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Some transplant recipients aren't producing antibodies after getting COVID-19 vaccine

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posted on May, 27 2021 @ 09:59 AM

Some transplant recipients aren't producing antibodies after getting COVID-19 vaccine

A recent study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association found 46% of 658 transplant patients who got two doses of either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine produced no COVID-19 antibodies.

My father is a kidney transplant patient; he said his doctor makes him get tested for antibodies to make sure the vaccine is working for him and apparently it does.

But apparently there is another way to protect yourself if you are in this vulnerable group...

Centers for Disease and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky has said that people with compromised immune systems should continue wearing face masks even after being vaccinated against COVID-19. 

I was under the impression from months of propaganda that face masks where required for everyone not because they protected you from getting the virus but because they instead help stop you from spreading the virus.

Turns out the authorities have changed their minds on that subject yet again ... is it any wonder why people choose not to believe them when they use information as a means to control behavior?

Here is the new behavior they are wishing to control.

Saddle River, New Jersey — The easing of COVID-19 restrictions has only added to the fear of 43-year-old Jennifer Trokhan, who is fully vaccinated yet wholly unprotected from the coronavirus because her immune system is suppressed by medicine she takes to prevent organ rejection. 

"I take about 15 pills a day," she said. 

Trokhan got a third shot, but that failed too. Her best protection against COVID-19 is for everyone else to get vaccinated.  "I hope if there are people out there who haven't committed to being vaccinated, in my heart I hope that they reconsider," she said. 

Was it a coincidence that mask mandates started to drop at the same time as vaccine use also started to drop? Will the masks come back once the authorities decide they have hit their magic number of vaccine use?

edit on 27-5-2021 by dandandat2 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: dandandat2

Vaccine administering will not hit the "80% of American's vaccinated" target set by the Biden-Fauci administration. It's now only at 39.7% percent.


Haven't seen any graphs, but I think the number of Covid-19 vaccines administered is leveling off. Tons of Americans are using our brain, in our reaction to this minimally lethal virus.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: dandandat2

Yeah, they aren’t producing antibodies to covid-19 because the “jabs” aren’t designed to produce antibodies to the covid-19 virus. These experimental gene therapies are designed to cause your body to make billions of spike proteins.

+5 more 
posted on May, 27 2021 @ 10:18 AM
I love it. The vaccine didn’t work on me, so you’re the one that really needs the vaccine. Now I understand why my doctor put a cast on everyone else’s arm when I broke mine.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 10:27 AM
It is more clown world science when the blood plasma for those that have been vaccinated cannot be used to treat those going through the covids. If you have been exposed to covid and not vaccinated, that still works ok and can be used.

Just what is going on with these antibodies that is being produced from the covid shot?

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 10:32 AM
Transplant recipients take anti-rejection meds so their body does not reject the transplanted organ. They basically block their immune system to do that. So how will the body make antibodies to the vaccine since the medicines usually block antibody production. Even with antibodies, those people can't wage a good response against microbes. If you were born with immunity passed down through your parents, that may make it so you still have an inhibited innate response even with the meds...but they might actually boost the anti-rejection meds if it causes problems with the transplant. The anti-rejection meds will block your immune system but with covid, the virus just causes minor damage in the early stages and the overreaction is what causes Covid 19 disease to form. If you have no response at all, I suppose that is covid 19 too, because covid 19 disease is defined as the result of the immune systems improper reaction to the virus.

This finding is expected in the OP, anyone who has been trained in immunology about transplants would expect this, in fact, they probably are surprised that so many of the people got antigens from the vaccine.

This vaccine will not protect those highest at risk. People who are having their immune system suppressed or those who are really old and have a very poor immune system will often still not benefit from the vaccine, they have been lying all along, these people are still at risk of even the flu causing their death, and especially pneumonia...that vaccine will not work well either. Start vaccinating all these people for all these diseases and they will wind up dying from lots of other things because their immune system that is left is concentrating on the flu and pneumonia, there are thousands of viruses and bacteria and fungus out there we fight off every day that can cause harm if our immune system is looking the other way.

The people pushing vaccines lie about things by ommission of the whole truth about how things work.
edit on 27-5-2021 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 10:45 AM
Seems like every day we see more questions.
The answers that we get often contradict what we have been told before about COVID and vaccines.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: dandandat2

Yeah, they aren’t producing antibodies to covid-19 because the “jabs” aren’t designed to produce antibodies to the covid-19 virus. These experimental gene therapies are designed to cause your body to make billions of spike proteins.

No its because transplant patients take drugs to stop rejection. So they already having their immune system supressed Some will overcome it others will not and not produce antibodies.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 10:53 AM
My mother has had kidney and pancreas transplants due to lifelong diabetic complications half a decade ago. Her doctor told her to get jabbed and actually threatened her if she didn't telling her that she is risking her life not getting it.

Now the "$cience" is flip-flopping for the hundredth+ time since the plandemic began, who'd have guessed this would happen, right?

No more surprising than me taking a crap after having some caffeine in the morning.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: dandandat2

Yeah, they aren’t producing antibodies to covid-19 because the “jabs” aren’t designed to produce antibodies to the covid-19 virus. These experimental gene therapies are designed to cause your body to make billions of spike proteins.


Those billions of spike proteins are antigens. A normally functioning immune system will create antibodies to those antigens which are capable of destroying those antigens. Equally importantly, a normally functioning immune system will create a molecular memory of those antigens so that the next time they appear in your body your immune system can kick in to start destroying them almost immediately instead of having to wait 5 or 6 days. All coronaviruses have those spike proteins, so if your immune system is destroying the spike proteins it is also neutralizing the viruses. The fact that all coronaviruses have those spike proteins is exactly why the vaccines are designed the way they are. If the virus mutates to not have spike proteins then it can no longer infect human cells; if it doesn’t mutate, then your antigens will neutralize it. The head-start that your immune system gets by having those memory molecules means it can start neutralizing the viruses almost immediately after they begin infecting you instead of waiting 5 or 6 days. That keeps the viral load low and minimizes the damage the infection can do.

If you don’t have a normally functioning immune system because it is being suppressed by medications to prevent organ rejection then none of that stuff will work. You won’t produce enough antigens when you get the vaccine, your immune system won’t have the memory molecules, it won’t have a head-start when you finally do get the virus, it probably won’t produce many antibodies even 5 or 6 days AFTER getting infected with the virus, the virus load will build up and you will have severe symptoms.

There’s no mystery here.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 11:19 AM
One bit at time we're discovering all the crap behind the vaccine.

We'll also find out that many of those trying to force people to take the vaccine, didn't take it.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 11:22 AM
How is this at all surprising they are on Immunosuppressants??

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: 1947boomer

why is that people who have been “vaccinated” for covid-19 aren’t allowed to give plasma to give to people sick with covid-19?

Also, there are more than 90 other types of spike proteins in the human body. So the not-a-vaccine is teaching your body to be allergic to itself, is it not? Prove me wrong.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: carewemust

You have to pay close attention to the claim...notice that they've stopped at 18yo instead of going all the way down to 12yo, which there is at least one vaccine approved for.

They're fudging the numbers in order to make it look better, because I'm pretty certain that Biden never specified "adults" getting one shot, he said "Americans."

This sh*t is a shell game with stats and numbers, hoping that nobody notices. It's pathetic.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: 1947boomer

The mystery, then, is why these experts in the medical profession would push people on immunosuppressants to get the vaccines in the first place. It seems, since you are laying out how non-mysterious that the logic is, that they could have predicted such a high inefficacy of the vaccine.

Were they just crossing their fingers and hoping? Did they just want the numbers of "vaccinated" people to keep going up, so they said to hell with the chance that it would be ineffective? Did they even counsel these patients that it was basically a 50/50 chance that the shot could do nothing for them? Did they even put that much critical thinking into it, or were they just jabbing people with an EAU-approved vaccine never mass-used on humans just because they were being told to?

There is still mystery there, just not the one that you're acknowledging.

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 12:33 PM
What if transplant recipients start generating antibodies only when the organ donor from whom they got their organ gets vaccinated as well? There have been stories of people receiving organ transplants who start to get strange memories that belong to the organ donor...perhaps that connection extends further than we think?

Some fun woo-woo stuff to think about, cue up the Twilight Zone theme song...

posted on May, 28 2021 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: dandandat2

Saddle River, New Jersey — The easing of COVID-19 restrictions has only added to the fear of 43-year-old Jennifer Trokhan, who is fully vaccinated yet wholly unprotected from the coronavirus because her immune system is suppressed by medicine she takes to prevent organ rejection.

"I take about 15 pills a day," she said.

Trokhan got a third shot, but that failed too. Her best protection against COVID-19 is for everyone else to get vaccinated. "I hope if there are people out there who haven't committed to being vaccinated, in my heart I hope that they reconsider," she said.

What kind of an idiot doc does that poor lady have ?
3 jabs while on Immune system suppression drugs ?
And they're surprised it didn't work ?

What do you call a person who finishes last in a nation's or school's medicine program ?
A doctor...

posted on May, 28 2021 @ 05:25 AM

originally posted by: Nothin
a reply to: dandandat2

Saddle River, New Jersey — The easing of COVID-19 restrictions has only added to the fear of 43-year-old Jennifer Trokhan, who is fully vaccinated yet wholly unprotected from the coronavirus because her immune system is suppressed by medicine she takes to prevent organ rejection.

"I take about 15 pills a day," she said.

Trokhan got a third shot, but that failed too. Her best protection against COVID-19 is for everyone else to get vaccinated. "I hope if there are people out there who haven't committed to being vaccinated, in my heart I hope that they reconsider," she said.

What kind of an idiot doc does that poor lady have ?
3 jabs while on Immune system suppression drugs ?
And they're surprised it didn't work ?

What do you call a person who finishes last in a nation's or school's medicine program ?
A doctor...

He might not be stupid if he was reducing her meds each time. If he didn't well then he would be stupid.

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