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More than 20% of shop staff could be isolating in weeks

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posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: Tulpa

The BBC are playing their part; giving Cummings the platform to air his criticisms and reservations.
It is presented in such a way that the general public view Cummings comments as spiteful ramblings and as revenge for his sacking - there may well be an element of truth in that - and don't give any serious consideration to what he actually said.

MSM refuse to give any serious examination of Cummings's allegations and comments.
What response there is from Labour is hardly given prominence by MSM either.

The BBC point to their interview with Cummings as evidence of their impartiality and attempts to hold the government accountable - when in effect they are actually helping strengthen the governments position - and the Tories use it as leftist bias and call for more reforms and restraints be put upon the BBC and the media in general.

As an aside; the governments investigation into the Matt Hancock whistleblower has been nothing short of disgraceful and shows the contempt this government has for freedom of the press.....and barely a murmur from the Opposition.

Something bigger than the pandemic itself is being played out here.

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

Despite their public protestations privatisation of the NHS is very much on The Tories agenda.

And it will be purely coincidental that the major beneficiaries of the privatisation process are big pharmaceutical companies.

The same pharmaceutical companies that are major donors to The Conservative Party and of whom many family and friends of Tory MP's just happen to have shares and board positions in and on.

Friends of the usual suspects are blatantly given positions on the oversight committees and regulatory bodies.

Barely a word said by The Opposition and MSM and what is said is casually dismissed and conveniently brushed aside barely to be spoken of again.

I get the impression Keir Starmer daren't say too much or rock the boat during the pandemic for fear of accusations of playing politics during a time of national emergency.
These last 18 months has been when we've needed a strong opposition more than at any time since the war.
They should be putting the government under intense scrutiny examining every decision and the processes that go into this decision making.

Neither side wants to upset the apple cart and risk the status quo and their place at the trough.

The majority of these people, from all sides, share similar backgrounds and have absolutely nothing in common with the people they are supposed to represent yet are failing so spectacularly.

Apologies for the rant like post but we need radical reform of the whole sordid and rotten system immediately.

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Tulpa

As an aside; the governments investigation into the Matt Hancock whistleblower has been nothing short of disgraceful and shows the contempt this government has for freedom of the press.....and barely a murmur from the Opposition.

Something bigger than the pandemic itself is being played out here.

You are right about the BBC-their interpretation of "impartiallity" involves ass kissing whoever is in power at the time-remember they loved sickTony as well.

On the government response to the hancock debacle,would you be refering to the proposed changes to the official secrets act?
Because that sounds like a complete #show and brings to the UK the sort of media censorship we see in all those countries we are told are evil dictatorships.

If passed, this new legislation has serious consequences for journalism and its ability to hold governments to account. This is because the proposed bill includes a major crackdown on “unauthorised disclosures”, or leaks of sensitive information.

I am going to take a wild guess here-that those "unauthorised disclosures" will predominantly be people reporting on crimes committed by the tories.

Our free press is another once fine pillar of the country(like the NHS)which are being chipped away at by this government.

Its the word "free" you see-they hate that word.
Absolute a55h0les.

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

The west will become the new third world fast this way.

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Silcone Synapse
I get the impression Keir Starmer daren't say too much or rock the boat during the pandemic for fear of accusations of playing politics during a time of national emergency.
These last 18 months has been when we've needed a strong opposition more than at any time since the war.
They should be putting the government under intense scrutiny examining every decision and the processes that go into this decision making.

Neither side wants to upset the apple cart and risk the status quo and their place at the trough.

The majority of these people, from all sides, share similar backgrounds and have absolutely nothing in common with the people they are supposed to represent yet are failing so spectacularly.

How's this for scrutiny... someone had to step up and say it like it is. Now more opposition MPs should start doing this more regularly.

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 01:54 PM

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Encia22

I can't stand Dawn Butler....but fair play to her, credit where credit is due.
Every single MP who was in The Commons at the time should have given her a standing ovation and walked out with her.

As the commentator said; "What is the point of Parliament"?

As I just said in another thread; this government is without a doubt the most amoral, arrogant and nefarious administration I have ever known....and given the depths some/all of their predecessors reached that really is saying something.

posted on Jul, 23 2021 @ 05:18 AM
Not sure what happened here but my thread turned political!

Thanks for the conversation anyway but was about the shop staff and truck drivers taking time off work due to being pinged on the NHS APP and what this could mean and do to people who just want to buy some stock!

Is this going to to get worse or will it calm down in a week or two?

What we at now? 50k cases per day? If people stopped being tested, this figure will go down and i'm guessing most people just have mild flu or something similar because deaths are very low.
edit on 23-7-2021 by CrazeeWorld777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2021 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

Sorry about that.

For what it's worth, I've just been out to post something and get a couple of things from our local Tesco.
Fully staffed and far.

It's one of the smaller stores because I live in a little village so things might look different if I went into town.
Everyone round here knows each other and they like a little chat so if there was any known doom on the horizon it would have hit the gossip.

The stand that was right by the door for hand sanitiser wasn't there (might have just been moved somewhere else that I didn't notice) but they have posters asking people to still wear masks "if they can" so not compulsory. Everyone shopping was masked.

Oh, and as I was leaving, a delivery truck arrived.

posted on Jul, 23 2021 @ 05:55 AM
This is what happens when mass delusion and technology intersect.

posted on Jul, 23 2021 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777
I'm at breaking point now!
This 'pingdemic' is beyond ridiculous. How much of this is happening to cover people who are having adverse reactions?
Only this morning a friend contacted me to say her sister (care worker) was told she would not have a job if she didn't have the jab. She took the first yesterday. This morning she was rushed to A&E with severe chest pains!
So many people off work with adverse reactions. Two thirds of my clients have adverse reactions. This 'pingate' is all smoke and mirrors so people are detracted from seeing this happening.
Second, these bloody PCR tests testing people who have been vaccinated as positive for C19. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the same PCR test that tests for the spike protein if you have C19 is the same spike protein in the bloody jab!

I did a huge 'stock up' shop about a month ago now at Aldi's. Just get 'top up' from local BP/M&S garage now.
There's worse to come this winter for design and default.

Sorry/not sorry for the rant, but I'm really not in a good place with the World right now.

Fu**ed up Rainbows

posted on Jul, 23 2021 @ 06:29 AM
Is it just the UK that has this problem of food shortages?. Maybe Covid is just a UK problem?.

posted on Jul, 23 2021 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

As I said before.

This too shall pass.

This is a self limiting crisis. Eventually everyone will have immunity. I am sure more people have immunity than they are reporting.

They saw how well it worked when they posted the daily death numbers. It kept people willing isolated, and following commands. Willingly.

They use buzz words repetitively, that are meant to scare, but should not be scary.

"It's a Pandemic!" Okay so it is happening in other countries too. Pretty much with the same results here. Deaths around 2%, mostly with a one or more commodities, from which they would have succumbed to without the aide of COVID.

"Thousands of new cases of COVID are being reported every day!" Well, a positive test does not mean a person is feeling ill or dying. There are a considerable number of false positives, and if thousands of people are testing positive every day, than that means thousand of people a day are entering the category of those with antibodies.

This is what they want, a larger group of those with antibodies. What they don't want, is for them to go the natural route. They lose way too much money if they get their antibodies naturally without taking the vaccine.

"The virus is mutating, and is more contagious!" Good. A mutated virus is more contagious but not as deadly. Since the original COVID was weak to start with, the mutations will be weaker still, and being more contagious means that we will be able to get past this virus thing even sooner.

They want to push the fear, because it so effective. It is the easiest tool for manipulation. No one can make bigger and scarier monsters, than those we make in our own heads.

Now, why the hoopla then?

Because it has never been about the virus. It has always been about the control. They want you so afraid that are willing to surrender all your rights and freedoms, and lay your children before the new idol of Moloch.

Taking off your shoes at the airport, and throwing your personal items in the trash, if they deem them a threat, before allowing you to fly, was just one baby step.

If we allow this next phase to push through, there is no turning back from our existence on what will become a prison planet.

posted on Jul, 23 2021 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol
Is it just the UK that has this problem of food shortages?. Maybe Covid is just a UK problem?.

More a transportation problem than actual lack of food.
Ping says no so drivers stay home.

At a guess, there may be issues with imported food from the EU which may be simply a case of red tape or the EU deliberately being awkward.
There's also the Irish border to consider but I've no idea how much comes to us by that route, maybe someone else can elaborate on that.

Never underestimate the underhandedness of our media. Every single tiny bit of bad news they can find will be exaggerated to armageddon proportions and, if possible, attributed to the covid.

There is only covid is is everything... and serves a million purposes for our abusers.

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