posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 04:24 PM
Let me tell you that I am Spanish, like the founder of the Opus Dei, Jos� Mar�a Escriv� de Balaguer, and I know something about this order, which
belongs to the Roman Catholic Church.
The structure of the "Work of God" (Opus Dei) is quite open but the importance of it is not only the strong indoctrination in a very traditionalist
way of Catholicism but also the "group feeling" of this order. Told another way: there is a strong traffic of influence among those who belong to
the "Work".
The summit, to the date, of the influence of this order was in Spain from the late 1960�s to middle 1970�s, when the members of it were a large part
of the bureaucratic apparattus of the dictatorial regime of General Franco (in fact they displaced the older movement of Falange, a Fascist
party-labor union that appeared from melting several right-wing and fascist movements during the Spanish Civil War).
Nowadays several "aparatchiks" of the Spanish government are members of the Opus Dei, as they are descendants and kin to former aparatchiks of the
dictatorship too (this comes when you have a peaceful transition from tiranny to so-called-democracy). Their role in regressive politics in Spain is
very serious and even dangerous.