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Ssshhhh.....don't tell anyone the real numbers.

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+16 more 
posted on Apr, 19 2021 @ 11:57 PM
Not sure where this site came from, but I have looked up stats and it seems to be accurate.

I won't spoil the surprises so, please check out the link and look at the stats.

It lists those killed by police by race and the stats per state of the particular race.

So tired of the latest narrative. It is completely false.

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Interesting Eastpoint sounds about right.

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

You are 33.9 times more likely to get killed by a police officer if you are black in the state of Utah.

Seems odd. Are there a large number of African Americans in Utah?

You are 15.16 times more likely to get killed by a police officer if you are black in the state of Colorado.

You are 17.29 times more likely to get killed by a police officer if you are black in the state of Oregon.

Surely there is something fishy about your source.

edit on 4/20/2021 by Phage because: (no reason given)

+11 more 
posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:24 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Vasa Croe

You are 33.9 times more likely to get killed by a police officer if you are black in the state of Utah.

Seems odd. Are there a large number of African Americans in Utah?

Surely there is something fishy about your source.

It seems that in Hawaii over 60% of people killed by cops are natives.

Got a bunch of racism going on over there?

edit on 20-4-2021 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: Lumenari

I don't see any category for "natives."

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: Phage

Statistics don't lie....

+10 more 
posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Lumenari

I don't see any category for "natives."

It would be the ones not classified as white, black or hispanic.

You know... the 27 out of 37 that cops killed that were not white, black or hispanic.

Statistics are fun to play with.

Is there some kind of genocide happening on your islands?

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: Lumenari

It would be the ones not classified as white, black or hispanic.
Where do Asians fit in? Lots of Asians here.

Is there some kind of genocide happening on your islands?
No. But we've two people killed by cops in the past week. One of them was black.

edit on 4/20/2021 by Phage because: (no reason given)

+6 more 
posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:30 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Lumenari

It would be the ones not classified as white, black or hispanic.
Where do Asians fit in? Lots of Asians here.

Asians are considered white now.

Didn't you get the memo?

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: Lumenari

You're mistaken.

edit on 4/20/2021 by Phage because: (no reason given)

+9 more 
posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:32 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Lumenari

You're gross.

I'm just concerned that your state is killing off a lot of natives.

As a Cherokee, I am concerned that history is repeating itself...

You're white, right?

ETA.. caught you before your edit.

G'night sweety.... you're fun to play with.

edit on 20-4-2021 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: Phage

Obviously there's an arithmetic problem with the website considering the main page notes;

The state with the highest percentage of black people killed by law enforcement officers is Utah where you are 4.3x more likely to be killed by a police officer if you are African American.

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: Lumenari

I'm just concerned that your state is killing off a lot of natives.

We aren't. Anymore. That happened mostly early on. Sailors bringing VD. The plague was a problem. Hawaiians had no immunity.

As a Cherokee, I am concerned that history is repeating itself...
Similar, but not quite the same. The Kingdom sort of set itself up to be taken down by American businessmen.

You're white, right?
Yes. But this is about policing, not genocide.
edit on 4/20/2021 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: Lumenari

ETA.. caught you before your edit.

I was hoping you would.

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:41 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Lumenari

It would be the ones not classified as white, black or hispanic.
Where do Asians fit in? Lots of Asians here.

Is there some kind of genocide happening on your islands?
No. But we've two people killed by cops in the past week. One of them was black.

Doesn't stand out so much in a diverse state like Georgia but in Hawaii
edit on 20-4-2021 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: putnam6

The circumstances were very weird but the cops did screw up.

+7 more 
posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 01:01 AM
Here's food for thought... its acceptable to present stats that indicate "a disproportionate number of minority XYZ is being shot by police" while it is considered abhorently racist to present stats that indicate "a disproportionate number of violent crimes are perpetrated by minority XYZ." Why this disconnect?

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

That would be fine if the number of disproportionate "stops" are also taken into account, I suppose.

If more blacks are stopped on the street, or on the road, it stands to reason that more of them who have committed a crime are arrested.

If fewer whites are stopped on the street, or on the road, it stands to reason that fewer of them who have committed a crime are arrested.

Maybe it's not a matter of more crimes by blacks so much as a matter of it being easier whites to get away with a crime. Maybe.

Of course, crime in inner cities is pretty atrocious I hear. And there does tend to be a higher number of blacks in these places I hear. Maybe.

Maybe it's not so simple.

But Utah? Inner city problems?

edit on 4/20/2021 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 01:10 AM


posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 01:12 AM


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