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India Needs Your Help Now

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posted on May, 14 2021 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: booyakasha

It's not that simple for the majority of Indian women who are having all these kids they can't care for. Women in the lower castes can't access birth control. They're called "Untouchables", but are literally raped by higher class men to "keep them in their place".

Makes sense.

Even women in the second lowest class, the Shudras don't want more children. Studies say almost half of all pregnancies are unwanted in the Indian lower castes, but... these lower caste women are basically owned by their husbands, and they can't just say no.

When you can't say no, and you can't access birth control, and husbands are not being proactive, how could a population ever just "stop having kids".

Sometime in the near future, India's government will use this pandemic as a way to enforce a limit on children being born, then we'll see the numbers of women and children dying continue to climb.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 10:18 AM
Granted, this was going on twenty years ago or so now, but still a happy little anecdote. When I was growing up in church, the pastor and his wife felt moved to adopt an orphan boy from India. The church helped with funds and all that jazz. They went to India and got to know the kid and eventually officially adopted him and brought him home. Great, hardworking guy now. Busting his ass in the Coast Guard, last I heard.

As to the OP, I agree the media is def being hypocritical and big pharma is def making their usually cash grabs.

edit on 5-14-2021 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 10:27 AM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer

As to the OP, I agree the media is def being hypocritical and big pharma is def making their usually cash grabs.

The media is in bed with the drug companies.

India has only lost 190 people to Covid-19 out of every 1,000,000 citizens.

America 1,800 per million. (Though $$$ caused many medical people to lie in the USA)

India Covid-19 hype:

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 10:28 AM
India running short on vaccine is like a company hiring new people and having the old employees train the new ones and then firing the old ones 😸🦥

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: and14263

I totally agree, we get a lot of stuff from India and their people get little wages so we can enjoy cheap products...Oh wait, the importers jack up the price and the cost goes way up from high wages of people working in the Import states, they get more for their work than the majority of Americans do but also have high cost of living in those states.

Same goes for those working in China and other nations around the world. India is making lots of vaccines...yet their people are not vaccinated, they can make them way cheaper than other industrialized countries but they cannot afford to give the shots to their own people because we want cheap slave labor.

People here complain of not getting a livable wage so they can pay a hundred bucks for their cell phone package but we are so spoiled here that most cannot fathom that they are rich compared to people in other countries. Here they call kids that miss a few meals poor....yet our country wastes a third of the food that is bought. I am sure in India people do not waste very much food and many are starving. Same with China and many other countries, but the elite in those countries have food to live. The vast majority of people in India and China are not wealthy, they are close to the poverty line or lower.

Then we have people who only buy organic food that passes the fair labor policy, they do not realize what that policy includes when they pay way more for it. The businesses in those countries get the money which they can use in various ways, one of the most common ways is to expand their business...not pay the workers better. Yes when expanding the business they create more jobs as they are cutting down the rainforests and wilderness which leads to more and more carbon in the atmosphere because trees love carbon dioxide to grow.

People worldwide have been led to believe lies so other people can make a cushy income. In the case of India and China the ones profiting the most are the people who import their products, you can buy stuff directly from china for five cents on the dollar of what they charge here....and those making the money off of that hated when China started to do that.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: Atsbhct

maybe just maybe they should stop raping the women then? that would end a lot of unwanted births. maybe they could even give the death penalty to rapists. hmmm

maybe we can donate guns to these women so they can kill them themselves...

sounds like they have a problem with dumb ass men over there. and dumb ass leaders who allow it? sounds like a bunch of idiots to me.

sounds pretty simple to me.
edit on 14-5-2021 by booyakasha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 11:06 AM
On a positive note, the scam phone calls have slowed down…..

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: watchitburn
Their Govt. sanctioned Caste system isn't helping their situation either. But they are dumping money into their Space and Nuclear programs while they have literally millions of people dying in the streets.

I was arguing with a pro military member here, a few years back, who thought it was great they were building warships, might of even been planning an aircraft carrier. I thought it utterly ridiculous in a country with open sewers, little indoor plumbing..etc, etc.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
India running short on vaccine is like a company hiring new people and having the old employees train the new ones and then firing the old ones 😸🦥

Happens everyday.

I have watched places where I have worked, dump their older employees because they can get younger ones for less money. What they usually end up with is a bunch of new people that are interested in just punching the clock, and collecting their paychecks.

I can't say that I blame them. When companies place money above the value of their employees, it shows up eventually, it always does when you kill the geese that are laying the eggs.

The question I ask myself is what country ships away critically needed medicine, when a massive number of your own people are dying? It makes me question a lot of things, with quality of the item, and the accuracy of number of the lost, being close to the top of the list.

Again, I am just thinking out loud.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: watchitburn
Their Govt. sanctioned Caste system isn't helping their situation either. But they are dumping money into their Space and Nuclear programs while they have literally millions of people dying in the streets.

I was arguing with a pro military member here, a few years back, who thought it was great they were building warships, might of even been planning an aircraft carrier. I thought it utterly ridiculous in a country with open sewers, little indoor plumbing..etc, etc.

Don't forget their space program

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 12:33 PM
My personal prescription for India would be the same as everywhere else; use modern technology to enable self-sufficiency at the household level.

"Poverty" would still technically exist, since it is a relative concept, but it would completely change the baseline. For India specifically, they have had longterm and serious issues with how they handle human waste as well.

However, what we are all supposed to do is pick a side (like in sports) and root for them with absolute loyalty, where every news story is like a new game. Thing is.. whether ya cheer for the Packers or the Bears, it all benefits the NFL.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 12:41 PM
Poverty, including death counts due to, is not on the same bar with a pandemic. All of the globe must address covid, a country left behind will continue the spread.

originally posted by: and14263
India is currently facing 3500 deaths per day due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

But this is not why they need your help.

Every year 2,000,000 Indians under 5 die of poverty.

That's 1 every 15 seconds.

That's 5,500 per day.



So why isn't that all over the news?

What about the rest of the population dying of poverty?

Seriously, if you cannot see that this is a cash grab by the powers that be/pharma, aided by the media (all peeing in the same pot) then you are blind. Yes, it's bad, Covid-19 is killing Indians.... but many more have been dying every second of the day due to preventable causes and you didn't care, you don't care.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: and14263

originally posted by: Bluntone22

originally posted by: and14263

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: and14263

India's children are impoverished because they breed like rabbits and have children they cannot afford.

Ever been there?
The people just poop on the sidewalk .... literally

It's their own fault then, so we shall let them suffer.... Unless it's Covid then we shall donate. Jeez.

The united states has had a decades long war on poverty and has failed miserably.
I'm sure the same attempts would work fine in India though

OK just to be clear, I've not made a thread about why there is poverty, I'm raising the hypocrisy of the mainstream media and the general public in regards to crying about Covid when there are much bigger killers. The fact Covid has risen in the press is a cash grab....

People cannot make money from curing poverty.

Although, judging by the lack of compassion three answers into the thread, whatever the world's problems are, they will only get worse.

Clinton, Haiti.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: and14263

Terrible to see. Even worse is that it isn't related to any kind of mini-bug, and instead the causes alluded to by others here.

How can I help?

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 05:11 AM
a reply to: and14263

Although, judging by the lack of compassion three answers into the thread, whatever the world's problems are, they will only get worse.

I’ve noticed this phenomenon and fear you are right.

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 05:27 AM
a reply to: and14263

Yes, it's bad, Covid-19 is killing Indians.... but many more have been dying every second of the day due to preventable causes and you didn't care, you don't care.

Because the COVID situation in India could effect us all as we begin to move out of this pandemic , the none COVID situation in India is of India's own making and effects just them directly.

India has a space program yet their people die due to lack of investment and corruption.

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: gortex

I thought China was the model for the rest of the world to follow, actually it could be India. Lack of investment and corruption are the top priorities of most governments.

Also what are you talking about ‘move out of the pandemic’? This is the new normal didn’t you hear? Lockdowns to be enforced again by autumn at the latest.

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: surfer_soul

Also what are you talking about ‘move out of the pandemic’? This is the new normal didn’t you hear? Lockdowns to be enforced again by autumn at the latest.

Time will tell but as it stands we are moving back towards the normal normal as of Monday.

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: gortex

Thank goodness

They can shove the "great reset" where the Sun doesn't shine

Fortunately, seems weve strung things along enough to carry us to the midterms

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