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An unsettling dream I had the other day

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posted on May, 19 2021 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: OneManArmy

You just do not get it.

No one has seen the father except the Son, the Son only has seen the father not even the Angels in Heaven (and definitely not the devil or any fallen angel) have seen the Father.

If you reject the one that comes in the name of the Lord you reject the Lord simple as that.

If you reject the lord you can not then say well I will walk around you and talk to the boss myself, you can not see the father because you do not see him in the Son.

Who see's the Son see's the Father.

In the Beginning was God and WITH GOD was the WORD and the WORD IS GOD, everything that was created was created through the word and nothing that was created was created without the word.

Jesus IS God, he is the WORD and you just called him the monkey grinder.

It is alright if you don't want to accept Yeshua but then you are definitely not going to heaven and there is then only one other place, it is not a nice place, you don't get time out and it is forever.

Jesus is the way, only the spirit of the Anti Christ want's to take soul's away from him.

Think how dumb it made the devil look when he tried to get GOD to worship HIM not even knowing who Jesus was in reality, not even the angels in heaven (including the fallen and cast out ones) have seen the father only the Son, who see's the Son and accepts him accepts he that sent him, he is the word of God.


And Ketsuko what are you on about, I do not divide my Lord's body on earth and if you hate the Catholics then you are wrong, for a start the Catholic church was wrong to suppress the truth but did you know that most tradition is actually shared in common with the Syriac Orthodoxy (that is the Church of Antioch in the East) and with the Orthodox even if they have this sticking point about the TRUE nature of Jesus and the holy spirit and also about the rights and position of the pope as ALL bishop's used to be equal and the Bishop of Rome was just another Bishop so the formation of the Papacy was about power, political power and we all know how that turned out 'Borgias'.

Refusing to let people read the scriptures in there own tongue was wrong but I see were they were coming from "I shall forgive them what they do not know".

Martin Luthor only had access to SOME of the bible, the Catholic and Orthodox and Copt and Syriac and Ethiopian Orthodox whom all date to the first century's after the crucifixion and resurrection and in the case of the Syriac to the FIRST century though only established as a state religion and preceding and not actually part of the conclave of Nicenea much later was founded by the Apostles James and Peter.

So those translations the JESUIT priest stuck up on his church walls in German were an incomplete translation (after that the common people more or less created there own sect that we call the Protestants but in fact there are MANY different groups within that umbrella term and many interpret the writing they DO accept in different ways), even when King James and others translated the bible it was still not the complete text, there are book's known as apocryphal texts for example missing from it and other's that are too vague to the modern mind to be easily understood such as the old testament book of Enoch etc.

And yet in a blind and frankly both stupid and BLASPHEMOUS by both sides series of wars countless Christians were lied too and told to hate there neighbour's instead of love them as Christ commanded, this error and actually anti Christian sentiment continues today in your own attack upon the Catholic's.

But here is the point ALL modern Churches are heretic's if you like to use that word.


Go have a look at the new testament again and how Christian community's were arranged, how they worked and how these Community's or Christian Kibbutz were actually THE REAL CHURCH.

It was all Socialist before the concept of Socialism had even been invented, not the Elitism of the later church.

The poor were looked after and fed, the sick cared for, the orphaned adopted by everyone, they lived as family not simply as neighbours and Christ walked among them in his apostles, in his spirit and even perhaps often as himself perhaps in disguise as he was when Mary (the apostle) did not recognize him after finding the tomb empty.

There were no bishop's palaces, alters of gold, silk wearing priests, money making tv evangelists lining there own pockets and paying there ex wives alimony's out of the donation money.

Even the Apostles most often worked to earn there keep and paid what little extra they had into there church to look after the poor, when they sent money to church's it was to look after the poor, to cloth those in need of clothing, to feed the hungry to shelter the widow and the orphans, the sold everything they owned and pooled it to do this, they lived together as family.

Non of us are perfect, most priests are men that Loved God and accepted a life time commitment to serving him, the same with most pastors.

My view is very ecumenical.

I believe a certain priest perhaps wrongly made into a saint by ONE of the Church's got it half right.

God WILL sort them out.

But in his case he ordered both Christians and so called Heretics to be butchered and an entire town or small city to be raised to make certain non of the CATHARS (a semi Christian Gnostic sect) survived so I suspect he has had to answer for that or will on judgement day, the Lord is not without mercy though.

Something else to remember, God has out of his kindness 'to them' restrained some angels from destroying Satan, his number is well and truly up but he is allowed to do whatever it is he is Allowed to do and nothing more for a time, then he will pay an eternal price for his crimes.

There are good Christians from all denominations, all Church's, martyrs to our Lord, for there fellow man, that have died time and time again and you know what even if they do not accept the truth and follow a cult there are even good Muslims out there whose beliefs at a personal level are wholly more Christian than most Christian's which is a sad indictment of our current age and also a ray of hope that as Christ calls his flock back to himself he may also call them.

edit on 19-5-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2021 @ 08:08 PM
"I dont think the dream meant anything"

I would strongly disagree. There is a story from a Cherokee Chief that may help you understand that message a little better...

“A Cherokee elder was teaching his young grandson about life.
"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil- he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt and ego.
The other is good- he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.
This same fight is going on inside you—and inside every other person, too."
The boy thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,
"Which wolf will win?"
The elder simply replied,
"The one you feed.”

The tree of knowledge of good and evil is our physical realm. Whilst we feed the mind in good and evil we exist as the anti-christ. Our spiritual self does not differentiate between good and evil. It exist as pure love in the essence of God.

Your quest is to discover your true self.

posted on May, 19 2021 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: glend

Feed the right wolf, it has actually helped a lot of people, drug, porn and other addicts to overcome addiction but it is also a powerful tool to teach a fundamental lesson about self control and how giving in to the base, dark and nasty side of our nature not only causes others harm but also the self.

The best answer to this for him and your answer is all he need's, I wish I had stayed out of this now as mine just drifted and got ever more complicated.

posted on May, 19 2021 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

There is another story from the indians on a similar vein....

How cruel the whites are: their lips are thin, their noses sharp, their faces furrowed and distorted by holes. Their eyes have a staring expression. They are always seeking something. What are they seeking? The whites always want something, they are always uneasy and restless. We do not know what they want, we do not understand them, we think that they are mad. I asked him why he thought the whites were all mad. “They say they think with their heads,” he replied.

“Why, of course. What do you think with?” I asked him in surprise.

“We think here,” he said, indicating his heart.

...C. G. Jung, in his book "Memories, Dreams, Reflections"

Today we consider our self as the throughts coming from our mind/ego. But the indians saw two selves or two wolves within. One mind, one heart. If Gods essense (or temple) is within our being. Perhaps some of the subtle messages from dreams or our conciousness don't originate from mind/ego. But come from the temple within (aka Will of the Father) which the indians recognized as their heart.

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 02:15 AM
a reply to: OneManArmy

If I may be so bold to point something out:

I am like you in many ways. I rarely attend a church, because I do not care for all the pomp and circumstance (and I am a protestant, as in, not a Catholic. I am actually non-demoninational). I do enjoy talking with other believers about God and Jesus.

I do not pray to Jesus, nor do I pray through Jesus. I pray to God Almighty, in the name of Jesus. Jesus is not a middleman standing between me and God... Jesus, as in acceptance that He paid the price for me to be able to speak with God, is the route I must take to absolve my weaknesses and sins in order to be able to pray directly to God. Otherwise I am far too "dirty" with sin to be worthy to speak to Him. Even Jesus Himself said to pray directly to the Father and not to Him.

Do not let the pomp and circumstance of religion come between you and faith. Religion, even organized, is a good thing for many who lack the ability to understand clearly, as it teaches them and allows them to come closer to God. It can also be a danger when it is run by man and not by God. Only by a personal relationship with God can one be sure they are not being led by man.

Your dream also sounds like it was a warning to me. Perhaps a warning that great evil is coming your way, evil which you are not prepared for. If so, now is the time to prepare. What do you call a soldier asleep in his bunk with his guns unloaded and weapons locked away when the attack comes? Answer: a casualty of war.


posted on May, 20 2021 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: OneManArmy

you may not think the dream of an African Soldier the USA ... snapping a childs wrist as a 'lesson to You' had meaning

but that dream vision foretells of 3rd world mercenaries plundering the war ravaged USA ... the future USA is cast as a Babylon and will receive punishment for Its' collective sins (as predicted in Revelation)

in One Hour will USA be destroyed and the 3rd world armies will come to plunder what remains, thats why the African Soldier deemed you an anti-christ

the Red Horse and rider are the secondary campaign of dozems of wars in a pandemic of simeotaneous conflicts on the globe in the present timeframe (2020s) right upon the heels of the White Horse and rider with Crown & Bow to conquer

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: St Udio

That is based on the interpretation based around the fact that the statue of Liberty is actually the pagan Goddess Isis or as we know her the Mother of Babylon the mother of harlots and whores.

Many interpret that to mean that New York is New Babylon but others claim it is Rome and still others that it is an as yet unrecognized or yet to be revealed city.

There is another identical statue to that Statue of Liberty which was made first and is much smaller in Paris on the Sein, so it could also refer to Paris? or the EU?.

Still that is a dark interpretation.

Back when I was a young man I had all manner of horrible visions, being in a bamboo cage in a jungle with a squinting dark skinned china man laughing through the bars and prodding me with a stick, seeing doctors and blue helmets in a large building as the only survivors of some terrible disaster when an army of tribal black men with spears came in like a flood and murdered them so that they were then gone for ever.

I know the trick's evil can play, the visions it can put into a person's mind.

As long as there is life, as long as there are even just a handful of Christians and decent righteous people in The US, Righteous in God's sight not there own, the US is NOT New Babylon but should that day come when they are not there or are driven into the wilderness then perhaps it will be.

In the meantime there is a plan to build a mega city in Arabia that probably fit's the prophecy far more closely.

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767
yep I dont get it, and it seems despite your proselytising neither do you. The bible specifically says God has a council in heaven, a council of Elohim, the sons of God, Elohim, the angels(the messengers), Elohim. God speaks to his council of Elohim and the council speaks back to him. Elohim just means spirit. While none may stand next to God in terms of he is the most high, he does have a council of spirits with which he does communicate, unless you are saying what the bible itself says is wrong?

posted on May, 20 2021 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: glend

Isnt it all of our quest to find our path? You are indeed right, the battle rages within me to find the truth of this world, the truth of myself, the truth of God. My purpose is to find truth in a world of deception, a world full of misery and suffering. A world full of self righteous hypocrites. The path to salvation is indeed narrow, and I dont think accepting Jesus as my saviour alone will cut it, that would mean that any paedophile, rapist or murderer can be accepted into heaven just for accepting Jesus' sacrifice as their pathway to salvation. After living on this planet for 46 years, the idea of eternal life doesnt appeal to me, its comforting to know that one day this endless struggle will someday end. Jesus isnt the only son of God, we are all sons of God.
Where I have questions regarding God as pure love is when it comes to eternal damnation in the pit of fire for daring to express our free will in a way that displeases him. Whats the point of free will if we cannot exercise it for fear of eternal damnation? "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" are powerful words that really resonate with me.

I really do try to be a good person and to do the right thing, but Im no saint, I could certainly do more to help the needy.
Im jaded by a harsh world and a harsh life, a world thats unfair and unjust where the wicked flourish and the decent suffer. The realities of this world make me question a lot of things about a God of pure love. The truth is, my life has been more of a struggle for my own survival before getting the chance to help others. I do my part by speaking truth to power and I do pray that God protects me from the evil as I speak out against it. I try to open the eyes of friends and family as to some of the darker hidden truths of this world which are legion. Its a tough job and often makes me look like a lunatic, but thats my cross to bear. Its my chosen path, its me trying to do my bit.

posted on May, 21 2021 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: OneManArmy

Some spiritual texts tell that we already exist in an enlightened state in the timeless void. That the purpose of life is to experience that enlightenment through our sensations. Only when we have experienced all that which can be experienced, can we awaken from the realm of dualities. So the path may have two two aspects. One aspect is to experience life. The second aspect to awaken to our true self. The second cannot be fulfilled until the first being completed.

Jesus was introduced by the three wise men that were magi. The magi saw Jesus as a zoroastrian/mithra messiah. Zorostrian teachings warn that those that exist in evil will end up in the lake of fire. The lake of fire is also echoed in Egyptian mythology. That Ra (sun God) rises above the lake of fire each morning, So it doesn't take much imagination to realize the lake of fire is our physical universe. We will continue returning to the lake of fire until we have experienced all that wich can be experienced, Zoroastrian teachings elso explain that a person full of light can never be burnt in the lake of fire. That is what your dream was about. When you still see good/bad in this realm you still exist as mind (existing in evil). When we exist as our I AM (pure awareness of our soul) we no longer exist in good or evil so cannot be burnt. When Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.", he was refering the "I AM" as ones soul. Because those existing as mind would reject any such teachings he used double entendre to mask the truth. Yes God has many sons.

There is a beautiful saying by Meister Eckhart, “When the Soul wants to experience something she throws out an image in front of her and then steps into it.”. So we exist exactly where our soul wants us to exist. Not that long ago I experienced the loss of all my wealth to someone I loved. Yet today I see that as a lesson I had to experience. A lesson that has not left me feeling sour at all. When we try to be good we exist in a state of mind. Our spiritual self does not have to ellivate to goodness or love. It is goodness and love. When we witness the lake of fire with mind we see light and dakness. When we witness the lake of fire from our soul we withness the greatness of God in all things.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ― Rumi

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