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Pfizer, Moderna CEOs- China Virus Vaccine Boosters Needed as Early as September

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posted on May, 25 2021 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: olaru12

originally posted by: olaru12

The reason the US is so unhealthy is because they are FAT on junk food, alcohol, smoking, carbohydrate overload and environmental toxic elements.

Luckily we discovered the vaccine to smallpox or we would all have been dead long ago.

And how does that explain the state of your actual mental health, intellect and/or teeth/tooth? You must be from a third world country where they believe taking it in the butt is how they get pregnant.

So proud that your vaccine for small pox was a result of infecting and experimenting on an 8yr old boy.

Your brain definitely isn't your strong point here, especially if you want to go into the history of abusing kids being rampant until the late 1950s..

Thousands of years of history and that's the only thing you got? Oh right, that's cause Brits are literally 100% useless. They haven't done crap for anyone in decades!

You wanna throw punches at America, we will throw em right back. Yeah we have our own issues, but we still the greatest place to live. Cause, we don't get arrested for speaking our minds. Or pay for a queen that is useless with 75% of our paychecks. Or have a Government so corrupt it stops food and medicine being delivered to those in need. We don't have a society where aids is so rampant we have to outcast family for being rape victims. We don't have to worry about our children starving to death. When needed here people come together and fight.

Can't tell you how many groups formed during lockdowns to ensure people without jobs could provide food for their kids. "No questions asked."

When was the last time YOUR country did anything to better their futures? England never, Aussie hand over guns causing crime to rise 2000%.

Africa rather 1-2 die at a time it lots of 10,000 per day... then start a revolution and fight against corruption. I can keep going.

Even Canada "something needs to be done, but we don't know what.". Answer riot protest, and fight for your future. "They come for our guns.." hello, there's the trigger use it. You bought and paid for it.

Mexico and Port, you bushes only get recognized when the cartel decapitates your people on YouTube. You wanna talk sick let's talk about that. Instead of making changes you wanna abandon your kids at the border. Pathetic, talk about real laziness.

Netherlands won't protest because they are all on drugs, Brazil barely gets access to the free world, with their .03kb internet's and website restrictions.

Oh right china, they be so great at the start of the pandemic they burned their own citizens alive! Just to justify more deaths to covid, oh that's some # right there.

Russia, oh there's plenty to say about Russia. But at least we don't count vodka as the number 1 and only food group. (Highest heart rate failure/attacks in the world) but those guys scare me so imma just leave it at the food they eat. Not mention the genocides of their civilians, because they have standards that make Hollywood blush.

Japan, least our kids don't all look like girls, or the only good export was the PlayStation.

India - we don't worship cows to the extent our ancestors would trade 10daughters for a single cow. Nor do we need to worry about sleeping standing up so we don't bump our neighbor cause of the uncontrollable population boom.

So what, we get to be lazy bastards if we want. Jelly? That's okay go home your drunk, oh wait you can't afford the booze, your Parliament claimed ur money.
edit on 25-5-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 02:45 PM
The CEOs of major pharmaceutical companies stressing the importance of consuming their products. What a surprise.

I think I'll wait the three years until the FDA decides these experimental medical injections are actually vaccines (chances of the injections being approved currently looks unlikely) and then I'll wait another seven years to see what the mid to long term effects of these injections might be.

I have auto-immune complications from "vaccines" administered without my consent throughout childhood. Primarily thimerosal (mercury), barium, and aluminum related health complications. Some of thosr complications have taken decades to fully manifest and be properly diagnosed.

I will not consent to these injections, despite any and all social and economic implications. Pharmaceutical companies have paid billions in compensation and damages to those they have harmed. They are notorious liars and the employ sociopathic / psychopathic individuals and constantly engage in psycopathic and fraudulent activities. Why any human being would trust these organizations, or believe that the government has their best interest at heart, is beyond me.

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: IAMTAT

Just like they believed it was “two weeks to flatten the curve.” Hell they STILL believe it’s “two weeks to flatten the curve.”

I just had a flashback to when all this bullcorn started--back when I was one of those essential workers...

Dude was all like I can't wait to get my kids back to school and get back to work.

I tried to break it to him diplomatically. I told him, My dude, it's not going to be a 2 week thing or a 2 month thing. This is the rest of the year if not longer.

He looked at me like I had 2 heads.

People are gullible and naive, and that's how we got here.

It sucks being right all the time and bearing the ridicule, but someone has to be the voice of reason and enlightenment, even if it is pearls before swine.

edit on 25-5-2021 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2021 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
"Just Another Flu Shot"

F me -.- that's all I need in my life -.-

(not that I take flu shots, mind you...)

originally posted by: CircumstancialEvidence
The CEOs of major pharmaceutical companies stressing the importance of consuming their products. What a surprise.

In my town they say, "Oste, il vino è buono?" If the guy profits from it, of course he'll praise it -.- Imagine them saying ooops guys we messed up big time.....we may need to pay a million dollars to a million people....sorry next time won't happen...and by the way, all our other many products are safe, don't look down on them because of this little boo boo..." -.-
edit on 25-5-2021 by Odysse because: add

posted on May, 27 2021 @ 09:26 PM
Good News for the 98.7% who recover from Covid-19

The 38 million Americans who have recovered from Covid-19, can AVOID VACCINE WORRIES, because..

Cases of reinfection with COVID-19 have been reported, but remain rare​.​
More at CDC website:

Stay away from the Vaccine and you'll have one less worry in your life, going forward.

Remember, the Covid-19 vaccines are still "experimental", which makes recipients, lab test subjects. (a.k.a. guinea pigs)

And, due to their experimental ingredients, complications (ranging from minor to death) may not manifest for many months, or even years later.

The Virus-triggered antibodies are your BEST DEFENSE against contracting Covid-19 again, and ongoing peace-of-mind.

posted on May, 28 2021 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: CircumstancialEvidence

Yes, herd stupidity is rampant these days regarding the insidious efforts of pharma to profit from fear and ignorance.

I blame a large part of it on what Bill Clinton did as POTUS. He changed a long standing practice regarding the advertising of prescription drugs. Until he came into office, the practice was that prescription drugs COULD NOT BE ADVERTISED to the general public. Rx drugs could be advertised only in medical journals and such. They could be advertised ONLY to physicians and healthcare types.

Bill accommodated pharma's desires and allowed Rx drugs to be advertised to the general public, and of course the TV airways have inundated the general public and its hypochondriacs with ads for various Rx drugs ever since.

So there is an explanation for why the public is standing in line to receive dangerous experimental drugs. They have been scared silly by a year of fear-mongering, AND they see salvation in Big Pharma and its products.

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