posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 10:49 PM
Well, I'm not sure that I can say what will come in the next 100 years. Hell, just look at the last 100. This topic is here more for ideas. Many
people looked at the future, namely 2000, and thought we'd have hover-cars and completely automated lives (and we do, to an extent) but what I'd
really like to discuss is the media's influence on technology. Movies and the public have shaped what and when new technology comes about. There
are things that were beyond all technological possibilities and yet, because of Science Fiction and Science Fiction movies, they have gotten the
attention they deserved and were made possible. So this thread is for all of those amazing things that you've seen, read, or thought about that you
think could come about in the next century.
Something that I've always wanted to be able to do is stay underwater for an extended period of time without having to have a lot of equipment and,
in rare cases, being able to come to surface without decompression stops when diving deep enough. It seems as though this would make the sport of
scuba diving much easier for people to get into and would reduce the amount of class time needed in order to dive, thus making it a much more widely
supported activity. Anyway, that's just my first idea I suppose. Enjoy