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The Three Countries That Rejected The Vaccines, Their Leaders Are Now Dead!

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posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: shaemac

Early in 2020, most of the retail workers I knew were able to get positive covid-19 test results, in order to receive the $900 a week federal unemployment benefit for 8 months.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: shaemac

Early in 2020, most of the retail workers I knew were able to get positive covid-19 test results, in order to receive the $900 a week federal unemployment benefit for 8 months.

Americans are lazy opportunist creeps because they were coached on those values by lazy opportunist corporate leadership and political talking heads who criticize lazy opportunism with one hand on their Twitter account and the other hand gesturing impatiently to keep the donations coming so they can afford both the fundraising dinner parties and the 800 foot yacht they keep parked a half mile away from their vacation home.

The nuts don't fall far from the oak.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

We use the term incorrectly so much that it has lost its meaning but this was an actual "INSURRECTION".

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:21 PM
wow this is crazy NWO is real!!!

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: carewemust

"The rich get richer" -Bender

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: Dutchowl

Just like Amy Schumer's "INSURRECTION". Do they belong in jail? Yes. That's not how things are done.

I like how all of the videos of Amy, and her feminist friends have been wiped from YouTube. They did the same thing except they didn't have guns.
edit on 12-7-2021 by Rekrul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

Not gonna lie, that's one helluva coinkydink.

Will be interesting to see if/how this unravels.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 10:46 PM
Yesterday on the news some bloke (specialist or whatever) that the whole state New South Wales must stay at home. But footy teams can leave the state with family to our state Queensland. He also said yesterday that the virus is coming for you, for your Parents and also our children was coming , to your home, your neighborhood and ( in about 5 locations and he named them specifically) you must not go outside because the virus will attack you.. So the virus now has Google maps and will find you. And it is now attacking younger age groups. So far 1 death (90 yr old lady) 16 in hospital, 4 of which are on ventilator. Yesterday me n me mate asked Google home what the averaged life expectancy is in the US and apparently it went from 86 2 year ago and now 88 or there abouts. It's a freekin shyte show.
I just finished my first aid class and we were all wearing masks and social distanced but 2 hrs in I started feeling shabby like strangely tired and a bit wobbly in the head I soon realized I was suffering from CO 2 exposure.
Edit due to dumbass spell check

a reply to: AbrasivePersian

edit on 12-7-2021 by imdfreek because: Edit due to spelling and grammatical errors

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 02:02 AM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
Everyone on ATS likes a good conspiracy and this in one for sure.

In Burundi it was President Pierre Nkurunziza

In Tanzania, it was President John Magufuli

In Haiti, it was President Jovenel Moïse

Picture Of Events
Did you factor in the economic devastation of those three poor and unstable countries have went through in this pandemic ?
So with that being sad .. even though its 3 dead leaders from broken countries , and seams like a rub out ?
I don’t believe that at all , but what I do believe is that those 3 countries are always unstable, and the % of three leaders from poor black countries getting killed is not that uncommon, especially during this covid era . If you thought suffering through covid in the West sucked ?? Imagine the turmoil in 2nd & 3rd world countries ?

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 06:06 PM
Did you take the vaccine ? It prob is a stroke ! If not your sensing BS and corruption my friend .. 😂😂. a reply to: DBCowboy

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 02:31 AM

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posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 02:32 AM

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posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 09:29 AM

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posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 03:27 AM

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posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 08:01 PM
Ironically?... "National leaders" that were trying to back their national currencies with some sort of "gold standard" and value? Are also dead.

Pres. J.F.K would be one "local" I could name. He actually printed U.S. Treasury Dollar's to equal and contend with "Federal Reserve" notes.
Yes. There's a difference.

posted on Jul, 20 2021 @ 04:58 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
TPTB are NOT screwing around !!!!

They mean business 🔍😃🔎

A good and devout man arranges in his mind the things he has to do, not
according to the whims of evil inclination but according to the dictates of right reason.
Who is forced to struggle more than he who tries to master himself? This ought to be
our purpose, then: to conquer self, to become stronger each day, to advance in virtue.
A good and devout man arranges in his mind the things he has to do, not
according to the whims of evil inclination but according to the dictates of right reason.
Who is forced to struggle more than he who tries to master himself? This ought to be
our purpose, then: to conquer self, to become stronger each day, to advance in virtue.

posted on Aug, 6 2021 @ 06:02 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


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