It is rare I do an article like this, but the Biden Administration is set to pull another sneaky and it will be on us if we just keep going on about
our daily business and be oblivious to these sort of things. This is exactly how we got into the mess in the first place. They count on us to not be
bothered with the details and they have gotten away with it for years and years. Hell, half of them don't pay attention either and you elected them
to. It is up to US to make sure IT STOPS NOW.
I am not presenting this as a Republican vs Democrat either. This is being done to WE The PEOPLE. This means ALL of US. If you are okay with what she
lays out below in very simple speak, honestly Im really not sure what to say to you. If you are good with just giving away all your hard earned
dollars for who knows where it will REALLY go... sigh.
The way they are addressing this Bill and trying to sneak it all through is basically the same as when Pelosi thought we needed to Pass a Bill to
learn what was IN the bill. What kind of insanity is that? Seriously???
Again I say, this effects ALL OF US.
If anything, think of your kids and what you are sticking them with for their futures because you were just to lazy to take the extra moment to pay
attention. Or you felt it was a good idea to agree with party policy.
Again, Senator Blackburn lays out all you need to know about it in simple speak.
Now Senator Blackburn keeps insisting through this video that the people are paying attention.
Honestly I dont think they really are, but WE damn sure better.
At least Take the 12 min and listen.
You Cant complain AFTER the fact.
Not surprising, lady makes many valid points. Things have been rigged from the start, and I hope people do pay attention as she states... Sadly I am
not sure, so I suggest homeschooling your kids.
Call your Senator and tell them if they want to keep their cushy job that you voted them in for,
they better be paying Real Close Attention to this and that you would be very happy as a voter for their NAY Vote.
Pretty simple and even better make sure others call if you can. Awareness is the name of the game.
That's what I like to hear. Good advice. Add getting involved and voting in local elections. To many of us live in the problem and not the solution.
My senators should know me by name by now.
Lol good for you!
If more people realized it is just as simple as making phones call and even from the comfort of your couch, it does work. You just have to let them
know that you ARE paying attention and more importantly you are paying attention to what actions they take when it comes to their yays or nays.
In the old days we used to flood them with Letters!
I don't consider myself Republican or democrat, I am a conservative constitutionalist. I dislike everything biden is doing but to hear a republican
whine about the debt or big government falls on deaf ears with me. They are just as bad adding to the debt and expanding the government as democrats
the only difference is what causes the money goes to. If you are still arguing as a democrat or republican and believes there are two parties then you
are too far gone .
Lol good for you!
If more people realized it is just as simple as making phones call and even from the comfort of your couch, it does work. You just have to let them
know that you ARE paying attention and more importantly you are paying attention to what actions they take when it comes to their yays or nays.
In the old days we used to flood them with Letters!
It really isn't that simple anymore. I spent years writing, calling, attending meetings, and voting, just to be lied to, then ignored, then labelled
crazy. I was not alone. It was a whole community effort.
The day of the elected official listening to their constituency, left a while back. Now they only listen to the ones that pay them, and put them in
office, and that is not us.
The only appropriate recourse is to demand an end to the personal income tax on earned labor. Anything less is just a matter if and when. They can
nickel and dime us from birth to grave to fulfill the wishlist of every dirty corrupt critter that comes along. Everyone has an absolute inalienable
right to make a living. Everyone has the absolute right to the fruit of our labor. Period.
No one has a right to unearned income which is wholly manufactured by man. No one has a right to incorporation and the perks thereof. No one has a
right to corporate welfare.
What this lady is talking about is pretty much correct. Sure, it may seem not a problem, but politicians always seem to exploit things to be able to
gain control. These Democrats want everyone to pay for wasteful unnecessary things, not just the people who gain from the lies and deceit, they want
every child to be paying high taxes all their lives to fund things that only benefit a few people who support their agenda.
What happened to our society, Psychologists are not the answer to help those who are straddled with debt, budget management is the answer. Evidently
the Democrats think just training more therapists will help people transition to accept the future debt that is being forced on them. I am
conservative and we have always managed our money to try to keep our debt in check, but now our savings will be worthless because our government will
cause inflation and we will eventually be forced to be poor after working hard all our lives and scrounging to make sure we have enough money to keep
us from losing everything when we are old. I do not go to the doctors unless I need to, I try to eat healthy and most of my damage to my body was
caused by medicine or believing that the food they considered safe by the FDA was actually safe. Read the fine print on everything, nothing is what
it appears to be.