posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 04:40 AM
Hello all.
OK so lets start with the alphabet:
CIA, NSA, FBI, FEMA, DoD, NASA the list continues. Why does america need all these organizations???
The same goes for MI5, MI6, MoD??? I know there are people who say "oh we this for national security reasons blah blah blah."
C'mon we really don't want to waste our money on these pointless systems especially ECHELON which monitors everything from phone calls, e-mails,
faxes, voIP etc.... (not forgetting mt. weather)
So if we live in a democracy how come these two countries UK/USA have the highest level of intel. in the world. When you live in a democracy we/us
should be able to do, say and be what ever we want as long as we do not harm others. Simple isn't it! Then why is it when we question the
organizations above they either will do 1 or more of 3 things.
1). Take you out (highly unlikley).
2). Completely ignore what you have said (most do this as this is where most sheeple get there ignorance from).
3). Dismiss any evidence "you" have and give you a "false" explanation. (The classic).
So I say the NWO is certainly here and NOW is the time to stand and fight for what is right!!!
We need to take these orgz out or "they" will keep watching us to make sure we play nice. It has cost well into the billions to keep these orgz
running who pay's for it "US"!!!!! How come sheeple have not noticed this because it has been progressed in baby steps.
Someone said why should we pay for other people to be helped in hospital? Well why do you pay for someone in a blue uniform to arrest people all day