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Another Piece of the puzzle

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posted on May, 31 2021 @ 07:41 AM
so i have been looking into cryptology (you know secret codes n stuff). So the English language is full of codes and many of the letters are from ancient cultures. A is often the first letter, in modern languages, it can mean power, strength etc.. The A in the hebrew language is also first however it is read backwards, so occupyS the position of our Z. of course the eyes see the world upside down anyway and the brain turns things around for us, or is it the other way about? So is the hebrew alpha beta backwards or is ours, why do the chinese read backwards/forwards... wow im dizzy.

Well i have another piece of my puzzle so thought i would share with others, its the letter U... U is not in the ancient languages, but its in ours, and it means reversal.

so if for example we take the word "Thule"... and read it backwards, el=god u=reversal h=divide/surrender and T can mean Temple/sacrifice/mark

I have been flirting with the idea that the english language is coded and was crafted by magicians of the age, using the word evil is good for showing how a word can mean different things if viewed from different perspective, its live backwards, it contains vile, veil.

the unconscious communicates in images not words, but words are made from archetypal images, but they do not mean the same as words, for an image to have meaning in the unconscious, meaning through emotional response to that image will give that image power.

The S is a snake, fore most, it would be very hard to make it anything else, symbolically it represents knowledge, to the unconscious it is knowledge. But the T, has for sure developed a meaning of sacrifice, because christianity displays this as a sacrificial symbol for 2000 years.

So i am a bit all over the place with this, but i will add more.

Honestly am i the only one who sees this, is everyone else driving the wrong way up the motorway or is it just me.

by the way a W is an upside down M its why there is no W, look at whats new in the English language and ask what does it do, what is its nature.

i welcome thoughts on the cryptology of language and ancient writings.

and anything relating to the union of opposites, as it is relevant...

edit on 31-5-2021 by dthrizz1337 because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-5-2021 by dthrizz1337 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 09:13 AM
Doesnt Gematria fall into this..a reply to: dthrizz1337

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: Bigbrooklyn

yes indeed, and for example the meaning of R = head, top, first beginning. and I =being eye,god, knowledge, these are the only two letters with root 9s, I=9 R=18, I can be equated with Y in hebrew, which means action, hand, god, Yehowah.

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 09:31 AM
Youve done great work and agree all has a meaning...KKK as an example...K is the eleventh number times three equals 33 a Satanic number. a reply to: dthrizz1337

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 09:45 AM
That thing between evil and live, mind blown. I am pretty bad a scrable. It is also pretty funny how the Evian water bottle company, one of the big first ones on the market spells naive backwards.

I did get into some of the international language issues going on a while back, deep complex stuff with so many different local variations everywhere, kinda like a big tree of language how it branches out all over the place.

How some African languages have developed as they have been invaded by so many different cultures over the years is a big ethno mix hybrid of communication. It does give them a kinda advantage these days as no one other culture can really understand it all, some with multi lingual skills will have a better chance.

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 09:47 AM
Have hou ever seen video's of Stan Tenen? He dives deep into the hebrew language and the connection between other languages. He has some amazing insights that I'm sure will interest you.

Here's one you might like:

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: dthrizz1337

Very interesting, thanks for making this thread.

Or we could say it's weirinteresting, or weirdodd, or hmmmodd, or funnyweird, or weirdazing, or ...

Sometimes folks tell me : " Hey ! You can't just make-up words like that ! "

My answer : Do you know of any words that weren't made-up ?

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: dthrizz1337

Can any of this help me with Scrabble!?🤔Sorry, I digress...carry on

posted on Jun, 1 2021 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: dthrizz1337

I've always wondered since kindergarten why W isn't called double v.

Other than that I've never given the alphabet much thought, but I love words and word play.


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