posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 08:31 PM
Originally posted by junglejake
And I'm sure she was totally unbiased. I suppose when Rush Limbaugh, or even Newt Gingrich said that Clinton was bombing Iraq at the same time the
dress came out to the public to distract people from it, you believed everything that came out of their mouths, too? Newt did, after all, resign...
The key points of the above are:
"The former deputy legal adviser to the UK Foreign Office..." ie a senior professional international lawyer said the war was illegal - contrary to
other 'official' opinions at the time - I happen to think the legal basis for invading another country is quite important.
"Elizabeth Wilmshurst made the claim before war in her resignation letter" - I E she resigned on principle, to make the point that some professional
lawyers disagreed with the official line that the war was just.
Her letter has just come to light - hence the post
"Clinton was bombing Iraq at the same time the dress came out to the public to distract people from it" - I'm assuming you mean Clinton bombed Iraq
to deflect criticism at home?
Well yes he did - It clearly didn't work but it was/is standard SOP for Clinton, Reagan, Bush etc etc.