a reply to:
You just do not get it.
No one has seen the father except the Son, the Son only has seen the father not even the Angels in Heaven (and definitely not the devil or any fallen
angel) have seen the Father.
If you reject the one that comes in the name of the Lord you reject the Lord simple as that.
If you reject the lord you can not then say well I will walk around you and talk to the boss myself, you can not see the father because you do not
see him in the Son.
Who see's the Son see's the Father.
In the Beginning was God and WITH GOD was the WORD and the WORD IS GOD, everything that was created was created through the word and nothing that was
created was created without the word.
Jesus IS God, he is the WORD and you just called him the monkey grinder.
It is alright if you don't want to accept Yeshua but then you are definitely not going to heaven and there is then only one other place, it is not a
nice place, you don't get time out and it is forever.
Jesus is the way, only the spirit of the Anti Christ want's to take soul's away from him.
Think how dumb it made the devil look when he tried to get GOD to worship HIM not even knowing who Jesus was in reality, not even the angels in
heaven (including the fallen and cast out ones) have seen the father only the Son, who see's the Son and accepts him accepts he that sent him, he is
the word of God.
And Ketsuko what are you on about, I do not divide my Lord's body on earth and if you hate the Catholics then you are wrong, for a start the Catholic
church was wrong to suppress the truth but did you know that most tradition is actually shared in common with the Syriac Orthodoxy (that is the Church
of Antioch in the East) and with the Orthodox even if they have this sticking point about the TRUE nature of Jesus and the holy spirit and also about
the rights and position of the pope as ALL bishop's used to be equal and the Bishop of Rome was just another Bishop so the formation of the Papacy was
about power, political power and we all know how that turned out 'Borgias'.
Refusing to let people read the scriptures in there own tongue was wrong but I see were they were coming from "I shall forgive them what they do not
Martin Luthor only had access to SOME of the bible, the Catholic and Orthodox and Copt and Syriac and Ethiopian Orthodox whom all date to the first
century's after the crucifixion and resurrection and in the case of the Syriac to the FIRST century though only established as a state religion and
preceding and not actually part of the conclave of Nicenea much later was founded by the Apostles James and Peter.
So those translations the JESUIT priest stuck up on his church walls in German were an incomplete translation (after that the common people more or
less created there own sect that we call the Protestants but in fact there are MANY different groups within that umbrella term and many interpret the
writing they DO accept in different ways), even when King James and others translated the bible it was still not the complete text, there are book's
known as apocryphal texts for example missing from it and other's that are too vague to the modern mind to be easily understood such as the old
testament book of Enoch etc.
And yet in a blind and frankly both stupid and BLASPHEMOUS by both sides series of wars countless Christians were lied too and told to hate there
neighbour's instead of love them as Christ commanded, this error and actually anti Christian sentiment continues today in your own attack upon the
But here is the point ALL modern Churches are heretic's if you like to use that word.
Go have a look at the new testament again and how Christian community's were arranged, how they worked and how these Community's or Christian Kibbutz
were actually THE REAL CHURCH.
It was all Socialist before the concept of Socialism had even been invented, not the Elitism of the later church.
The poor were looked after and fed, the sick cared for, the orphaned adopted by everyone, they lived as family not simply as neighbours and Christ
walked among them in his apostles, in his spirit and even perhaps often as himself perhaps in disguise as he was when Mary (the apostle) did not
recognize him after finding the tomb empty.
There were no bishop's palaces, alters of gold, silk wearing priests, money making tv evangelists lining there own pockets and paying there ex wives
alimony's out of the donation money.
Even the Apostles most often worked to earn there keep and paid what little extra they had into there church to look after the poor, when they sent
money to church's it was to look after the poor, to cloth those in need of clothing, to feed the hungry to shelter the widow and the orphans, the sold
everything they owned and pooled it to do this, they lived together as family.
Non of us are perfect, most priests are men that Loved God and accepted a life time commitment to serving him, the same with most pastors.
My view is very ecumenical.
I believe a certain priest perhaps wrongly made into a saint by ONE of the Church's got it half right.
God WILL sort them out.
But in his case he ordered both Christians and so called Heretics to be butchered and an entire town or small city to be raised to make certain non
of the CATHARS (a semi Christian Gnostic sect) survived so I suspect he has had to answer for that or will on judgement day, the Lord is not without
mercy though.
Something else to remember, God has out of his kindness 'to them' restrained some angels from destroying Satan, his number is well and truly up but
he is allowed to do whatever it is he is Allowed to do and nothing more for a time, then he will pay an eternal price for his crimes.
There are good Christians from all denominations, all Church's, martyrs to our Lord, for there fellow man, that have died time and time again and you
know what even if they do not accept the truth and follow a cult there are even good Muslims out there whose beliefs at a personal level are wholly
more Christian than most Christian's which is a sad indictment of our current age and also a ray of hope that as Christ calls his flock back to
himself he may also call them.
edit on 19-5-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)