Hello ATS, I come sharing really exciting news, that you may or may not know already.
Ian McCollum, who is all our favorite firearm messiah (All praise gun jesus) has put forth his new testament! Ian's second book, the third book from
Headstamp Publishing, titled "Pistols of the Warlords" was announced today on his YouTube page, and he has provided a Kickstarter page for
pre-orders with some pretty sweet "Stretch-Goals"
So, I don't normally push kickstarts, I certainly have never bought into any of them myself; but this one is different. The book is most certainly
happening, and based on the success of the first two from this publisher, it is sure to be a collector's item and fantastic reference for people
The information in the book is based on a private collection of firearms that were produced within China during the 1911-1945 civil war and turbulance
within the country, during which different "warlords" were battling for control of the country.
very extremely limited information has been available about these firearms, and Ian has done due-diligence to procure as much information as possible,
along with very high quality images.
I personally have pledged for a signed copy of his kickstarter-only print (Different version for kickstarter only purchase) and there are additional
"addons" that you can get as well (like a poster with gun-jesus inspecting some pistols in traditional chinese style, or gold-leaf embossed leather
book marks)
So, I really hope that even more stretch goals are met. I definitely see this becoming an extremely sucessfull book for Ian, as he's raised almost
half a million in this first day on kickstarter.
Mods, I'm not sure if T&C will allow me to link to this kickstarter, I'm not sure the rules. I'll include the link for now, and if it's an issue,
I'll gladly remove it, and just say "Hey, go google it if you want"
Anyhoo, Go ahead and check it out fellow gun lovers and history nerds! Very, very cool stuff to follow!
Pistols of the Warlords, by Ian McCollum