Though only a small one -- at 3.4 on the richter scale -- I think it's interesting that we've seen two earthquakes near heavily populated pacific
rim locales in the last few days:
and, as a side comment, now I can't get the Beatles song 'Bluejay Way' out of my head....
this link has a map showing where the earthquake was centered (if I'm reading it right the epicenter was right next to the downtown area):
The earthquake was 1 mile deep and offshore from Manhatten Beach. No damage reported anywhere, no tsunamis, just a nice big rainstorm pushing the rain
totals to the 2nd highest in recorded history.
Was too busy dodging some heavy thunderstorms (again :puz and beating the rush hour traffic during "our" latest 3 day rain/flood show to notice
the 3.4. It was located off the coast I believe about 3 miles out to sea. Nonetheless, approximately 30 miles SW from downtown L.A. Definitely
brewing something different this year. I can't recall an earthquake during a rain storm, incidentally I don't recall this many rain storms. So
perhaps the latter is the most odd of the two.