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Flatten the peak (of the ruling pyramid) - decentralisation & civil authority (ref: Scripture)

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posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 02:44 PM

This thread could have been placed in numerous forums, and indeed it doesn't quite fit in any single one of them - it's taken me a relatively long time to decide where it should go.. The topic revolves around questions of 'political ideology' & 'conspiracies in politics', there are shades of 'conspiracies in religion' - it has relevance to elements of present-day anarchist/off-grid community formation (which is a healthy exploratory response to present-day NWO formation overtures from the technocratic PTB) - and it probably touches on the themes of other forums also. Ultimately, I decided that it's a philosophical matter of sorts, leading me to go against my first instincts & finally place it here, in 'philosophy & metaphysics'. I decided on this because it covers a subject which bridges the divide in multiplicitous matters of rulership on Earth & in Heaven; in the Temporal Realm of Mankind & in the Eternal Realm of God (& by extension, all subordinate Cosmic Powers/Forces in the Heavenly Realms). I hope the Mods will agree that this is a reasonable compromise, though they may of course elect to move it at their good pleasure.

And so - what precisely is this hodge-podge of thematic representations all about? Well, it concerns AUTHORITY, and the question of the most suitable way of structuring the authorities which 'rule over' Mankind - because despite the howls of protest from some anarchist quarters, there is & will always be a need for some sort of authority structure in place to guide the plans & practices of Mankind. We all are keenly aware that the present human authority structures are far from perfect. Most nations subscribe to an 'insular local manifestation' & 'assimilated global manifestation' of the Pyramid scheme we are all well-familiar with, where the ultra-wealthy & powerful 'de facto' monarchy families, individuals & banking institutions ultimately rule over all – firstly the private & corporate 'lords' holding lands, titles & nation-level contracts; the bureaucrats & justices of the peace who administer the kingdoms; the affluent merchants, bankers & higher powers of the criminal underworld; those at the lower end of the political spectrum; the military & police caste which wrestles to mete out the hard edge of justice at every level - and the plebean/peasant class at the base, which cumulatively provides the labour & capital supporting the rest of the structure.

This structure is so familiar to us that it seems eminently logical, even though we recognise that it is grossly inequitable & simply 'unfair' in a great many ways. It is wide open to corruption & permits brutality at the weak points, and the lower classes are perpetually abused & oppressed by the corruption endemic in the layers above. But what on Earth is the alternative? Surely we need structure, and order, and authority, and justice - isn't the pyramid scheme the best way to ensure that we have a semblance of decency & authority in our nation states?

Well, yes & no. The anarchists claim that we must tear the whole system down in order to have a society where everyone is free to do just as they see fit. However, even the most rudimentary of true social thinkers can see that such a viewpoint is flawed at best & ludicrous in reality. There are many in the modern-day survivalist & 'prepper' movements who are perhaps what we'd consider 'libertarian' (I'm a libertarian) who believe that yes, the current system is grotesquely flawed, and some better fusion of order & freedom is required, providing the maximum freedom & autonomy possible for those as would choose it – with the caveat, in my case, that structures to protect the vulnerable must always be inculcated at the highest relevant level in any jurisdiction.

There are reasonably sophisticated movements of 'resilience communities' these days which are working to establish an off-grid structure, or at least to ideologically & practically prepare for such a community, in the event that societal order begins to break down & an alternative model of community is necessary, possible & workable, providing resources & security for those who would be a part of it, who would contribute as best they can. I'm loosely involved with a group in the UK which is experimenting with such ideas - some of the members have actually formed a self-sustaining off-grid community which is based around agrarian principles, presently with approximately 100 full time residents, with the potential to expand in the coming years. It's reassuring to know that if all Hell ever does break loose - or if the NWO comes to power & forces strict & unreasonable conditions on those who would remain members of the existing technological civilisation - then there is an alternative to look towards with hope; a 'city on a hill' where freedom reigns.

But what of the governance of such a community? Obviously, the whole point is to avoid the tendency towards corruption which comes from a pyramidal system of authority - so the keyword is DECENTRALISATION. I got into this movement quite recently, so there will be obvious gaps in what I'm describing, visible to those who have been involved longer (please fill in the gaps where you spot them). For me, the 'Octacore' model, promoted by the group 'Freedom Cells'seems like the best fit for a workable system of a decentralised, democratic, freedom-generative model of communal authority/regulation (though the network is somewhat imperfect in places & still being thought out at this time).

Basically, as the name suggests, it's centred around 'groupings of eight', which expand by orders of magnitude throughout the areas within which such a community is to operate. It is aimed presently at ensuring that groups can exist peppered throughout the existing social order, but there's no reason it couldn't be adapted into a full membership community in some manner. You start with eight people in a 'cell', who live locally to each other, who agree to pool knowledge, skills, support & (in some measure agreed suitable) resources, who govern their own activities independently, with a focus on their own mutual security & prosperity, yet with an eye to a wider structure which expands around them territorially. That eight can be joined with eight other cells to produce a regional hub, that hub can network with eight more & so on & so forth. There is no overseeing central power - all authority is derived by truly democratic agreement, and because every person is joined directly with seven others, between those eight people will usually be sufficient natural intellect & skills distributed such that any problem can typically be overcome without a need to depend on a central authority. If problems arise beyond the scope of the eight, then the network expands outwards, everyone can access every possible solution, information is shared liberally & harmony is quickly restored in the event of any fracture.

Continued below....

edit on JuneThursday2116CDT02America/Chicago-050051 by FlyInTheOintment because: editing presentation

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 02:44 PM
This, to me, provides a fundamentally different type of society - as a beginning, it is a template, and certainly there are many layers of complexity that would need to be incorporated to attain a working technologically & civilly sophisticated society, but it's a framework that permits, I believe, for rapid growth & development towards such a sophisticated society. This assumes that we are starting from an agrarian base, yet have the collective resources & knowledge to begin programs of technological development that can interface with agencies of technological sophistication in the 'old world order', so as to expand the corporate & civil potential of the Octacore movement. We would thereby 'interface' with existing social structures, yet exist separately to them, to the degree that such separation is agreed by the members.

In the longer term, assuming there was no overt aggression or forced assimilation/integration demands from the 'soon-to-be-with-us' NWO technocratic society, then there would be no reason that the old-world pyramid model (which would perpetuate into the NWO) couldn't exist alongside a society modelled on what we could perhaps term the 'Octa-Libertarian' principles described herein.

Sadly, there would likely be just such forced integration efforts/ forcible takeover & ideological assimilation/ theft of resources directed from the NWO. If we assume that this is likely at some stage, then there would need to be some means of ensuring the physical defence of the society we were trying to build. Initially, that would have to come by recourse to legal protections along the lines of the protections afforded under existing law to other alternative communities – it wouldn't be shotguns & side arms, that's for sure. Though just how how long that peaceable state of affairs could persist in the face of an Orwellian breakdown of the old world order in favour of the ascent of the technocratic NWO, who could say.

Perhaps we would have time to ensure we were adequately protected by private security forces – but if we want that to exist as a possibility, then surely we have very little time to actually make the move & establish this alternative social model as a living, breathing reality. Rapid ascension to moderate technical parity would be necessary, in order to project as 'normal' a vibe as possible into the wider world – and this would be perfectly feasible, with care & determination, with the sharing of resources & skills to enable the ascent to parity. In so doing we would win people to our cause by our example of an alternative way of living, and with a greater influx of interested participants, we would be more assured of our security in the years to come. It is wise to beware that the PTB already have intentions to put non-compliant persons in 'Cry Freedom Ghettoes' (wink, wink, nudge, nudge – a tongue-in-cheek mockery of the movie 'Braveheart', starring Mel Gibson, where the rag-tag dissenting Scottish army, in the face of English tyranny, literally cried “Freeeeeeedom!!” as they charged into battle) – this being according to one propaganda video I saw which described an 'ideal city of the future' (which was utterly dystopian, in a not-even-funny ironic shambles of a presentation – I will try to find the link, struggling to do so!)

Beyond the day-to-day practicalities of this proposed Octa-Libertarian movement, what undergirds it? As far as the present movement goes, in a spiritual sense it is largely New Age 'take what works for you', and I can see the appeal in some regards. As for me, I'm a Christian, and after much reflection, I see no conflict between this new, decentralised, democratic, libertarian model I'm describing, and the true faith which guards my heart & mind. In actual fact – and this is really important – both in the Old & New Testament times, the society that was modelled for believers, WAS a decentralised & relatively democratic forerunner of what we would now consider a more perfect form of libertarian society. In Old Testament times – recall they were very far removed from our modern sensibilities & Western democratic ways – the society was mainly moulded by ancient Near Eastern traditions, yet when the prophets of YHWH began to speak, they caused incremental improvements to the standards of morality that were sorely deficient in most states at that time. Everyone who wants to truly understand the weirdness & mysteries of the Old Testament should read the excellent ”Is God a moral monster?” This move towards a better standard of morality, though restrained by the culture in many ways, was orchestrated by God, in the knowledge that steering the ship of world culture towards our present moral sensibilities would take thousands of years – but that is where those first steps towards (recent) modern Western moral standards were begun.

We can all sense that since around the 1990's there's been a rapid devolution in our moral outlook as an Anglo-American/Western civilisation, but I'm discounting that in the wider estimation of where we currently stand, because I know my audience is largely far more morally attuned than the average present day crazy majority.

In the very earliest culture of the Jews after the Exodus from Egypt, God instituted the provision of rule-by-justices, where the nation of Hebrew wanderers was given oversight of legal & community affairs via a decentralised network of Judges, who had authority over the elders & community authorities of each tribe, with the high ranking priests acting in support of the Judges' role as the guides & arbiters of the people. This situation was in effect for hundreds of years & surely contributed greatly to the success of the nascent 'Israel' as they worked their way into the building of their nation. However, it wasn't to last. Eventually, despite their phenomenal success under the Judges, the people clamoured & squabbled, demanding of the prophets (& by extension, demanding of God) that they be given a KING to rule over them, as was the case with all the nations that surrounded them (ironically, their enemies).

Remarkably, God (YHWH), via the prophets, assented wearily to their demand, but warned them sternly that it was on their own heads, because having a king would subject them to perennial bouts of tyranny which would greatly harm them as a nation. And indeed, that is exactly what happened! They had a couple of great kings (David & Solomon, though they were plainly flawed rulers, honestly reported thus in the scriptures – honesty such as this being evidence of the truth of the overall scriptural report given by the Jews, as they laid it all out, warts & all) – but time & again, there are reports of the cruel & despotic kings who ruled chaotically over the people & caused all manner of hardships & ills to befall them, including the fracturing of the kingdom (into Northern 'Israel' & Southern 'Judah'), as well as exile in Babylon & elsewhere, situations which themselves took hundreds of years to repair.

Continued below...

edit on JuneThursday2116CDT02America/Chicago-050047 by FlyInTheOintment because: important clarification

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 02:45 PM
In New Testament times Jesus brought a new message of love, grace & forgiveness, compassion & direct access to God for each person, no longer requiring complex arrangements with ordained priests. It was a message regarding a new covenant (a new agreement between God & man, replacing the old agreement which was seen in the 10 commandments, etc). The 'once-for-all' sacrifice of Christ replaced all of the traditional annual sacrifices which were called for in the Old Testament times. The complex rituals of the Judaic priests were replaced by simple teachings in small groups which networked locally & regionally, sharing resources & applying their skills wherever they could in support of the church organisation. It is even easier to see the decentralised, democratic, libertarian ideals of freedom, industry & community-gathering in place in the times following the life, death, resurrection & ascension of Christ, as well as the early work of the apostles.

Sadly, when Christianity was adopted as the state religion of the Roman Empire, it spiralled into an uber-authoritarian, anti-democratic institution, and only those on the periphery of the perennially tyrannical Roman Catholic church (such as many of the monastic communities, as well as the Knights Templar/Hospitallier) traditionally had the right idea when it came to the holistic & pure application of Christian values, in the service of God & mankind.

All in all, I have intended to show here that the type of Libertarian ideal which is being propagated widely at the current time in the alternative, independent streams of media on the web worldwide, have a firm basis of support in the teachings of the Judeo-Christian framework, meaning that quite literally, God is more in support of this sort of community than the unfair, oppressive pyramid scheme which currently passes for a world order. I believe that if people apply their wisdom, share their skills, and (appropriately & proportionally) pool their resources in support of one another in the building of decentralised networked communities, then they will encounter blessing after blessing, if they reflect on their work in the sense of knowing that the universal order supports the structure they are seeking to implement. I have to be honest & say we need to drop a lot of the New Age nonsense, which is damaging to the actual wisdom of the communities, because it puffs up the foolish minds of people carried away on clouds of rainbows & unicorns, believing in channellings & 'starseed/ indigo' children (guaranteed to give kids a complex if they're constantly told how special & 'Pleiadian' they are!)

However, the literal universal hierarchy of the angelic order – and GOD - is in support of the decentralised, democratic & libertarian model of society, so no matter what people believe, they will experience blessing as a part of such communities. This said, it's important to note that if people of the Christian faith can be encouraged to see these alternative communities as a valid extension of their faith – and if the communities will welcome such people - then those communities will boom with people willing to get stuck in to build something righteous & true. As long as reasonableness & tolerance rule the roost in terms of spiritual discussions, that's all well & good. However, you should firmly resist anyone who tries to force you to follow the New Age shenanigans, as that way lies ruination, if you get whisked away on the fairy dust. Equally, nobody should ever be pressured to join the Christian faith, and strictly nobody should be tolerated if they start throwing around threats of Hell for not believing in Jesus.

I hope this thread has proven interesting, in revealing not only the potential framework for the growth of an alternative society – but also to show that the religious-spiritual underpinnings of our own Anglo-American/ Western culture are decidedly decentralised, democratic, libertarian & equitable. Despite much propaganda from the 'New Atheists' (such as Dawkins), the reality of both the Old & New Testament times was one of a determined push to improve the moral outlook of not only one small people group, but ultimately, the whole world. Many committed Christians were instrumental in the Renaissance & the Enlightenment, Christians were instrumental in such acts as the abolition of the slave trade, in actively improving standards & protections for industrial revolution era workers, the care of orphans, establishing the vote for women, and many more turning points on the road to a higher moral & civil outlook for all Mankind. Of course, ordinary, decent atheists can admirably be found working in charitable institutions & progressive corporations - but rarely will you find a hardcore New Atheist sitting at the bedside of a dying stranger in a foreign land, holding their hand & comforting them through their pain & fear. That is what countless unknown modern Christians do every single day in every nation on Earth, which in my mind speaks far louder than the brash & shallow condemnation of Dawkins.

Thanks for reading!

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 09:24 PM
I can appreciate your enthusiasm and the elegance of what you're are bringing forth. It truly is a high road outlet when looking at the most likely possible outcomes we are presented with today.
I can relate to the transmission you have tapped nto regarding the Heavenly vibrations. Most worlds do not function within the fake pyramidal matrix. That is a 3D coping mechanism to feed energy towards the greatest bullies within this frequency quarantine. The so called leaders within this plane are dark inclined and lack Creation abilities due to their rebellion, thus they feed upon what's available.

This planet is beautiful in terms of the natural world and so much is missed by the ignorance of man. However it is not unique, nor diverse in terms of the breathe of Creation.

You bring forth your disdain for Starseeds and all their ilk yet do not make the connection that those operating behind the curtain of their bodies are indeed alien in terms of what is predominantly natural of the species overall. Hue-mans are very naive race overall, easily manipulated through years of indoctrination and lack of development of awareness around they soul. That's part of the strategies among those that want to keep them ignorant to such things.

The starseeds, good and bad are already here. The universe is a really big place of much diversity and many expressions. The question is, will the various options of societal evolution be given an opportunity to present themselves as a possibility to the masses or will they simply acquiesce to the limited choices presented to them.
Another question really is, will this territory continue to be a place of many opportunities or will it be sequentialized into slavery? It's no longer looking like a planet with the full range of options that those highly adventurous souls tend to seek out in terms of a wide range of incarnational journeys.
edit on 3-6-2021 by starshift because: Typo

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: starshift

Thank you for your gracious comment, and for your tolerance of my somewhat intolerant attitude to my frustrations with the New Age movement.. I regretted putting a somewhat heavy tone in my final comments in this regard, and indeed I had stated the obvious (though failing to follow my own advice) when statinig that tolerance is the order of the day.

We all must be open to sharing ideas & information & that will naturally extend to our varied spiritual concepts as well as the more down to earth skills-based economy envisaged in the sort of Octacore-Libertarian model. This is a model which I personally believe offers the most sensible framework upon which to establish the authority needed to effectively & equitably administer & govern ourselves & the communities we establish.

Truth be told, we don't have long to start establishing a network to drive home the general growth of the communities (as noted, agrarian in the first instance, built on a framework which permits for expansion in an immediate & in a networked regional sense. Critical to fuller success of the movement is the necessary road to technological parity that would be absolutely vital if we were to stand a chance of interfacing successfully with whatever mainstream societal model the technocratic NWO have in store for humanity. I do believe we can do it, but that will depend on a large number of people taking the plunge NOW, setting up the agrarian community centres, with planning in effect to ensure that growth in numbers & by way of independent commercial activity can be accommodated even as the technocrats edge us closer to the Orwellian superstate they desire to impose. The issue of approaching technological parity, in a rudimentary sense, is absolutely critical to the plan, but it's perhaps the one thing that has been massively under-represented as a concept necessary for the successful growth & development of such communities.

We need skilled engineers, industrial designers, coders & systems infrastructure techs, with entrepreneurs capable of closing deals & setting up contracts which will enable basic technological parity in line with the average man-in-the-street/ small to medium sized businesses, as well as trademen & craftsmen of all stripes. We couldn't possibly achieve military grade technological avancement in the time we have left to prepare, but we could certainly interface with most average companies if we get savvy with the sort of development I'm suggesting is absolutely vital, and soon.

We need a map, and we need the key - we need a structured plan, or manifesto, which can help to guide people who are hoping that there's a better social ecosystem which we can aspire to, instead of being stuck in this lifeless charade which we call 'normal'. Yes we do need a 'new normal' - just not the one which is being rammed down our throats by the propaganda merchants & spin doctors of the mainstream media & political 'old world order'.

edit on JuneThursday2116CDT10America/Chicago-050016 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling, clarification

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 10:45 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: starshift
We need skilled engineers, industrial designers, coders & systems infrastructure techs, with entrepreneurs capable of closing deals & setting up contracts which will enable basic technological parity in line with the average man-in-the-street/ small to medium sized businesses, as well as trademen & craftsmen of all stripes. We couldn't possibly achieve military grade technological avancement in the time we have left to prepare, but we could certainly interface with most average companies if we get savvy with the sort of development I'm suggesting is absolutely vital, and soon.

We need a map, and we need the key - we need a structured plan, or manifesto, which can help to guide people who are hoping that there's a better social ecosystem which we can aspire to, instead of being stuck in this lifeless charade which we call 'normal'. Yes we do need a 'new normal' - just not the one which is being rammed down our throats by the propaganda merchants & spin doctors of the mainstream media & political 'old world order'.

We have performed this experiment/playground/whorehouse/#REAL Truman Show (on this planet) for millions of years (it never gets old); but the advent of technology always destroys any Civilization. We cannot cope with the rapidity of such developments; become insane and destroy each other. If Western (take no prisoners and advance) ideology had a bit more Eastern (question ones own tricky cunning mind) influence we might find a way to preserve ONE of them that could be a template for future experiments.
edit on 3-6-2021 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2021 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

You raise an interesting point. Technology certainly has been, in effect, the root of all evil, in terms of how it has been used historically to gain economic control over territories & peoples.. I have a strong feeling that the earliest recorded human civilisations (the Sumerians in particular) were in contact with the fallen angels (members of the former divine council of YHWH, and subordinates, which rebelled against the rule of YHWH & decided to go nation-building in the fertile crescent. Sumerian civilisation was known for the sudden explosion of fully formed technological innovations & high-complexity civil society management, which emerged out of nowhere - other than where the Sumerians claim it all came from, which was 'from the gods'. By artifically advancing us technologically in this way, the 'gods' overwhelmed our collective psychology/unconscious with powers that we were not psychosocially equipped to handle, having been thrust into cities straight from a simple agrarian lifestyle up until then. The fact of the matter is that Humanity was supposed to evolve its own knowledge & technical skills - 'all in good time'.. This is the chief complaint of the archangel Michael in the Book of Enoch - that Mankind was supposed to 'strive to learn' the eternal secrets of the heavens, rather than suddenly receive a full body of knowledge that they weren't equipped to reckon with. By advancing us beyond our capacity to cope with the intensity of technological developments - by perhaps thousands of years until we would have developed some or most of them - and by establishing kingly rule over the people in the way they did, the 'gods' doomed us to a system which was corruptible & inequitable, ensuring that most of humanity would be abused & oppressed at the base of the pyramid, while the uber-elite took the fruits of their labour!

However, I diverge from your point of view when I claim that there IS a way to control technology & put it to use for the benefit of all members of an alternative society, if we were to adopt an 'Octacore-Libertarian' model of approach, where all authority is decentralised, democratic & equitable, and technological innovation is open & free to adopt, though with payment to the innovator who developed the invention in the form of legacy royalties included as part of the purchase price which would be collected & paid to the original designer. I'm not claiming a socialist 'share the wealth' mentality, I'm describing a fair & equitable access to technological innovation which honours the original inventor, but places less restrictions on who can manufacture & sell the items developed thus. Therefore there is no way for inappropriate monopolies to develop, as fair competition will always exist between the various persons & groups involved in the manufacture of the various products in question.

Also, I hold firmly to the belief that alternative societies modelled on a separatist principle of exiting the matrix of the technocratic NWO, can & should aim to achieve relative technological parity in certain key areas, so that we can interface with that technocratic society, simultaneously remaining a society set apart from them, a philosophical separatist community living in a manner similar to how separatist religious communities have operated in times past. Something like a technologically literate Amish community, without the formalised theocracy..!

And on that last point, spiritual belief is a matter for subjective choice, so while I do promote a Christian worldview, I acknowledge that there will always be people who don't want to adopt that worldview, and none of us should encroach on the freedom of others to believe what they want to believe - so long as that freedom of belief doesn't start causing division & strife.

And as stated specifically in the OP, I am convinced that Christians need to get on board with the decentralised libertarian community ideals - currently belief systems within the movement we're discussing are a patchwork of atheism, agnosticism & New Age adherents - I'm sounding a clarion call to let Christians know that this decentralised libertarian model of society, as a means of exiting the Matrix of the coming NWO technocrat dystopia, is absolutely in tune with their existing beliefs & with what the scriptures clearly, emphatically, repeatedly say on the matter of the best way to run a community/society of any sort.

Keep fighting, ATS.

edit on JuneFriday2116CDT10America/Chicago-050005 by FlyInTheOintment because: important clarification

posted on Jun, 4 2021 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Salutations, and commendations on bring solution-based content to ATS !

It is recommended that if one chooses to sign-up for the Freedom-Cell Network : they should not post their home address, but the addy of a park nearby. Reason being that the addy is viewable to anyone, or anybot, that are signed-up.

ATS member Serdgiam has made a few threads to help us:
ATS : Self-Sufficiency Basics: Electricity.

This site has plenty to offer : Permies.Com

Used to have a link, but can't find it, for a webpage of free info, about how to build many basic homesteading tools.

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