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Army’s New NV Goggles Look Like Technology Stolen from Aliens

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posted on May, 4 2021 @ 09:40 PM
First, for all you super hip kids, here is some BetaMax footage of what/how we had to live with night vision technology from when President Lincoln was a kid!!

As the article explains, photons are gathered through a monocular device exciting a screen to “see” what the photons are bouncing off of. Green is the color of peace and is supposed to be gentler on your eyes in low light conditions. So that is what Lincoln used!

Technology advances and the items that were necessary have become smaller and/or integrated. Even methodologies are upgraded.

Check out the Lacer Brigade’s new night vision goggles:

(Sorry! I thought that I would find the You Tube vid but have only noticed it is a vid embedded in a tweet!)

Original post I read is - The Army’s New Night Vision Goggles Look Like Technology Stolen from Aliens.

The photons go through a phosphorus tube eliminating the green hue. Combined with a heat sensor, the resulting video can enhance the NV part to define objects being looked at. And they are stereo for 3D. And can be used in no light conditions (for when you drop the remote in your DUMB bunker and your smartphone is dead!)

ENVG-B look like they are an enhancement on the ancient tech from the 80’s!

And these are the “old” models as we have flat lenses that turn nighttime to daylight and can magnify. The future looks bright!

The video game effect is cool. And pretending that you are the Predator hunting Dutch in jungle…

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 09:46 PM

Those are SUPER dope!!! Price tag should drop soon enough to snag a pair.....

The movement is amazingly vibrant and easy to see.

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 09:47 PM

Oh, I want.

I bet these cost a fortune.

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: infolurker

“B” for “binocular”… twice the cost!

I lust for them too…

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: SeektoUnderstand

Seeing through dust and smoke is sick!

Half the things armies do to stay hidden are removed with these things!

I guess the last thing you can do is put on a Halloween costume and try and confuse your enemies.

Especially if they HATE clowns!!!

edit on 4-5-2021 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Autocorrect

edit on 4-5-2021 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Whiskey tango foxtrot??

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 09:58 PM

Nearly 500 million in development through contract Link

Probably VERY costly

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 10:00 PM

Also from that link.....

Maps, radio chatter, and everything needed is on a AR H.U.D. Like Call of Duty.....

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: SeektoUnderstand

And “see” through the site of your weapon!!

Yeah, that is cooler than any video game I played (Donkey Kong confused me, so I stopped playing there!!)

Weird to post “implement of death” but the tech is so cool!!


posted on May, 4 2021 @ 10:05 PM

Also has side and rear camera interfaces, as well as on the rifle to see 360degrees and around corners.......

Tax dollars at work since 1965......

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: SeektoUnderstand

The flip up option is also good.

We should crowdsource those Bigfoot Hunters…

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 10:10 PM

Army’s New NV Goggles Look Like Technology Stolen from Aliens

More like stolen from the Predators .
Shades of Arnold.

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: Gothmog


“Shades of Arnold”!!!

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 10:29 PM
I love them.

Want a set.

I used AN/PVS-15 when I was a Blackhawk crew chief/door gunner. It was all gree and with a 40 degree field of view, but they were crystal clear.

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

In all fairness, the video released was meant to showcase all the “enhancements” available (your use may vary! Batteries not included. Action figures do not move on their own!)

It is still pretty cool what 2.5 pounds of headgear will do for you!

posted on May, 4 2021 @ 11:29 PM
Wow that imagery is so clear.
The edge detection is crazy! Def looks like movie special FX. Really coolio

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 12:27 AM
That's sweet, I wonder if the gen 3? Goggles will go down in price. I want those for boating in fog. Way too expensive.
I just use my flir for my cellphone.
The outline is wild.

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 01:38 AM
They’ve been working on these for a long time. Super cool they got them polished like what you see on the video but the video is “perfect” world scenario. From testing something very similar back in 2009 with white hot thermals and white tubular nvgs the biggest issue was always when they aren’t on your face anymore your natural adaptation to the darkness with the naked eyes is clear and apparent, essentially it’s like getting a camera flash right in your face, so it does have its disadvantages. Another disadvantage is look where they got their computer box mounted and connecting wires (chest and shoulders) depending on the terrain and situation those warlocks will go offline real fu**ing quick if you got to drop like a rock or moving in right quarters or heaven forbid you want to use them in the jungle or have to make a fast move through water. Mobility man is a lot and gear set up is a big deal.

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 02:58 AM
They’ll have to start training soldiers by having them play Tron

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 12:22 PM
TBH these arent that impressive.

The IR vision seems way more usefull and "clear" (the kind that drones/planes have)

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: Brotherman


The “practical and realistic situation usage” is a wonder with tech as broken tech sux and you don’t get to hang out in a pixel being ignored while the battle continues!

Hopefully some of the new 2D materials replace the wires (or, ugh, WiFi).

I would test these out on little kids because if anyone can make them inoperable it is kids!!

Nice to hear about the real world issues!


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