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Tuskegee relatives promote COVID-19 vaccines in ad campaign

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posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 09:48 PM
Apparently a new ad campaign was just launched featuring relatives of a Tuskegee experiment survivor advocating everybody take the COVID vaccine.

The family is devastated their story is being used as a reason for people not to take the vaccine and all they want to do is save lives.

Tuskegee is the one-word answer some people give as a reason they’re avoiding COVID-19 vaccines. A new ad campaign launched Wednesday with relatives of men who unwittingly became part of the infamous experiment wants to change minds.

Omar Neal, 63, a former mayor of the Alabama town, said he was hesitant at first about the shots. Neal is a nephew of Freddie Lee Tyson, a family man who was among several hundred Black men who decades ago became involved without their consent in the federally backed syphilis study.

Neal said he agreed to appear in the national campaign after doing research to gain confidence in the vaccines.

’’I want to save lives,” Neal told The Associated Press. ‘’I didn’t want people to use Tuskegee and what transpired there as a reason for not taking the vaccine.’’

For those of you that don't know:

In 1932 and over 40 years, Black men in Tuskegee, Alabama, were subjected to experimentation without their knowledge. Most of the 600 men had syphilis — including Tyson, who got infected before birth — but they were left untreated so researchers could study the natural history of the disease.

I really find this just absolutely disgusting:

Neal and other Tyson relatives are among half a dozen Tuskegee descendants involved in the ads, which focus on vaccine hesitancy among Black Americans. They say vaccination is needed to help communities of color and curb a disease that has disproportionately affected Black Americans.

’’Don’t deny ourselves the opportunity the men were denied,” Tyson’s 76-year-old daughter, Lillie Tyson Head, said in one of the ads.

‘’It’s really up to us to take ownership of our health and this story,” Carmen Head Thornton, the granddaughter Tyson called his ‘’Çarmen girl,’’ said in another ad.

This is pretty appalling. Just in general. Whoever conceived this ad campaign is just straight evil. Enough said really.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 09:51 PM

originally posted by: dug88
Apparently a new ad campaign was just launched featuring relatives of a Tuskegee experiment survivor advocating everybody take the COVID vaccine.

The family is devastated their story is being used as a reason for people not to take the vaccine and all they want to do is save lives.

Tuskegee is the one-word answer some people give as a reason they’re avoiding COVID-19 vaccines. A new ad campaign launched Wednesday with relatives of men who unwittingly became part of the infamous experiment wants to change minds.

Omar Neal, 63, a former mayor of the Alabama town, said he was hesitant at first about the shots. Neal is a nephew of Freddie Lee Tyson, a family man who was among several hundred Black men who decades ago became involved without their consent in the federally backed syphilis study.

Neal said he agreed to appear in the national campaign after doing research to gain confidence in the vaccines.

’’I want to save lives,” Neal told The Associated Press. ‘’I didn’t want people to use Tuskegee and what transpired there as a reason for not taking the vaccine.’’

For those of you that don't know:

In 1932 and over 40 years, Black men in Tuskegee, Alabama, were subjected to experimentation without their knowledge. Most of the 600 men had syphilis — including Tyson, who got infected before birth — but they were left untreated so researchers could study the natural history of the disease.

I really find this just absolutely disgusting:

Neal and other Tyson relatives are among half a dozen Tuskegee descendants involved in the ads, which focus on vaccine hesitancy among Black Americans. They say vaccination is needed to help communities of color and curb a disease that has disproportionately affected Black Americans.

’’Don’t deny ourselves the opportunity the men were denied,” Tyson’s 76-year-old daughter, Lillie Tyson Head, said in one of the ads.

‘’It’s really up to us to take ownership of our health and this story,” Carmen Head Thornton, the granddaughter Tyson called his ‘’Çarmen girl,’’ said in another ad.

This is pretty appalling. Just in general. Whoever conceived this ad campaign is just straight evil. Enough said really.

What in the ever living hell? I agree with you, appalling.

The reason for this ad though is because many people of color especially black people don't trust the government or medical establishment for reasons such as Tuskegee, which makes these ads even more questionable.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 09:52 PM
I saw that. Money talks these days. Can't change history so just go along and forget the damage, true damage in this case. Collect the money and run.

I think this news is more the 4 months old though ?

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: dug88

"Even though we've done horrible things in the past to black people, we would like you to trust us now with a vaccine the FDA has approved for emergency use only...."

That's what I'm hearing them say.

And I'm sure black people will run to the local jab hotspot and beg for the poke.

Not hardly. Black people are not stupid. Their BS meter is more tuned up than others, because of all the BS they've had to put up with.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

The story was published yesterday.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 10:20 PM
Who's the Idiot
Who came up with that idea
for a Vaccine[experimental biological agent] add campaign
It's not even ironic
it's just straight Moronic.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 10:34 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: musicismagic

The story was published yesterday.

I believe I saw this on YouTube about 4 months ago.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 10:56 PM
Macon County Alabama the county Tuskeegee is located up until a few months ago had a significant population who weren't getting vaccinated. Haven't checked recently but it was easy enough to find on Bama's Public Health site.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 11:03 PM

’’Don’t deny ourselves the opportunity the men were denied,” Tyson’s 76-year-old daughter, Lillie Tyson Head, said in one of the ads.

Those men weren't denied opportunities. They were denied information and the right to choose. Incidentally, there are a lot of people in Guatemala who could say the same thing, if they were still alive. I'm not going to mention a certain European regime a few decades back.

As long as we're given all the available information, and given the right to choose for ourselves, reasonable people can make reasonable decisions.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: dug88

Surprised noone's mentioned this connection.

Key Rockefeller and Johns Hopkins researchers involved in the Guatemala Experiments, were also behind the now infamous Tuskegee experiments, in which 600 impoverished African-American sharecroppers were never informed they had syphilis, and were given placebos rather than real medicine.  The researchers watched while the experiment subjects wasted away and infected their wives and children with the disease.

Rockefeller, Johns Hopkins Behind Horrific Human Syphilis Experiments

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 12:12 AM
Sad that someone who was a victim of people with zero conscious, could be bought off for a price decades later from some of the same people, and then do the same exact type of thing not only to others unknown, but also to family members.

I wonder how much money he sold out for?

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: dug88

To quote the philosopher Meja for truth but in ebonics to give it that air of respectability because I'm a team playa: (sing it with me now because we're not rayciss)

Sometahmes I fahnd aodar world Insahde mah mahnd

When I realahse

The bug thahngs we does It makes me feel aseasysed ta be alahve

It makes me wana run away a' hahde

It's all 'bout da chahps

It's all 'bout da dum dum da da dum dum

I doesn't thahnk It's funny

To see us fade away

It's all 'bout da chahps

It's all 'bout da dum dum da da dum dum

And I thahnk we got aht all up ayway

We fahnd strage ways of showahng

Them how much we no messahn' rahzzae

When ahn fact We jus' doesn't seem ta rahzzae at all And dahs pretty world Is gettahng out of ha'

So tell me how we faahl ta understa'?

It's all 'bout da chahps
All 'bout da dum dum da da dum dum
I doesn? t thahnk aht's funny To see us fade away It's all 'bout da chahps
It's all 'bout da dum dum da da dum dum
And I thahnk we got aht all up ayway
Anyway Cause aht's all 'bout da chahps
It's all 'bout da chahps
It's all 'bout da dum dum da da dum dum
I doesn't thahnk aht's funny
To see us fade away
It's all 'bout da chahps
It's all 'bout da dum dum da da dum dum
And I thahnk we got aht all up Anyway
It's all 'bout da chahps
It's all 'bout da dum dum da da dum dum
I doesn't thahnk aht's funny
To see us fade away
It's all 'bout da chahps
It's all 'bout da dum dum da da dum dum
And I thahnk we got aht all up ayway

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 10:23 AM
The IRONY is just so obvious on more than one point 😃🚬

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: EdisonintheFM

"Even though we've done horrible things in the past to black people, we would like you to trust us now with a vaccine the FDA has approved for emergency use only...."

That's what I'm hearing them say.

Yes mate well said and no wonder the corporate media are keeping silent about Bill Gates Senior, Margaret Sanger, Planned Paenthood, the American Eugenics Society and 'The Negro Project'.

Not just black folks though and more examples below of truly insane U.S. Government (and Rockefeller Foundation) experiments on unsuspecting targeted human populations.


edit on 1-7-2021 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 07:23 PM
They are pushing this vax on the black population HARD, anyone else notice on YouTube that almost every commercial promoting the vax has a black person in it?

Incredibly suspicious

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: SPNoble

They're pushing the vax hard on everyone mate but yes well said.

Considering the families involved in 'big pharma' then really do think everything comes back to the Nuremberg convention.. and the blatant disregard for it.


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