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are ufos dangerous

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posted on Apr, 30 2021 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: Alien Abduct

The sad truth about the existence of aliens being here at our planet is paraphrased in Jack Nicholson words from the movie A Few Good Men, “You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth.” No truer words were ever uttered when applied to the avoidance of humanity’s ostrich’s approach to the UFO/alien situation. That blanket explanation applies to complete governments and individuals alike. The reasonings will vary but all result from the spell-blinding effects of the human trait of cognitive dissonance.

It is so sad to come to ATS day after day, year after year, decade after decade and continually note all manner of supposedly savvy people that discount the obvious. Sure, some are shills such as the notorious Houston rocket expert, but most are thinking that they are thinking properly when they merely are protecting their human-egos and systems from a horrible truth. We can lay blame to several contributing points of view that aid such narrow, conceited thinking: business-as-usual for governments, religious beliefs, (wrong) scientific beliefs, and, if nothing else, aided and abetted by primal fear of the unknown.

You can rest assured that the alien agenda, as it has been correctly called, and your local government have well planned the route for you from here to their tomorrow land. That passage, that transfer from one stage of being to another for an entire world’s civilization is not a simple or quick process. It takes a voluminous, never-ending, all-encompassing plan that defies any forced change every brought to a populace. Therefore, the Deep State had to be created.

Luckily, you need not believe in UFOs or alien overlords to be involved in the transformation. Your governments will create and augment the degree of that process to its satisfaction. In fact, it has been happening for some decades now in stealth modes of changes here and there.

Examine what you can find of the Deep State and find how it jibs with an apparently unforgiving, uncompromising force that seeks to over-power the opposition without a thought to legality, truth, honesty, the former American way, or a proper respect of traditional law and order. To the Deep State, none of the old ways of manners and government matter, only the goal.

If it appears that the Deep State is in control of one political party in America, then that is not without a choice having been critically decided about current political positions on about all aspects of modern living in America. Not a hard choice when only two major, powerful political parties are at play. Then the SOP is viciously manipulated to bring about the desired effect. (That may have a timeline. Anyway, a complete Redo is in the offering.

The common yearning humans have for some connection to the cosmos is finally here to be sated if not being crowned as expected. Our growing awareness of the cosmic situation is progressing to an understanding of a cosmic order to which we belong and must accept. The population does not know that at this point, but blindly awaits orders from government on how they are to accept the new order. So here we stand, chilled and naked in the cosmos, not welcomed but tolerated, having been given an offer that we cannot refuse. Were we not to heed the beck and call of that state of being, I fear, that our existence would probably cease. And rightly so, deep voices of wisdom from space could possibly say.

There will be a war by the people against the dictates of the alien agenda coming forth from governments. Chaos will reign around the globe. Order will be abandoned because personal or communal points of view will overpower the common good. (So, keep that one point in mind anytime you prepare to march.) Eventually, through strife or thinking, all aspects of humanity must face and accept the humiliation of being a mere human, nothing special in the cosmos, and willing to learn how to behave and know our place among our own kind and in the vast field of life forms that surely populate the universe.

posted on Apr, 30 2021 @ 10:43 AM
Would say certain unidentified flying objects are very dangerous indeed.

This guy got his hair burnt off and his ears were turned inside out resembling 'ground beef'.

originally posted by: saskwatch

my question to you all is that since 1969 the govt has said it no longer investigates ufos but we all now know that was a total lie, why do you think they did that?

Because they don't know what they are?

posted on Apr, 30 2021 @ 10:53 AM
Well something is pretty dangerous to,crops, cows and abductees
Malevolent evil spirits in my opinion

posted on Apr, 30 2021 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: Spacespider

Perhaps they see how we threat animals and think, if its okay they do it, we can do some tests and DNA extraction on them.

Ha good point and never considered that one before.

Always remembered this case as the victim suffered burns in six inch circles on his head and died 59 days later .

This other Brazilian case involving Joan Prestes Filho is also a very freaky one as the guy's ears and nose fell off.

posted on Apr, 30 2021 @ 12:14 PM
Maybe we're focused on the wrong threat?

I'm not aware of more than a handful of deaths allegedly tied to unknown aerial phenomena but am very aware of a few million deaths at the hands of identified aerial, land and sea phenomena ... the good 'ol homo sapian armed forces.

The same armed forces that these unknowns are concerned with. If they can circumnavigate our version of physics, I doubt they're interacting with our military to spy or to test us. Maybe they're worried we're suicidal?

The one thing I've learned over too many years is that this universe is surprisingly surprising.
edit on 4/30/2021 by Baddogma because: grammah

posted on Apr, 30 2021 @ 12:31 PM
If you knew nothing about nuclear reactors and you walked into one then died do you blame the reactor. The vast majority of dangerous UFO, human interaction is the humans encroaching in the UFOs space.
UFOs are a threat? Could some one please show me a report of a UFO weapon? But don't show me the UFO shooting a beam and blowing up a rocket, BS.
If you could suppose the effect of negating our electronics (ie, cars electrics stop working) is a weapon they certainly are not using it as a targeted weapon.

posted on Apr, 30 2021 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

The mantell and KinRoss ufo cases , in donald keyhoe's book he writes about the Kinross Ufo attempting to ram the fighter yet.

The mantell ufo case is pretty much still open ended to me, but a fighter pilot died while trying to catch up with a supposed Ufo. what it was is still not clear it could have been another planet , a army balloon or ufo.

posted on Apr, 30 2021 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
If you knew nothing about nuclear reactors and you walked into one then died do you blame the reactor. The vast majority of dangerous UFO, human interaction is the humans encroaching in the UFOs space.
UFOs are a threat? Could some one please show me a report of a UFO weapon? But don't show me the UFO shooting a beam and blowing up a rocket, BS.
If you could suppose the effect of negating our electronics (ie, cars electrics stop working) is a weapon they certainly are not using it as a targeted weapon.

True. The real threat is the UFO operators.

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