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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 05:27 AM
MV Asphalt Princess now secure, boat invaders have departed the vessel.


posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: crankyoldman

We already knew it was all a lie the very day it happened. The votes started getting counted, the "Storming of the Capital" event happens, the counting of the vote continued. What changed?

Well the narrative didn't change, but the plot did. In the first counting of the vote, many states were challenging the election due to irregularities or due to on going disputes, after the event those states kept their mouths shut. The "Insurrection" was successful in that the Trotskyists overthrew the US elections, and used the manufactured chaos to shut down any opposition.

The Lie is the Narrative.

Exactly. I remember Arizona being the first state to reject their electors. Literally 10 minutes later, the great insurrection began.

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

edit on R20212021kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago8 by RookQueen because: NVM

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: RookQueen

Did you even watch the video? I am thinking outside of the U.S. This is a world matter. Most people understand that how the US responds is of importance because the US has been the worlds "defender" for so long. If you will notice I comment on and ask questions of people from all over the world on here. I really don't need your critiquing of anything I post. Why is it that you just can't scroll on by if you are not interested in something that gets posted that you have no appreciation for? You might want to take note that this isn't telegram, facebook, twitter, etc. It is a discussion forum and there is a thread called The Mud Pit for those who want to pick fights and argue.

UMMMM ....


edit on 842021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: guidedbyblake

Did you even watch the video? I am thinking outside of the U.S. This is a world matter. Most people understand that how the US responds is of importance because the US has been the worlds "defender" for so long. If you will notice I comment on and ask questions of people from all over the world on here. I really don't need your critiquing of anything I post. Why is it that you just can't scroll on by if you are not interested in something that gets posted that you have no appreciation for? You might want to take note that this isn't telegram, facebook, twitter, etc. It is a discussion forum and there is a thread called The Mud Pit for those who want to pick fights and argue.

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder
I got it to the right person. lol. Would you PM me?

edit on R20212021kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago8 by RookQueen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 09:12 AM
Jack Posobiec says his WH insider tells him that the White House is planning a 'solemn' speech announcing a COVID lockdown.

WH official this am: “B lockdown speech being drawn up this week…they’re planning to make it sound like one of the most solemn in history, real Bush on the night of 9/11 type stuff. Would start stocking up if I were y’all”


posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
Jack Posobiec says his WH insider tells him that the White House is planning a 'solemn' speech announcing a COVID lockdown.

WH official this am: “B lockdown speech being drawn up this week…they’re planning to make it sound like one of the most solemn in history, real Bush on the night of 9/11 type stuff. Would start stocking up if I were y’all”


Sen. Rand Paul: Mask mandates and lockdowns from petty tyrants? No, not again. Choose freedom

They can’t arrest us all. They can’t keep all your kids home from school. They can’t keep every government building closed – although I’ve got a long list of ones they should.

We don’t have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and feckless bureaucrats. We can simply say no, not again.....

TikTok - Utopia

edit on 842021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)



China seals city as its worst virus outbreak in a year grows

Now, the country is on high alert as an outbreak of cases connected to the international airport in the eastern city of Nanjing touched at least 17 provinces.

edit on 842021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: carewemust

It was either go forward with it or get tarred and feathered as a racist insurrectionist stripped of all duties or committee's.

I do recall though, may be wrong, that anyone pushing forward would have been stripped out of all committees they are in or run.

It's a huge Catch-22 - He goes forward and all we here is how it's all false and made up, how TRUMP IS STEALING THE ELECTION AND IS A DICTATOR by making Cruz do this!!!

It's crazy to think that wanting elections to be fair and safe and have the public have faith in that is being labeled as racist thinking...

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 09:55 AM
Ken Burns calling for Mark Zuckerberg Arrest

He should make a documentary about that him and his shenanigans

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder
A number of replies on Jack's Twitter post reference this guy Etienne de la Boettie and his 'Discourse on Voluntary Servitude'.

In its entirety: Liberty Fund

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 10:16 AM
"Houston we have had a problem here."
Remember awhile ago there was discussion about the Oxitech' controversial genetically modified mosquitos being released in the Florida Keys.
Our most trusted CDC and EPA gave the green light to launch on May 21st.
This is all about the blood and malaria and we really do have a problem since this has been approved by the EPA as an experimental program. Where have we heard that before? Vaccines?

The CDC has been very, very busy. It must be hard to fight so many battles on so many fronts.
They started surveillance of Malaria in 2011 and they must be very pleased with the results since the number of cases of Malaria have been steadily increasing. In fact in 2016 there were 2078 cases.

As we recall to launch malaria infected people are bitten by a mosquito and that establishes a cycle as Africa has shown us.

It all starts with Africa.
The problem they had was the most common mosquito does not carry malaria here but maybe with some genetic tinkering that can be fixed.

But we really need to turbo charge this because we need it now, like in right now as the current narrative is struggling.

I really am amazed because their army are the Immigrants crossing the border. They are deliberately taking them from the border and dispersing them throughout the U.S. because there may be many who are carrying the malaria virus. Think, naw, that is too wild.

Investigators examined the latest outbreak in Palm Beach County, Florida in 2003 and found that it was the result of Mexican Migrant Workers. The CDC had those results.

The CDC has identified Florida as being very vulnerable because it has the ideal environment humidity and heat. Texas has also been approved for the genetically modified mosquitoes.

The CDC, being as thorough as they are, have even established a new name, Airport mosquitoes and have identified the two best gateways in the country Colorado and Pennsylvania.
And for the symbolism the launch was in NEW HAVEN. I kid you not.

They even did testing ahead to make certain they do a good deployment starting with the Caymen Islands, so self contained and then headed to Brazil where Malaria is present. No doubt they will say it is for Zika and some other disease but the NIH and the CDC have more than displayed that there actions and intentions are not for the good of the people.

Can you imagine the impact of Malaria here along with people becoming ill from the jabs?
And to think that the CDC had the forethought to establish a data base and reporting system.
Isn't it something when the plan comes together.
We all need Ivermectin and that is why there is an Ivermectin Day!>news>article First Genetically Modified Mosquito Released In The United...
https:??>isc>data sheet>articles>PMC7808401>mosquitoes>community>sit...

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 10:41 AM

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Justoneman

Thats what I was thinking too but as Im sure you read, they were coming at me from all sides. What about whiplash? and Ingersoll?

I am hopeful but we still need those orange jumpsuits proving some action that leads to a fair trial will happen to these evil people. If not, then vigilantes will rule the day.

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

I'll pass

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 11:26 AM

One of the central events of the French Revolution was to abolish feudalism, and the old rules, taxes and privileges left over from the age of feudalism. The National Constituent Assembly, acting on the night of 4 August 1789, announced, "The National Assembly abolishes the feudal system entirely." It abolished both the seigneurial rights of the Second Estate (the nobility) and the tithes gathered by the First Estate (the Catholic clergy). The old judicial system, founded on the 13 regional parlements, was suspended in November 1789, and finally abolished in 1790.
Abolition of feudalism in France (wiki)

Now it seems they are attempting to install a Technocratic-neo-feudalism model.

This is getting scary....bonus at end.

Obviously we are in a planscamdemic chess board of fear, authoritarianism, and hypocrisy hitting 10+.

We can opt out anytime.

It’s a choice.

Why I Don't Get Worked Up About Joe Biden. Bad things happen all the time. There's a secret you need to know if you want to move forward when you become a son or daughter of God. | Phil Robertson

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel

originally posted by: guidedbyblake
a reply to: PillarOfFire

Pillar, man, you keep trying to push this flat earth stuff, like it's got anything to do with Ku !

Yeah, course it has. These top Ku heads don't even look at it, funny (not).

Not a “top Ku head”, lol probably pulling up the rear, but I looked and have looked at the subject and it’s not conclusive that Earth is a globe, IMO. It’s related because it’s another example of how reality and history have been purposely manipulated ! We only have so much time to discuss things within this thread, but certainly some great ATS threads on the subject and worthy of consideration.

Anyone else ever wonder why of all the “ Master’s “ Jeannie could have had on “ I dream of Jeannie “ her’s was a NASA astronaut ?

And he had a hard time suppressing her (the "genie") and putting her back in the bottle. Great symbolism, once again.

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 11:46 AM
← a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

But But for 10 dollars

Amazon will give you $10 if you let it scan your palm print

Normally, shoppers at Amazon's cashierless stores have to scan a barcode from their phone, but if they've already scanned their palm print, and linked it with a credit card, they can just scan their hand to pay.

Another HARD Pass ....

edit on 842021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: loveguy
I've got my own ideas of paradise, so don't want to interfere with others by insisting my idea is better than theirs.

Whatever your own ideas are of paradise... I hope that you bring them to light. Your ideas might help plant seeds in others who share your vision. Anyone who doesn't share your vision has the freedom to create their own. We have the power to draw the infinite into our finite reality and expand it to match the boundaries of our imagination. There is room for all our dreams and right now the dreamers need to dream big

My condolences to you for the loss of your friend

posted on Aug, 4 2021 @ 11:56 AM
Your Rona headlines for the day.

renOgade's crew have given up their "let them effing cake party." Odd they didn't see the backlash, or is it due to Joe planning a delta lockdown?

Remember when Joe whined on teeeveee that DJT wouldn't take his call to help???

edit on 4-8-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

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