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It's about the principle

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posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 10:34 PM
The left seems to believe that if they can convince people the Covid-19 vaccines are safe then everyone will eventually be vaccinated and all our problems will be solved. What they fail to understand is there's always going to be a very stubborn group of people who refuse to take the vaccine, and it isn't a negligible fraction of the population. It's probably not enough to prevent herd immunity, but it's enough to get people fired up and calling for authoritarian actions like mandatory vaccinations.

I'm seeing a lot of crazy conspiracies related to the Covid-19 vaccine, and that makes the pro-vaxxers even more angry and more dead set in their beliefs that these people are too dumb to make decisions on their own. I think it was Bill Burr who said something like "why would they kill off people who believe everything they say?". It's extremely unlikely that thousands of scientists all around the world conspired to make vaccines which were knowingly designed to harm people.

If anything, the vaccines would protect people from a much worse virus they plan to release in the future in order kill all the people who are less easily controlled. But that's still a pretty extreme conspiracy theory and I doubt it's true. The reality is that the Covid-19 vaccines probably do help lessen the symptoms of Covid-19 if you contract it, but the vaccines don't necessarily prevent the spread of Covid-19. So if you're worried about Covid-19 the vaccine probably isn't a bad idea.

Yes we've all seen the side effects which have been documented, but these rare adverse reactions most likely don't outweigh the advantages of the vaccine. Knowing all of this, I still stubbornly refuse to take the vaccine, because for me it's more about the principle than anything else. First of all I should point out I'm still fairly young and the statistics indicate my chances of dying from Covid-19 are very low so it's not like I have a death wish, I'm just standing by the principles I believe in.

What I witnessed throughout 2020 was an intense politicization of Covid-19 and intentional fear mongering which led to massive economic damage and mass suffering. In my eyes, the MSM and the political establishment exploited human life and the future of our planet all to gain back control of the United States from a man they viewed as a threat because he wasn't their puppet. If that weren't enough, they compounded this suffering by rioting and burning down cities.

I have a deep hatred for everything Covid-19 represents, for everything the masks represent, everything the jab represents. My entire life I have tried to live in freedom from oppression, to not live under the boot of other people who think they can control me. Now these control freaks think they can control every aspect of my life, and I am going to resist it every step of the way. My core beliefs are founded on the principles of individual liberty and free choice, I wont give that up easily.
edit on 14/7/2021 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 10:43 PM
People who get vaccinated with the mRNA vaccine can still get the bug and pass it on for about five or seven days. Within that time it can mutate, it is not just unvaccinated people that cause mutations. The vaccine is not good enough in my opinion. It is a good thing that this virus is so easy to decapacitate, that is one of the reasons so many people don't get more than a mild version of the virus.

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I think it was Bill Burr who said something like "why would they kill off people who believe everything they say?".

To increase the intelligence of humanity by eliminating the weak minded. It is all about eugenics.
edit on 7 14 2021 by beyondknowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 10:56 PM

I think it was Bill Burr who said something like "why would they kill off people who believe everything they say?". It's extremely unlikely that thousands of scientists all around the world conspired to make vaccines which were knowingly designed to harm people. If anything, the vaccines would protect people from a much worse virus they plan to release in the future in order kill all the people who are less easily controlled. But that's still a pretty extreme conspiracy theory and I doubt it's true
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Is it really that extreme of a conspiracy ?

Thousands of Scientist got together to make the Atom Bomb , full well knowing it could be our doom.

The witch trials of the 1400's was simply a gathering of thousands of men who agreed " these particular woman with particular qualities need to die. Is that really so different from what is being suggested here ?

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Well written, and for the most part I agree with one exception.

I am not optimistic that I will see things improve in my lifetime, regardless of what action or inaction I or others take now.

I'm also acutely aware of the major disrupters looming on the horizon, like robotics, AI, quantum technology, etc. These will have profound societal impacts. Some good and some bad. In as little as 10 years from now, the world will be nearly unrecognizable.

I point to all of this to say that under the best of circumstances, it's difficult to thread the needle. I think we can all agree these times are not the best of circumstances. So for these reasons, I worry.

Covid has put the world on a very specific course. I see instability nearly everywhere I look. Authoritarianism is alive and well...and most certainly on the rise.

I really do hope for the best... It's just I don't know if that's a reasonable or delusional perspective.

I guess we'll all find out together soon enough.

edit on 14-7-2021 by loam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 11:05 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

Is it really that extreme of a conspiracy ?

Thousands of Scientist got together to make the Atom Bomb , full well knowing it could be our doom.

I thought most of them didn't actually know what they were working on.

Top Secret Compartmentalization or whatever

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

You're right, it is about the principle.

Dear The Government,

I have a few questions to ask about the following issue that is entirely of your making.

Slightly more than a year ago you cancelled my right to any compensation should I be killed or injured in the taking of an entirely experimental injection.

This cancellation was done to the benefit of a private company with a demonstrable criminal record relating to the death and maiming of countless people in stunningly similar circumstances to the above.

Subsequent to that, you then started a psychological operation, using misrepresenting statements and completely omitting any factual data, in an attempt to pressure me into taking the said experimental injection even though my health profile does not put me in a significantly vulnerable category.

So to my question then, are you completely @##$% insane? Have you just capitulated to the corporate agenda because it makes your job easier? WTF did you think many of use were actually going to do, just go and get the injection because you said so? Are you on any psychotropic drugs, because it certainly appears that you are?

I look forward to your response

Kind Regards

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I think it was Bill Burr who said something like "why would they kill off people who believe everything they say?".

To increase the intelligence of humanity by eliminating the weak minded. It is all about eugenics.

Except that the vaccine religion will have exactly the opposite effect, protecting the weak minded....

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder

If anything, the vaccines would protect people from a much worse virus they plan to release in the future in order kill all the people who are less easily controlled. But that's still a pretty extreme conspiracy theory and I doubt it's true.
If that were true, then it wouldn't make sense for them to keep continuing to try and persuade those who are 'less easily controlled'.

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder

I have a deep hatred for everything Covid-19 represents, for everything the masks represent, everything the jab represents. My entire life I have tried to live in freedom from oppression, to not live under the boot of other people who think they can control me. Now these control freaks think they can control every aspect of my life, and I am going to resist it every step of the way. My core beliefs are founded on the principles of individual liberty and free choice, I wont give that up easily.
I wouldn't say that's the main reason why I have no desire to be vaccinated, but that is at least part of the reason for me also. I'm just a stubborn ass who doesn't like people telling me what to do.

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 11:39 PM
I am amused that you believe that you need to vacinate a certain percentage of the population to ensure herd immunity. Herd immunity will occur whether people are vacinated or not. The reason why it hasn't already occurred is because of lockdowns.

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: loam

I'm also acutely aware of the major disrupters looming on the horizon, like robotics, AI, quantum technology, etc. These will have profound societal impacts. Some good and some bad. In as little as 10 years from now, the world will be nearly unrecognizable.

I don't know about quantum computers but AI will certainly be a big issue within a decade. It kind of worries me how close we are to having machines which are smarter than humans.

Covid has put the world on a very specific course. I see instability nearly everywhere I look. Authoritarianism is alive and well...and most certainly on the rise.

That's why it's important to resist it every step of the way. I for one refuse to submit to this "for the greater good" communal mind set overtaking our world and stripping us of freedom.

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: glend

I didn't say you need the vaccine to achieve herd immunity. I wrote a post just the other day stating that herd immunity is easily achievable when you combine the natural immunity of those who've already had Covid-19 with the immunity provided by the vaccine. Of course you can still achieve herd immunity without a vaccine, and I also wrote a thread several months ago about how prolonged lockdowns only prolong the suffering by slowing herd immunity.

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 12:16 AM

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: beyondknowledge
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I think it was Bill Burr who said something like "why would they kill off people who believe everything they say?".

To increase the intelligence of humanity by eliminating the weak minded. It is all about eugenics.

Except that the vaccine religion will have exactly the opposite effect, protecting the weak minded....

Well, it is like they say in one of those videos that are a little long in the beginning, "Wait for it, wait for it."

No one has any idea what effect the 'vaccine' will have in a year or ten form now.

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 12:20 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I've said many times, I don't know which is more disturbing:

1. That there really is a massive conspiracy to undo humanity.
2. That they really are just that damned stupid and hubristic.

I suspect that it's some twisted blend of the two.

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 12:22 AM
Then there's this from another recent thread ...

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 01:08 AM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: beyondknowledge
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I think it was Bill Burr who said something like "why would they kill off people who believe everything they say?".

To increase the intelligence of humanity by eliminating the weak minded. It is all about eugenics.

Except that the vaccine religion will have exactly the opposite effect, protecting the weak minded....

Well, it is like they say in one of those videos that are a little long in the beginning, "Wait for it, wait for it."

No one has any idea what effect the 'vaccine' will have in a year or ten form now.

Don't have to wait that long - already turning into dystopia...

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

My apologies, ChaoticOrder

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 05:25 PM
Well, we are told there are too many people, not enough ressources and that people over-consume.

We are told it is going to get worse.

You plan on making a new society, but you consider most people are just sheeple, not really bringing any substance to humanity.

Will you need blind sheeple, or thinking people to do it?

If you choose the former, you will risk repeating the same patterns and be back to square one.
With the later, you can explain a sound and sophisticated plan where "survivors" now have more ressources and following a new way of life, and UNDERSTANDING WHY you need to follow it, your chances of success are on the upside.

As a plus, you probably have lowered the genetic chances of seeing "sheeples" being reintroduced en masse in the genetic pool while increasing the more brainy ones to reproduce amongst themselves.

I think the Jacques Attali quote a bit above my post relate to this kind of thinking in the elite world.

When you build a company, you want the best people to do the various jobs, the same would apply for a new society.

Personally, I think this could have been achieved if a hundred or so years ago it would have been brought to the people through education and a real inspiring societal goal, instead of taking all that time to cause so much misery in the end.

And for me, it is also a principle to not take the medical experiment, only pushed for for capitalistic, political and idealogical reasons.

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

The topic thread is Diseases and Pandemics.

You started with "The left..."

Wouldn't this be best under a political topic header?

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

" there's always going to be a very stubborn group of people who refuse to take the vaccine."

Yeah , you know , the Kind of People that are Very Capable of Thinking for themselves , and can Clearly See Deceptions ALL AROUND Them . They Will Eventually be the Survivors in the Near Future AFTER the Rest of the Useless Eaters Literally " Drink The Cool Aid " and Pass On.........Evolution has a Point .
edit on 15-7-2021 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

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