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More deaths are scrubbed from VAERS data base. Soylent Green style.

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posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
LIFE has possible negative long term effects. Like death.

a reply to: carewemust

So why are you so afraid of a virus that's as survivable as a cold and flu? You go on about how life has downsides yet fail to see you are afraid of something with 99% survivability.

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: Doctor Smith

I’d say what was removed have been determined to not be related to the vaccine.

Which is a lot, unless you want to try and tell me that “infestation” is a result of the vaccine…

The cdc has to go through and verify information if unverified it will be removed. Deaths are particularly easy for them to track down and verify. So they will tend to hit those first.

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: DarkestConspiracyMoon

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
LIFE has possible negative long term effects. Like death.

a reply to: carewemust

So why are you so afraid of a virus that's as survivable as a cold and flu? You go on about how life has downsides yet fail to see you are afraid of something with 99% survivability.

Depends on what comorbidities you have. If the virus is 99% survivable and the vaccine is 99.99% survivable, what is the better choice?

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: DarkestConspiracyMoon

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
LIFE has possible negative long term effects. Like death.

a reply to: carewemust

So why are you so afraid of a virus that's as survivable as a cold and flu? You go on about how life has downsides yet fail to see you are afraid of something with 99% survivability.

To children the vaccine is 40 times more dangerous than the Covide-19. And with Ivermectin and a few supplements on hand it has almost zero chance of killing anyone.

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

With any experimental drug, complications can occur many months, or even years into the guinea-pig's future.

Those who say, "I got the vaccine 3 months ago and am doing fine", have not read of the possible long-term complications, or they wouldn't be thanking their lucky-stars at this early point.

I'm not sure how experimental it is now since it has been around for But there is not a single drug that doesn't fit your narrative above. Long term effects are only found after market every time. The thing with mRNA is IDK what long unforeseen effects can there be with something that has a very short life span in your system. If there are any effects I would think they would either show only within the first few months.

edit on 26-6-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 05:54 PM
Now I know what’s in subways tuna sandwich… delicious.
edit on 26-6-2021 by Brotherman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

Depends on what comorbidities you have. If the virus is 99% survivable and the vaccine is 99.99% survivable, what is the better choice?

Now lets drop that 99% down to 70% because you are old or have preexisting conditions... You ready to roll the dice on 70%?

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 05:56 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

The cdc has to go through and verify information if unverified it will be removed. Deaths are particularly easy for them to track down and verify. So they will tend to hit those first.

Its also after the election....

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: DarkestConspiracyMoon

So why are you so afraid of a virus that's as survivable as a cold and flu? You go on about how life has downsides yet fail to see you are afraid of something with 99% survivability.

As you past 40 years old that 99% starts to drop, so at what percentage do you take the vaccine? 90, 80, 70% BTW 1% is not a small number... I like .001% much better.
edit on 26-6-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2021 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
Only a small percentage of deaths are ever reported to VAERS.

That is a flat out lie, like everything you post. Thanks for resurrecting our LOL bin though.
edit on 26-6-2021 by LordAhriman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2021 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: Doctor Smith

I’d say what was removed have been determined to not be related to the vaccine.

Which is a lot, unless you want to try and tell me that “infestation” is a result of the vaccine…

The cdc has to go through and verify information if unverified it will be removed. Deaths are particularly easy for them to track down and verify. So they will tend to hit those first.


It’s funny, the same people who say that covid deaths are inflated are the same ones pushing this nonsense.

It’s disturbingly hilarious.

posted on Jun, 27 2021 @ 04:16 AM
If the people were removed "Soylent Green" Style, then wouldn't the bodies have been processed into some kind of food product for Societal Consumption?

On a different note did you know that the Pink Slime everyone was worried about was actual cow meat, but in none of the tests was the chopped meat ever tested. Both arrived in prepackaged and preprocessed bags, so whos to know what the chopped meat was. Neat isn't it.

posted on Jun, 27 2021 @ 04:21 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

Depends on what comorbidities you have. If the virus is 99% survivable and the vaccine is 99.99% survivable, what is the better choice?

Now lets drop that 99% down to 70% because you are old or have preexisting conditions... You ready to roll the dice on 70%?

Even more delusions. If you are old and fragile you shouldn't even consider taking the vaccine. Your chances are greater by far of dying from the vaccine.

posted on Jun, 27 2021 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

Even more delusions. If you are old and fragile you shouldn't even consider taking the vaccine. Your chances are greater by far of dying from the vaccine.

How many millions has the vaccine killed so far...

edit on 27-6-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2021 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

Depends on what comorbidities you have. If the virus is 99% survivable and the vaccine is 99.99% survivable, what is the better choice?

Now lets drop that 99% down to 70% because you are old or have preexisting conditions... You ready to roll the dice on 70%?

Even more delusions. If you are old and fragile you shouldn't even consider taking the vaccine. Your chances are greater by far of dying from the vaccine.

Ironic that you talk of "delusions" whilst posting delusional disinformation.

Whatever happened to this site's motto?

posted on Jun, 27 2021 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

At the risk of being accused of shooting the messenger, Bitchute? Yet again?

posted on Jun, 28 2021 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

At the risk of being accused of shooting the messenger, Bitchute? Yet again?

It isn't censored. They can't control Bitchute so they slander it. You think anything but leftist propaganda will be found on CNN or YouTube? They don't want you to go to any site that isn't their false narrative. If they are successful at corrupting Bitchute I will go to another platform. I already have one in mind. Then they will have to start all over again.

If you are in a war. Your enemy says they don't want you to use guns. Would you actually stop using them? You probably would.
edit on 28-6-2021 by Doctor Smith because: added another brilliant thought. Hope it helps the ignorant out of their hopless stat of mind.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: Doctor Smith

I’d say what was removed have been determined to not be related to the vaccine.

Which is a lot, unless you want to try and tell me that “infestation” is a result of the vaccine…

The cdc has to go through and verify information if unverified it will be removed. Deaths are particularly easy for them to track down and verify. So they will tend to hit those first.

Those that count the deaths choose how many deaths their are. Or votes.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
Only a small percentage of deaths are ever reported to VAERS. It's sort of like a ledger or block chain. They should all be there in chronological order. But they are being deleted. So the cover up continues. The values should all be filled. Those that have died turn up missing? 150 thousand missing.

Do you have vaccine hesitancy? Are they going to show up at your home to make sure you and the herd safe?



Wouldn't an alternative explanation be that some cases were added based on preliminary findings and then removed once more detailed research found them to be unrelated?

For example, somebody making a mistake or being overly cautious?

More likely they maximized Covid-19 deaths. And in the same way they are now minimizing vaccine deaths.

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