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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: GAPeach3

Is there anyway that it could wear off or maybe there is some way of reversing what was done?

Nope. It's not like alcohol or a pleasure drug. See

Keep in mind this is only from one doctor and would say if no ill side effects 7-10 days after jab you're probably fine. But, nobody knows what adverse effects may arise in the years following nor fertility rates.

Some say the stage is being set for a mass infertility event, and covid will be blamed in place of the experimental vaccines. This is why the establishment needs a 100% vaccination rate; unvaccinated people would stand as evidence of their crime. They could simply blame mass health disorders on covid itself, or some other false conspiracy culprit.

If the vaccines are a Trojan horse that causes widespread illness down the road or infertility, and the globalists get caught because a control group exists (a group of subjects that act as a pure sample untouched by a drug or vaccine experiment), then it will/may mean outright rebellion. Their “Great Reset” will fall apart.

Personally for now I would not worry about it too much otherwise you might manifest your own illnesses out of anxiety & fear, which is their primary propaganda tool for control.

BTW, about half of my family has received the jab months ago and none have reported any adverse effects so far.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow



posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: cimmerius
The one with the gun in that ladies mouth is BIZZARE! I don't know any pro gun people that would do that It's messed up in several ways, d**n. I think joe was always a perve but dementia is making him lose control of it. The way he publicly touches women has not been acceptable in 30+ years since victims started to complain and sexual harassment has been brought out to the public eye. There is no way his behavior is normal it amazes me that he has gotten away with it for so long.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: Caledbwlch

So, a second-order photoshop.


posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 01:16 PM
Cuomo. Of note is that Sorosian Bot James said she's nail DJT last year, but seems to have turned on her master.

Fredo is being dragged into it, CNN Ministry Of Truth. I smell a rat, they will sacrifice their own, even the brothers, to avoid AZ and beyond. Cuomo is now a distraction. Watch for it to escalate. Do not feed it.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Good point and sage advice. Eyes on audit.


posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Please, Please let this happen tomorrow. The world needs an indictment so badly!

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 01:55 PM
It is a personal quirk of mine, I hate to point out "problems" or "issues" without providing at least some possible remedy or solution. I myself have not spent anytime with or around the jabbed, mostly on purpose, so I cannot speak to validity of each of these even though I have used most or all for different reasons. That said, many folks are on the case.

Spanish Researchers who brought the Graphene issue up front have some ideas.

Here is a chart. Bigger

Key takeaways are things like Carbon and zeolite to absorb. Glutathione and C to heal and cure. I'd add deep measured breathing, oxygenate. Invermectin seems a plus, MMS (chlorine Dioxide = HCQ) and my favorite turpentine (look it up).

I'll add a few things folks might not know about. Good for lots of things.

Frequency Heals using Rife preset frequencies, note there are sets for blot clots. Seems the clot issue is micro clots, so these can help as preemptive. Youtube version Links will link to more information on how to use etc.
These are unusual, complex sets, the creator has many fans sapien med

Now none this will do it alone. This bioweapon and the mind control effort to force people to take it is spiritual in nature. It is NOT a body thing. Getting caught up in the body thing is not a good idea. How do I know? Well, for one look at the global trillion dollar 24/7/365 effort to convince people to take what which they would not otherwise take. They aren't doing that with fruit and veg, water, oxygen or even the treatments available for fake Rona. Spiritual.

I wondered how to put something concise. Don't take these as gospel, just a nice way to see where one falls on the spectrum of vibration.

Seeing where one fits, honestly, can be helpful to seeing what solutions to the problems we are facing are available. For example, if one still flies off the handle at every little slight then they might not be where they think they are. If one sinks into fear based reactivity at a teeeveee report (stop effing watching it!) or a headline, then they might not be where they want to be.

Meditation (how ever you like, I know folks who get deep meditation while playing tennis) nature, laughing, sharing, assisting others for the joy of it, good food etc., are all helpful on their own but when combined are great uplifters of vibrations. Avoid conflicts about POV = pointless and bad. Avoid negatively oriented things and people as much as possible. Put the phone down.

Worth noting. Letting some obsessive thought or pattern linger for more then 30 seconds can be an issue, so stopping it when it arrises and replacing it with anything not that thought can be a blessing. This is especially important now. The MInd Control on this jab and The Rona is something I have never seen or experienced before, this is Dday times 1 trillion in terms of assault, trauma and beyond.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

I am very confident that we are capable of self governance. We've been conditioned to hand our power over to higher authority and we've gotten used to learning to trust and depend on sources outside of ourselves who we deem more intelligent and more capable of making decisions than we are. But we can look at our current situation and see exactly where blind trust as led us...

Now we must learn to take our power back. The trust we placed in authority we must bring back to ourselves. Which is why I believe that honing intuition is imperative to regaining the confidence we need in order to claim sovereignty. And that is the reason why I discourage censorship. Even of information that would be deemed as false. This ocean of disinfo that we are swimming in is a proving ground of sorts. The only way to build a highly attuned level of discernment is to practice discerning. Our opposition heavily censors data. They control the quality and quantity of what gets circulated. To combat censorship we should go the opposite route and allow information to flow freely. All of it. Even junk. Every one of us will have to learn the skills of mining data in search of what's valuable. We have to practice deciphering and deciding on our own what is true and what is false. In essence, we are all creating our own unique narratives rather than following a select few that have been whitewashed and handed down to us by the controllers. You are creating your version of reality and I'm creating mine. If we are ever to reach a collective consensus over a united version of our shared reality then that consensus must be reached organically through free will. Never again should we allow the narrative to be controlled, determined and manufactured by 'leaders' in a position of authority. Who in turn force it upon us through coercion and threat of punishment. No more leaders vs. followers. We are all collaborators, here
edit on 3-8-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I want to remove the evil by force. Does that make me 3D? If so, that's OK.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
That sounds so nice, doesn't it? We would have less stress and anxiety I would think. I am excited for things to come, very excited.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: UKWO1Phot
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Graphene is not Graphite (Which was used in pencils)>pages>graphene-graphite
Short version:
Graphite is made up of thousands of layers of Graphine.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 02:23 PM
Raise your hand if you're surprised...

How many times do we have to "rinse and repeat" before it becomes obvious that there are no political solutions? We are not going to vote (or litigate/sue) our way out of this.

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Worth noting. Letting some obsessive thought or pattern linger for more then 30 seconds can be an issue, so stopping it when it arrises and replacing it with anything not that thought can be a blessing. This is especially important now. The MInd Control on this jab and The Rona is something I have never seen or experienced before, this is Dday times 1 trillion in terms of assault, trauma and beyond.

I'll usually just stop and say a prayer.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: ZoraD1994
Apologies if already discussed but anyone following this?

I In just a few hours, I will be releasing a short video that every citizen of our beautiful country should watch.

As soon as the video drops, take a minute to watch it, then turn around and spread it across every platform and every crevice of the internet.

Big tech and the lying press will be working overtime to censor this video.

It will be censored.
It must be seen!!

We will be utilizing overwhelming numbers to spread the video far and wide so every citizen has a chance to see it.

Before spreading the video, consider adding a watermark of your own, flipping the video, mirroring it, adding to it, removing from it... anything to make each copy of the video slightly unique so the censors have a harder time censorsing the video.

Help each other spread the video to the far reaching corners of the Earth.

Spread the video - your life depends on it.
Spread the video - our country depends on it.
Spread the video - the world depends on it.

Why do they keep doing this? This video will change absolutely ZERO minds. When will ACTUAL ARRESTS happen? I’m getting sick of this show.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 02:57 PM
I don't know if the Barola Chapel, in Piedmont has been discussed but interesting that it links back to Charles Saatchi, the notartful collector.
This is a place well worth exploring because the similarities to the EPSTEIN chapel is more than coincidental.

They must have really had to hunt down that particular chapel because it had to be one that had never been worshipped in and had been deconsecrated. I think we can be really safe in assuming these are not the good guys.
The place was in ruins because, well no one felt good about it, especially when we play the name game.
Capella delle SS Madonnas of Grace.
Capella means GOAT. And what is the favorite term right now? GOAT-Greatest of All Time.
And of course all the associated merchandise which has made me wonder about all of the goat calendars, goats in trees ect. Remember he was in advertising.

The first piece of art that the aspiring art collector bought was by Sol LeWitt< The wit of the group in what is the name game.

And guess who was commissioned to paint it?
The biggest problem they had was that it was on land owned by the Brunate vinyard.

Enter the Ceretto Family.
They bought 14 acres of land which just happened to have the chapel and they commissioned the favored son to make it similar to the Epstein shrine/notshrine.

Their need for symbolism is just connecting them to each other, all of their work, all of the locations.

Now this all circles back to Graphite.

Remember the evil guy Saatchi who just happened to buy up an entire collection of Robert Mangold's Work. Robert Mangold was renown for using Graphite in his paintings. They make a big deal of this.
The need to tell us so the game is fair in their eyes.
He named his different collections and there is one called Hyperallergic. What are we in for?>mangold-robert>robert-mangold-a-survey-19>Home>Visit Langhe>Attractions

"Having a show is really about sharing a group of ideas with other individuals" from the horses mouth. Just saying.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Okay, I had to log in to say this:

I work with a girl from Bhurma. Her brother died from Covid a week ago Sunday. She claimed everybody over there that's dying or getting severely sick have blood type A. I haven't looked into it yet(death in the family...short on time). She isn't the conspiracy type and she got the jab because she's terrified.

This is getting quite interesting.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 03:19 PM
Rel when you come on could you please tell me if we have ever considered the Pena National Palace in Sintra Portugal. [I know sin]
It has a red clock tower. The Portuguese meaning for Sintra is bright star or sun. Ra god of sun, earth and the underworld.
Just wondering if there is some connection.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: nikkib0421
That might be a coincidence. Our family has several different blood types. I am an A and I have had to care for family members [not A] getting sick with it. Direct repeated exposure.
Remember they want to divide us every which way they can and they will manipulate the narrative.
I am sorry with what you are going through.

posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 03:33 PM
I would wager they are A- or for those non A, still -

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: nikkib0421
That might be a coincidence. Our family has several different blood types. I am an A and I have had to care for family members [not A] getting sick with it. Direct repeated exposure.
Remember they want to divide us every which way they can and they will manipulate the narrative.
I am sorry with what you are going through.

edit on CpmTuesdayAmerica/Chicago03b2Tuesday2021-08-03T15:41:37-05:0003 by Caledbwlch because: (no reason given)

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