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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder
I see we are all channeling again. How very odd. I guess we are stronger together and weaker divided.
Here's another one.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
a reply to: IAMTAT

If ivermectin was used to stop the virus, they'd destroy a whole industry (and the current FEAR control).. These people? Are SICK .. this isn't just some game
I bet ivermectin can't stop what the jab is introducing ...

Notice how it stopped being a respiratory ailment?

Notice how it is now just the "virus" without any symptoms?

The virus tells you something it is wrong in the body, or collective. It is quite literally the messenger.

Shoot the messenger.

Invermectin deals with many, not all, but many of the issues the messenger is pointing to. Of course there are a gazillion other treatments too. This is mind control at it's finest. Stop listening to the body and it's messengers and listen to the PCT test for life, as it knows what is best.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: carewemust
I have no doubt that "insurrection" was planned to shut us down. To stop what they knew would be coming. The protest that took place is justified in my opinion, the planned "insurrection" where they had one of their own shoot a woman is on their shoulders.

"Karma" had one of theirs taken (a Capitol Police officer) by murder, the very next month.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 12:11 PM
This is soooooo revealing, on soooooo many levels. CLIP

Something worth noting on these two spoks idiots the diversity hire and circle back jen. Under DJT the press were animals, under these two drones the are sheep. Even Emerald cannot break the mind control these two Clone-bots put out. They are very very good. The hand movements are akin to phasers, the head tilt akin to poison, the shifting of the body is disrupting thought etc. When she appears emotionally pained, she is sending a signal to "stop hurting her" which causes Emerald to back off slightly, what looks like befuddlement is a tactic. They are good.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 12:15 PM
Devolution at play ?

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 12:31 PM
Background... Link


Our rating: Altered
Based on our research, a viral video purporting to show Biden scaring little kids is ALTERED. The video shows two unrelated videos from a 2019 Biden campaign event and a 2018 daycare center spliced together. Biden was not present at the daycare center when the video of screaming children was recorded.

There is a whole lot of galactic irony in this Joe scares kid thing being fact checked.

Disclaimer: No human was involved in the fact check. AI algos falling apart under stress, algos need safe spaces.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: BlissSeeker

I wholly doubt Simone Biles has an STD and can't perform - that is a really nasty thing to say about someone who has dedicated their young life to sport - AND it is highly unlikely an STD would prevent her from participating, it would take almost two weeks for a full on infection, until then discharge would be the only

Also she had the jab no? As an ex-gymnast (many years ago at competition level) watching her video, there is clearly a 'disconect' there between mind and body.
My two penny worth.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: PillarOfFire

I am watching the videos that this led to now. What was your take on this info?

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Background... Link


Our rating: Altered
Based on our research, a viral video purporting to show Biden scaring little kids is ALTERED. The video shows two unrelated videos from a 2019 Biden campaign event and a 2018 daycare center spliced together. Biden was not present at the daycare center when the video of screaming children was recorded.

There is a whole lot of galactic irony in this Joe scares kid thing being fact checked.

Disclaimer: No human was involved in the fact check. AI algos falling apart under stress, algos need safe spaces.

Almost Famous now!

Make sure you frame a copy.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 01:07 PM
It’s that 1 super-spreading unvaccinated dude walking around touching all the doorknobs.🤪

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 01:45 PM
Remember I said eons ago the jab is only ONE part of the effort and its attack will be done long after direct cause and effect can be established. When people start becoming very ill the connection to the jab will be easily dismissed.

The virus was the excuse, it was never, ever, ever the bioweapon, and jab isn't the end game either, as human consciousness/freewill is VERY complicated.

In this case it is "problem, reaction, solution" with the "solution" being the jab event that does not violate freewill. Take the jab out of fear or love of Joe Biden, matters not, one has chosen and freewill has NOT be violated.

CLIP extrapolating the animal testing to human injection will lead to a two year reveal time frame.

So, I can hear folks "but damn cranky, you and others post all this doom and gloom, why not leave it?"


If the informed collective can see ALL the deception then the informed collective can make HUGE changes and quickly. If the informed collective is stuck at the level of "ah, I ain't takin that..." then doom and gloom will arrive. Those in the awakened state must KEEP GOING, not drop back.

CLIP from 2020.

The majority of this is to get people to spend all their time arguing over "is it symptomatic or not" is it "viral load or not" is it "HCQ or not." This is folks arguing about the flower garden in front the house while the house is burning down.

This is mind control 101. Folks get the talking points from the machine and the machine says "ready, set, GO!" and we all start arguing just like it wants, over the same meaningless topics it provided, going round and round in circles just like it needs, resulting it what we see now. 1.5 years later STILL ARGUING THE SAME GD TALKING POINTS!!! As if NOW it will change things.

The informed consent folks have a HUGE responsibility now. See the deception, be the deception, transform the deception for all by representing the deeeeeeeeeeeeeper truth.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: BlissSeeker

I'll repeat the part where I say that:
" I will not say that it's true or not but the person that said this did say it before she dropped out of some of the competitions."

So if she found out that a person she messed around with as an STD, then it might be weighing on her mind and messing her up. I doubt that, but given that she's been pretty prepared for this, something is screwing her head up.

As for the China thing:
It's weird how people seem to be glazing over this. I'm glad you caught it.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

This place we inhabit isn't real. Its only light.
This explains more. But in essence, its all in your mind. Nothing outside of us exists. When you attach yourselves to it, you're connecting to it good bad makes no difference. Disconnect from it don't react to it, egregore thought forms want that.

This explains more, for now. Baby steps..

Egregore thought forms.

Think of that Movie "THE NINES The guy couldn't wake up because he was like a crack addict.

They've been telling us for ages. Posted this a couple of mths ago.
Ship in bottle. Star Trek.

edit on 31-7-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Back to AFRICA...It all starts there.
1. What we know to date is that under the APOC program Ivermectin and Azithromycin were deployed to the mass population to combat River Blindness and Elephantitis which are the result of parasites. It was found to be very effective. Good.

2. Then the thought was what if it could cure more diseases because just maybe there was clinical outpatient results in those countries that showed a significant decline in other illnesses? They couldn't do the clinical trial there because if that was the case the people were already treated. It's a science thing where one must have a good sample to work with.

3.Gazing out over the world the WHO eyes landed on the Solomon Islands and Choisel Province, two perfect locations, an island, a controlled population, not treated yet, and suffering from diseases that they were especially interested in. Those diseases involved Scabies and Impetigo and Trachoma [blindness]. The clinical trial was conducted and ***there was a significant, very significant decrease*** in all 3 within 3 months and that continued to be the case 12 months later. Impetigo decreased by 74% and Scabies decreased by 88% and studying the data the group most positively impacted were children under the age of 14.

4. But there was something else that came out of the study, oddly other diseases seemed to be impacted in a positive way.
They collected evidence from the outpatient clinics and this is the list:
***Acute Respiratory Infection...Declined 36%***
They knew about this April 4, 2019.!!!

This was published in the once highly regarded Lancet and we all know how the WHO and the Lancet colluded.
Also a decline in ear infections, skin sores, boils, abscesses which are bacteria related rather than parasitic.
The study: Efficacy of mass drug administration with ivermectin for control of scabies and impetigo with co-administration of azithromycin: a single-arm community intervention study. Note only one time administered.
The only kuestion remaining from the study was how long would it remain effective.
The recommendation was to immediate deploy a mass population treatment because it worked!
Meanwhile they were also conducting trials on an isolated native aboriginal tribe in Australia. I haven't found it as yet.>lan inf>article>full text
Continued in next post.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 02:30 PM
Thanks for replying. And thank you all for keeping on. Gladly, I'm hoping I'm done with injecting my wife with gene therapy and not having any more children. Got 'er done before this calamity struck. I do however see distressing behavior from my 3 year old. Reminds me of certain someone's. Just hope I can guide him into better character.

errm. reply was to crankyoldman, didn't quote for some reason. Probably because I too, am a getting crankier and crankier old man.
edit on 31-7-2021 by Kaiju666 because: feelz

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 02:48 PM
My favorite proud pedophile ring wearing rep was arrested protesting a non voting right issue. Texas House Rep. Arrested During Voting Protest in Washington

The pic was really the first one I have seen with her dead on. Mostly I've seen her hiding behind the mask and or her reading glasses.

Notice the rather,,,, ummm, well, masculine quality.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 02:54 PM
Two Weeks to flatten the Curve but THIS Time We Mean It!™

Rochelle Walensky is a perpetual hysteria bomb waiting to be triggered. More BS on top of BS. Endless. They can't prove that the Delta Variant is even a Variant.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
I posted this in another thread.

The article

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Your two pennies are always worth considering. So, not only is she likely sterile, they are ruining her livelihood

In contemplating the full spectrum of your assertion, I have been watching quite a bit of track and field and there are a handful of athletes who are off in a strange way, sadly, falling down or tripping. It is a little unusual.
edit on 7/31/2021 by BlissSeeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Absolutely brilliant!

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