posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 05:58 AM
I've been saying this all along, but there is more to this to come. I'm following Japan's direction of : we ask you to this, don't make us make you do
this. For those reading this, your country is royally fk'd if not following Japan's way of kindness toward its people, but it is changing as I have
posted. Japan now is issuing travel covid passports.
Please remember this though.
Remember I posted this: Chinese Spider Web Trap, well it was for politicians only at the time. Then I came up with FEAR = Fear Every American
Regardless, then recently I posted FEAR = Fear Every Alien Regardless. ( Alien means all mankind )
We have been lied so much by those that are in charge of our well being that recently a lie = the truth. So my final statement that I've been posting
is this: Madness leads to confusion. In my own honest opinion I believe now we have gone beyond the stage of Madness into a worldwide state of
CONFUSION which leads us to my " Chinese Spider Web Trap " of life these days which has lead all of us into living in an " OPEN DOOR PRISON ".