posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 08:52 PM
I worked in a major metropolitan library for 30 yeasrs (or so).
Trust me on this kiddies, if you're good looking, no one thinks you could possibly be a librarian.
I got a lot of disbelief that I could possibly be a librarian. What can I say, I got great genes.
(I am not a librarian, BTW, but most people
think everyone is a librarian in a library setting)
And, I also got in trouble in the 80s for my attire. The frump who was my supervisor said I was dressed inappropriately. Well, that was her opinion
and she was entitled to it. I told her as long as my work was done and more than acceptable, my dress shouldn't be an issue. (BTW, it was not
seductive and was verrrry mild by today's standards.)
Sooooo, I wanna see what this woman was wearing. Many librarians I know wear those long, loose dresses that as soooo unbecoming. No sex appeal
whatsoever. A little leg would help their image.
I'm betting it's not her dress, that's just an excuse.
Finally, the woman is question is 40
She has good genes, too!!!
[edit on 23-3-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]