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'Unvaccinated still pose a risk,' warns Ontario's top doctor amid concern about Delta variant

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posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

Technically two sore arms but still the same one.

I could have swore down that the second vaccine needle was larger, and i did not bleed with the first one nether.

Chances are that's down to me being a big baby where jags are concerned all the same, but needs must.

edit on 22-7-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 05:41 AM
So how was the actual covid infection, no long term issues I hope?

a reply to: andy06shake

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

I crapped that out my system in 48/72 hours if im honest.

But my Mrs was flat on her arse could hardly breath and temperature through the roof for 10 days.

She would have been hospitalised if not for the weather at the time and the fact that the hospitals were near enough full to capacity, should also add at her worst we waited over 7 hours on an ambulance.

Once you see what it can do to people nonspecific, you come to a conclusion and make a decision, and it was a rather simple one for me to make.

Each to there own all the same, i recommend people get there shots, but i would not force them to do so.

As to long term issues, i hope not, but we both seem just fine, my Mrs has bad Asthma, but she has had that since a child, down to poor council houses and the fungus/mould that's part and package of the parcel.
edit on 22-7-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 05:57 AM
I posted this in another thread as it applies here.

Obviously with a larger infected population, there will be more mutations that produce these variants. However, we have to remember that the vaccine doesn't prevent infection, just puts the immune system's focus on the vaccine protein spikes. All the vaccinated are involved as well as the unvaccinated and they may even push viable mutations through vaccine selection.

These mutations are going to occur and it only takes one to get the pandemic rolling again, be it from an unvaccinated person or one who is vaccinated. It's interesting to note that first jabbers are including in the unvaxxed numbers.

All this tends to support my contention that any major problem that arises was caused or instigated by the government and when one of these problems can no longer be ignored, the government makes it the problem of the citizens, making it their responsibility, even placing the blame on them. IMO the examples are endless if you exclude most acts of God.

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 06:08 AM
I think you've raised the real issue that most seem to miss here mate.

To you it was like a nasty everyday virus, like a bad cold but nothing to worry about.

Your better half getting wiped like that though is a soft story altogether and there's no real way from what I've seen that lets you know who will take it badly.

I only know one person close to me who's had it bad enough to he in hospital and he's a bit of a fat fat smoking goon so it's no great suprise but to see him go from just dandy to 10 days of touch and go on a ward was a serious reality check for me and most folks that know him.

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: nonspecific

I crapped that out my system in 48/72 hours if im honest.

But my Mrs was flat on her arse could hardly breath and temperature through the roof for 10 days.

She would have been hospitalised if not for the weather at the time and the fact that the hospitals were near enough full to capacity, should also add at her worst we waited over 7 hours on an ambulance.

Once you see what it can do to people nonspecific, you come to a conclusion and make a decision, and it was a rather simple one for me to make.

Each to there own all the same, i recommend people get there shots, but i would not force them to do so.

As to long term issues, i hope not, but we both seem just fine, my Mrs has bad Asthma, but she has had that since a child, down to poor council houses and the fungus/mould that's part and package of the parcel.

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