Recent times have had all of us, at some point or another, pondering the great mysteries of life, the injustices & the lies of those who are deceiving
us at the current time regarding this social engineering project *ahem* 'pandemic', etc. I've been a long-time believer in certain religious
principles which I won't go into here, but throughout my time as a believer I've researched & contemplated frequently, almost constantly, regarding
the matter of PURPOSE, and what it's all for, what it means to be a human contributing positively to the development of the human race. We all feel
lost & lonely at certain times in our lives, no matter the sort of life we've managed to construct for ourselves, and a part of the Human Condition is
that we often wonder if it's all worth it, all the stress, the pain, the suffering that goes along with everything we try to do. I want to share a
simple reflection that I hope you will take to heart as a means of continual motivation, in the face of any circumstances whatsoever, whatever the
world throws at you.
Our lives, and the lives of all others, see us engaged in a set of key struggles, which all of our endeavours basically reduce down to, when you look
at the base principles involved. We spend our time fitfully or consistently working to produce results which drive outcomes that are then measured
against the yardstick of these key struggles, and how well we have responded to them, as we find our purpose in the work that we do. The sad thing
is, many people get lost in the most imminent struggle of whether it is all worth it, and unfortunately people can come to the conclusion that
striving to generate outcomes which seem fundamentally purposeful & worthwhile simply isn't worth it, because for whatever reason it has proven too
hard to make a consistent go of things - and whether these people have simply given up because they prefer self-gratification of one sort or another,
or whether they have fallen by the wayside due to some sort of tragedy or trauma in their lives, it's a travesty that the simple & fundamental
struggles which, when we respond to them appropriately, actually do give meaningful purpose to our lives, have not been
codified in a way that
literally everyone can then draw understanding from them & apply to their own circumstances, for their eventual betterment & satisfaction.
When it comes to the purpose of life, what gives meaning, the one most fundamental principle which can cause people to abandon the pursuit of the
struggle, is the matter of temporality. TIME. When you look at it objectively, absolutely nothing that we achieve or build will ever last forever -
every empire rises & falls, kingdoms are sacked, libraries burn, rust & mould destroy & our achievements ultimately turn to dust. "From dust you
came, and to dust you shall return". Even our memory, our names, are lost to the tides of history, posterity remembers us for no more than a few
generations - only a miniscule percentage are remembered on a longer timeline, and they themselves gain little from that fact, one might consider. So
what exactly IS the point of it all - why are we here?
My friends, we can learn from our consciousness, from experiments devised, performed, and results that were obtained & analysed by Roger Penrose &
Stuart Hameroff, two incredible academics who have contributed greatly to the nascent study of the objective consciousness of human beings, in terms
of the abstract 'mechanics' of our thought processes, the 'how' of the way our thought processes operate. I will highly recommend their book,
'Shadows of the Mind', which is a tour de force of great inspirational value, incredibly interesting stuff.
One of the key observations made by the academic duo, was that our brains model our conceptions of reality & all calculations associated with our
reflective thought processes, in a manner which is quite astounding. Keeping it country simple, they note that when our brains are working on a
problem, we are generating what could be considered to be virtual holographic maps of computational relationships which extend in multiple dimensions
like sculptures of great complexity, with delicate interrelationships mapped out in ways that our forefront minds can barely comprehend when the
concept is explained to us - you have to read the book to get a proper grip on it. As each thought process comes to an end, these massively complex
multi-dimensional 'sculptures', or 'architecture' literally disassemble, though not without being mapped in part or in full to the memory storage
processors which represent another fundamentally complex aspect of brain/consciousness study, that of course being the fascinating powers of our long
& short-term memory.
I liken the building & disassembling of these wonderfully complex computational structures to castles of sand, made by children on the beach.. They
are built, with incredible expended effort to achieve their glory - before the tide comes in & washes them away, apparently lost forever, while other
processes take over the foreground of contemplation. Of course, as they were virtual holographs, the total detail of the entire sculpture is stored
forever in the incredible brain which we are blessed with, to be called up at a nanosecond's notice in the event that the data contained therein is
required to resolve a future conundrum. I think that the holograph representing each computational series is actually stored in a sort of fractal
virtual library, within a sort of infinite recursive n-space, not represented by biophysical units of storage at all.. The brain stores the
information as a projection into this space, within the framework of what might be termed an 'etheric double' of our biophysical template. The idea
that information regarding thought, identity & memory (etc) can be stored in this way, could lend credence to the suggestion that we have an 'astral
body', which is in fact composed of myriad layers of virtual units of information, a projection into a 'halfway dimension' which shares the base
template of the material universe, enabling projection between the material universe & other dimensions of reality, which is precisely the sort of
amalgam of real/vitual space apparently accessible in experiences described by practitioners of astral projection.
Following my research & personal experiences in these paranormal realms, it is my firm belief that the informational content of this complicated
virtual aspect of our tangible material bodies overall constitutes what we would consider our 'soul', and it is my equally firm belief that the
informational content of the soul, fed by the computational calculations of the material brain during our earthly lives, is NEVER lost, not even when
the material brain is damaged in life, by injury or by illness such as dementia. The informational content of our earlier lives, every single thing
that ever affected our minds & emotional experience of life, is stored & retrievable in our etheric double, which, when we die, is the part of us that
moves on into different dimensions & continues to experience all manner of sensory experiences - for real, this is why I am strongly of the opinion
that the afterlife is real. Our brain is a tool which we use to BUILD our soul over the course of our lifetime, the accumulation of our personality &
experience, a full life in retrieveable form.
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