This, to me, provides a fundamentally different type of society - as a beginning, it is a template, and certainly there are many layers of complexity
that would need to be incorporated to attain a working technologically & civilly sophisticated society, but it's a framework that permits, I believe,
for rapid growth & development towards such a sophisticated society. This assumes that we are starting from an agrarian base, yet have the collective
resources & knowledge to begin programs of technological development that can interface with agencies of technological sophistication in the 'old
world order', so as to expand the corporate & civil potential of the Octacore movement. We would thereby 'interface' with existing social structures,
yet exist separately to them, to the degree that such separation is agreed by the members.
In the longer term, assuming there was no overt aggression or forced assimilation/integration demands from the 'soon-to-be-with-us' NWO technocratic
society, then there would be no reason that the old-world pyramid model (which would perpetuate into the NWO) couldn't exist alongside a society
modelled on what we could perhaps term the 'Octa-Libertarian' principles described herein.
Sadly, there would likely be just such forced integration efforts/ forcible takeover & ideological assimilation/ theft of resources directed from the
NWO. If we assume that this is likely at some stage, then there would need to be some means of ensuring the physical defence of the society we were
trying to build. Initially, that would have to come by recourse to legal protections along the lines of the protections afforded under existing law
to other alternative communities – it wouldn't be shotguns & side arms, that's for sure. Though just how how long that peaceable state of affairs
could persist in the face of an Orwellian breakdown of the old world order in favour of the ascent of the technocratic NWO, who could say.
Perhaps we would have time to ensure we were adequately protected by private security forces – but if we want that to exist as a possibility, then
surely we have very little time to actually make the move & establish this alternative social model as a living, breathing reality. Rapid ascension
to moderate technical parity would be necessary, in order to project as 'normal' a vibe as possible into the wider world – and this would be
perfectly feasible, with care & determination, with the sharing of resources & skills to enable the ascent to parity. In so doing we would win people
to our cause by our example of an alternative way of living, and with a greater influx of interested participants, we would be more assured of our
security in the years to come. It is wise to beware that the PTB already have intentions to put non-compliant persons in 'Cry Freedom Ghettoes'
(wink, wink, nudge, nudge – a tongue-in-cheek mockery of the movie 'Braveheart', starring Mel Gibson, where the rag-tag dissenting Scottish army, in
the face of English tyranny, literally cried “Freeeeeeedom!!” as they charged into battle) – this being according to one propaganda video I saw
which described an 'ideal city of the future' (which was utterly dystopian, in a not-even-funny ironic shambles of a presentation – I will try to
find the link, struggling to do so!)
Beyond the day-to-day practicalities of this proposed Octa-Libertarian movement, what undergirds it? As far as the present movement goes, in a
spiritual sense it is largely New Age 'take what works for you', and I can see the appeal in some regards. As for me, I'm a Christian, and after much
reflection, I see no conflict between this new, decentralised, democratic, libertarian model I'm describing, and the true faith which guards my heart
& mind. In actual fact –
and this is really important – both in the Old & New Testament times,
the society that was modelled for
believers, WAS a decentralised & relatively democratic forerunner of what we would now consider a more perfect form of libertarian society.
In Old Testament times – recall they were very far removed from our modern sensibilities & Western democratic ways – the society was mainly
moulded by ancient Near Eastern traditions, yet when the prophets of YHWH began to speak, they caused incremental improvements to the standards of
morality that were sorely deficient in most states at that time. Everyone who wants to truly understand the weirdness & mysteries of the Old
Testament should read the excellent
”Is God
a moral monster?” This move towards a better standard of morality, though restrained by the culture in many ways, was orchestrated by God,
in the knowledge that steering the ship of world culture towards our present moral sensibilities would take thousands of years – but that is where
those first steps towards (recent) modern Western moral standards were begun.
We can all sense that since around the 1990's there's been a rapid devolution in our moral outlook as an Anglo-American/Western civilisation, but I'm
discounting that in the wider estimation of where we currently stand, because I know my audience is largely far more morally attuned than the average
present day crazy majority.
In the very earliest culture of the Jews after the Exodus from Egypt, God instituted the provision of rule-by-justices, where the nation of Hebrew
wanderers was given oversight of legal & community affairs via a decentralised network of Judges, who had authority over the elders & community
authorities of each tribe, with the high ranking priests acting in support of the Judges' role as the guides & arbiters of the people. This situation
was in effect for hundreds of years & surely contributed greatly to the success of the nascent 'Israel' as they worked their way into the building of
their nation. However, it wasn't to last. Eventually, despite their phenomenal success under the Judges, the people clamoured & squabbled, demanding
of the prophets (& by extension, demanding of God) that they be given a
KING to rule over them, as was the case with all the nations that
surrounded them (ironically, their enemies).
Remarkably, God (YHWH), via the prophets, assented wearily to their demand, but warned them sternly that it was on their own heads, because having a
king would subject them to perennial bouts of tyranny which would greatly harm them as a nation. And indeed, that is exactly what happened! They had
a couple of great kings (David & Solomon, though they were plainly flawed rulers, honestly reported thus in the scriptures – honesty such as this
being evidence of the truth of the overall scriptural report given by the Jews, as they laid it all out, warts & all) – but time & again, there are
reports of the cruel & despotic kings who ruled chaotically over the people & caused all manner of hardships & ills to befall them, including the
fracturing of the kingdom (into Northern 'Israel' & Southern 'Judah'), as well as exile in Babylon & elsewhere, situations which themselves took
hundreds of years to repair.
Continued below...
edit on JuneThursday2116CDT02America/Chicago-050047 by FlyInTheOintment because: important clarification