullards to their strange & likely shady dealings, whatever they may ultimately be, because we weren't born with the patience of
the forensic accountant - but those who are enacting these twisted rulings from the shadows WERE ultimately born for it, selected when young to be
mentored into exactly these sorts of roles, to bring the darkness to the fore of international life, right in front of the twitchy eyes of observers
who can't quite maintain their interest long enough to find & highlight the smoking gun...
It's a STRATEGY of the enemy, to drip feed the nasty little changes out into the broader legal & societal ecosphere, all the while also manipulating
the more bombastic side of media & entertainment specifically so that we DON'T notice what it is that they're doing, even though it can be dressed
up such that those in the know, are on point & know where the scheme is up to. Therefore we must all pay homage to the people who slow things down,
taking the time to sift through the evidence which is being laid out before our very eyes, if only we would take the time & have the patience to look
into it fully. Although I don't support all of the political & social attitudes of Mr Russell Brand, I do esteem his lucid grasp of the
philosophical ecosphere which drifts around common human activity at scale, and I always enjoy listening to him ripping apart the latest BS from
'Mr/Mrs Globalist Tech Billionaire, etc. Some of his guests are incredibly fascinating people, and he certainly sees through & tears down the fake
divides which are established to pigeon-hole our minds & control our thought life, specifically our responses to certain political situations/
actions, etc.
Watch the video & check out more of Russell Brand's stuff - I'm weighing up whether to subscribe to his work, as well as that of Catherine Austin
Fitts of Solari Report, and JP Farrell with his Giza Death Star site - and of course James Corbett of the Corbett Report, whom I already subscribe to.
All of them are worth listening to to get a balanced & comprehensive view of the intel which is shaping our world moment by moment. It's time we
all wake up, follow along, and get the full picture - with a little help from our friends in alternative media. I feel that the four people mentioned
will give you a very rounded view of what's really going on in our world at this time, they each have their particular focii, and together it's like
a whizz-bang cocktail of information that gets to the heart of the matter.
I've never had a thread do this before, it's an interesting response. It probably means that although people are affirming & agreeing with what I
say, the lack of commentary suggests that they're politely pointing out that I was the last guy in the party to figure out what tune the cabal is
Please feel free to take aim with some sharp comments if you think I'm in need of a slap!
Well I can't speak for everyone but yeah this idea is old. Go back far enough and it's not even a conspiracy and is accepted by the populace. We never
really got out of having owners.
You're probably not late to the party. Chances are you've suspected this was the case for some time. Subscribe to whatever you want, it ultimately
doesn't matter. That works anytime you have an internal debate; just remember it won't matter eventually.