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People vaccinated can't donate convalescent plasma

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posted on May, 20 2021 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: network dude

No claws, like I said I don't blame you I blame the OP for the confusion. I am merely trying to shed some light on his confusion.

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: xuenchen
So what happens when there's a shortage of blood ? 😉

This has no impact on blood donation.

Careful, apparently pointing this out annoys networkdude.

when you act like a dick, that annoys me.

You asked a question, I googled it, and presented a result.

the rest is you in all your glory.

I asked a question in response to a question from another poster as I fail to see what it has to do with the topic.

Your reply likewise had nothing to do with the topic

"To illustrate how off topic you are I've posted 1/3 of the off topic thread replies."

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 04:05 PM
I'm sure this has already been posted:

Can I donate after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine?

February 24, 2021

As COVID-19 vaccines are being distributed throughout the U.S., what does this mean for blood donors? Great news: if you receive the vaccine, you can still donate blood, platelets and AB Elite plasma! Donating blood is essential to help save lives and support the efforts of those on the frontlines of the pandemic.
When can I donate blood after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine?

The Red Cross is following FDA blood donation eligibility guidance for those who receive the COVID-19 vaccination. Deferral times for donations may vary depending on which brand of vaccine you received. If you’ve received a COVID-19 vaccine, you’ll need to provide the manufacturer name when you come to donate. In most cases, there is no deferral time for individuals who received a COVID-19 vaccine as long as they are symptom-free and feeling well at the time of donation.

The following eligibility guidelines apply to each COVID-19 vaccine received, including boosters: There is no deferral time for eligible blood donors who are vaccinated with a non-replicating inactivated or RNA-based COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca, Janssen/J&J, Moderna, Novavax, or Pfizer.
Eligible blood donors who received a live attenuated COVID-19 vaccine or do not know what type of COVID-19 vaccine they received must wait two weeks before giving blood. If you have an appointment scheduled and need to change your donation date based on the above guidance, click here.

If you have further eligibility questions, please call 1-800-RED CROSS. Regardless, of the type of vaccine an individual receives, all donors must be symptom-free and feeling well at the time of donation. If an individual is experiencing any symptoms from the COVID-19 vaccine, the Red Cross asks that they postpone their donation until they are feeling better.

When you receive your COVID-19 vaccination, make sure you receive a handout with information about the vaccine, including the name of the manufacturer. It is encouraged to bring this information with you to your donation appointment.
Can I donate COVID-19 convalescent plasma if I have received the vaccination?

At this time individuals who have received a COVID-19 vaccine are not able to donate convalescent plasma with the Red Cross. The Red Cross is working as quickly as possible to evaluate this change – as it may involve complex system updates. Please know, the Red Cross is committed to building a readily available inventory of convalescent plasma to ensure patients battling COVID-19 have all treatment options available to them.

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 05:57 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: xuenchen
So what happens when there's a shortage of blood ? 😉

This has no impact on blood donation.

Careful, apparently pointing this out annoys networkdude.

OP made an identical thread claiming Red Cross was rejecting blood, so I blame the OP for the confusion with his lies.

The previous one was so bad it got moved to LOL.

Yet here we are again

Only 3 LOL posts in the past year ... all from OP

Probably could have added about 10 more of his.

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 06:23 PM
Extant thread on topic here. Please direct all comments to the linked thread.

Thank you.

Thread closed.

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