posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 11:45 AM
This is the third point in the illuminati agenda for Terri Schiavo.
A disabled woman is murdered during a satanic ritual murder live, just like the children that the FBI burned alive at Waco, broadcasted live on TV.
A ritual planned to last not minutes or hours but days.
...? Am I the only one for which this makes no sense?
Claiming this today puts disinforamtion agents in a dilemma, since it's all too obvious.
She is not dying. She has no terminal illness. She is not in a coma. She is not on life-support equipment. She is not alone, but rather has loving
parents and siblings ready to care for her for the rest of her life. She has not requested death.
She has sustained brain injuries and cannot speak or eat normally. Nevertheless, the only tube attached to her is a small, simple, painless feeding
tube that provides her nourishment directly to her digestive system.
[edit on 22-3-2005 by MattMarriott]