posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:43 PM
When you work for NASA the problem is you have to tap dance between so many different agencies within it's own structure especially with the civilian
side verses the military side. Working there you have to always have to be put in a situation where you have to take sides and there is never happy
medium. If the US government would put the control in the hands of the civilians, more would be accomplished.
If someone truly reseached the facts, the civilian side of the project is what keeps it going, but with interference from D.C. alot of the best
scientist go out to other projects.
But the funding is also only what the government wants the public to see and a lot of facts of actual funding is not disclosed.
Ther is several companies working with agencies outside US on the space race. Do not be surprised when a country like China send a probe to Mars,
lands it, collects samples, and have the craft return to earth in the very near future. That project is 99% civilian operated.