+1 more
posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 12:38 PM
The famed Dutch crime reporter Peter R de Vries has died because of his wounds earlier today.
When the assassination attempt was breaking news a fellow ATS member started a thread
HERE. There you can read about what Peter and his misfortune that day is all
The entire country is somehow affected by what happened to this guy and is now grieving because of his passing. Not often is our primeminister
commenting on the passing of a reporter or a murder in general. But
HERE you can hear his
thoughts about the incident and Peter his death.
He was a good dude who went on investigating a case for the victims and their families even when in some cases the justice department gave up and
changed the status to a cold case.
To give an impression...in one case there was only a few months left before the crime passed its statute of limitations. Before that date passed he
managed to give the police information which lead to the arrest and conviction of the criminal.
Peter was threatened more than once in his life by criminals and got himself a tattoo which says... "On bended knee is no way to be free"
Great guy and will be missed by his family, friends and the people of The Netherlands.
RIP Peter.
edit on 15/7/2021 by zatara because: (no reason given)