posted on Apr, 24 2021 @ 11:54 PM
From personal experience when a doctor gave me Testosterone, I got swelling. It kept getting worse, I felt good initially but got all puffed up in
like two months. I was having problems many years ago with being worn out and she tested my testosterone levels and they were in the low normal
range. I quit the shots because I had gained around fifteen pounds. It took about two months and I was ok again. None of that extra weight was
muscle either, I had plenty of muscle.
When I did my genetics the gene app showed that my body cannot properly detox testosterone. I also had other snps that kept my testosterone levels
on the low side by lowering production ....probably a protection gene. So when she prescribed the shots it overrode the protective genes and I
started to have problems. The reason I was worn out could have been that I was working twelve hours a day, plus, I was not eating enough,
hypoglycemia has always been a problem since as long as I can remember, it is related to the hereditary tachychardia somehow.
I will never take testosterone again. This is my experience, but ask your doctor if the testosterone is actually the problem. If the other med is
causing a reduction in your testosterone, should you take it, maybe there is a different option to treat that condition...ask your doctor.