posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 08:48 PM
The third bulb was key.
The first one takes the shakes away. And the sweats. The second one kills the “dead beat” feeling and releases those earthly cares like what
society thinks of a junky.
The third bulb sets up the rest of the day. If you smoke it too soon, then you go on a quick nod leading to full on sleep (which is a waste of money
as they charge by the hour and four hours is a huge amount of money to a junky).
If you wait too long, you waste the second bulb’s effect. And usually, end up in a pit of paranoia and bitterness typically resulting in violence on
your part and incarceration. “Just another junky…” the cop mutters.
Trash, bodies, burnt tinfoil, glassine packets, and the red eyed stares from millions of miles away from the walking dead because that is where all
junkies end up if they don’t stop using.
Back in the day, they called it “chasing the dragon.” One starts off on innocent enough by sprinkling some powder on the ditch weed to get an
extra kick. Then you stop using weed and burn the stuff on tinfoil straight up, swearing to Jesus that you would never use a needle and shoot junk in
your veins. The first neck vein shot shows you that you are not in control but you have a habit to feed and can’t be bothered with those details.
Now a days, it is called “The Den Delerium”, and since the aliens landed, their refined junk has gone from a curiosity party drug to smack’s
Some think that the CIA had something to do with the drug’s introduction. Some blame the inability of human beings to have impulse control. Others
blame the aliens. Others the Devil.
Drop in. Turn on. The Den Delerium is Open!
* end *