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U.S. and NATO Backing Literal NAZIS in Ukraine!

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posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 07:40 AM
The Swastika is just Russian trolling. Both Russia and Ukraine have their fair collection of far-right groups. In the context Ukraine-Russia conflict it's more trolling and somewhat over-blown by Russian propaganda

A lot of this is because of the way the Ukrainians were used and abused before, during and after WW2.

The Nazi's in WW2 were seen as saviours by many in Ukraine because they kicked out the hated Russians. Remember that the Russians had engineered a famine in Ukraine, called the Holodomor, which killed c. 4 million people, so there was no love lost. After the Nazis were pushed out of Ukraine the Russians then enacted their revenge on Ukraine, which amongst a long list of atrocities and War Crimes, included the deportation of the Crimean Tatars.

Basically, the Russians are not really liked by the Ukrainians.
edit on 12/4/2021 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: Iconic

Have you read what happens each year in Ukraine ???


posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: pravdaseeker

Putin isn't stupid enough to use anything nuclear first, tactical or not. That won't happen.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 09:03 AM
Thanks for the thread, pravdaseeker.

It's rather amusing for me to read posts here from members downplaying and deflecting the open display of the Nazi flag in Ukraine as "Russian propaganda" or simply the right of folks in a sovereign nation to display a symbol of hate. These are some of the same members that would make baseless claims concerning Trump voters and nebulous ties to "white supremacy". In their calculus, it's fine and dandy for the Ukrainians to espouse Nasizm, because in the pecking order the MSM's narrative and deep state has established:

1. Russia bad
2. Russia REAL real bad
3. White supremacy is a public health crisis in the US
126. Display of Nazi flag in US or Western European would be catastrophically bad
corallory: if Nazi flag seen in nation opposed to deep state target (Russia), then Nazi flag display is OK, a sovereign right, and we can just dismiss it as Russian propaganda. Who you gonna believe: MSM media and their sycophants, or your lyin' eyes.

Racism is a allegedly a public health crisis in the US according to the MSM (B.S.) , but when the Nazi flag, you know, an actual sign of white supremacy and racism, is on display in a country bolstered by the MSM narrative, then the response " big deal".

Do you people ever get fatigued from twisting yourselves into such thickly knotted moral bundles?

Let's face it: the deep state is ITCHING for conflict, the bigger and more pricey the better, and who could deliver more bold conflict$ than our old adversary Russia?

Meanwhile China's GDP will be surpassing ours in a few years, if not months.

"Misdirection. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes.”

edit on 12-4-2021 by SleeperHasAwakened because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

Racism is a public health crisis in the US

No, its literally not.

People that proclaim this should be checked by professionals.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: Vector99
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

Racism is a public health crisis in the US

No, its literally not.

People that proclaim this should be checked by professionals.

Yeah, I'm in agreement with you, my sarcasm for that statement didn't shine through strongly enough.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: pravdaseeker

Crimea and about ALL but a tiny part of modern Russia was once part of the mysterious empire known in the west as Tartaria.

An empire written out of history, erased even.

As Russia were the essentially heirs of Tartaria having defeated the by that time mostly Muslim Tartars/Tatar's (though they may not always have been Muslim and that may be down to waves of mostly Turkic Muslim invasion that probably displaced the older Tartar religion's and cultures).

So Crimea was part of Russia proper not just a province of the Russian empire but until the Bolshevik revolution the Crimea was home to a mostly Muslim Tartar ethnic group, these people had nothing to do with the Ukrainians and had more in common with Russia, then after the communist revolution and especially under Stalin the Tartar people of Crimea suffered a forgotten genocide.

Despite this Russia is the rightful owner of Crimea, the Tartar's were either wiped out or became Russian in order to survive.

Todays argument is solely about oil and geopolitics, I believe that since the move of Crimea into being part of the Ukraine as solely an administrative action by a former Ukrainian born president of the soviet union is proof that in reality along with the ethnic Russian majority of the region whom do not feel or identify themselves as Ukrainian is proof that the region is definitely really part of Russia not the Ukraine, after the fall of the soviet union Ukraine's claim backed by western corporate interests that want to get there hands on the regions oil and gas reserves is solely down to this once seen as purely administrative boundary change in the old soviet union which was never envisaged as making it no longer part of the soviet union and therefore not really meant to cut if off from Russia, but after the fall of the soviet union due to this redrawing of the old internal boundary's this predominantly and historically Albeit Tartarian (Before the Stalinist purge of the regions native population and resettling with ethnic European/Nordic Russian peoples) Russian region is the cause of this current conflict, in fact since it was an act of administration and not national boundary making the region really in all reasonable argument should have gone back to Russia when the soviet union fell anyway.

Sadly the West HAS armed, funded and helped Genuine Neo NAZI fanatical factions in the Ukraine as they see them as a useful tool, one of the main backers in fact is Germany though the US has not been slow on backing up and whitewashing the crimes of these group's and indeed the overthrow of Ukraine's democratically elected and majority backed PRO RUSSIAN FEDERATION former government in the so called populist uprising was an actual coup orchestrated in part using these scum bag's by western powers, why, OIL AND GAS and other natural resources as well as muscling in and attempting to partition for themselves what is essentially a very lucrative and valuable piece of RUSSIAN real estate.

Look to the corporations, there puppet government's the elite scum bags that control everything behind the scenes (the old Western Oligarchy that felt threatened by the rising new elite of Russia and it's let's be fair equally unscrupulous oligarchy) not the people of the west, most of us don't have a clue, the few that do are inconvenient if we speak the truth.

edit on 12-4-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: pravdaseeker

I am also thinking the author is a bit of lamenting the loss of Trump on this hot topic.. Things were pretty calm in this region all during Trumps Presidency because his foreign policy was "step away from the Ukraine mess" war, thank you please.

The current government in Ukraine is still the shee government that was in when Trump was President. In fact I seem to recall that Trump is Zelensky had a good relationship.

So if Zelensky is a Nazi now, why wasn't he one then?

By the way if we look at each country's members of Parliament, Ukraine only has one person seated from an ultranationalist party. Russia on the other hand has 40. On top of that the Kremlin has been backing ultra right candidates all across Europe.

If you're going to call out Ukraine for being Nazis due to the existence of the Azov Battalion then it is only right that you criticize Russia for their own support of extreme right ideology.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 09:53 AM
The way this year is going I am starting to think maybe the people who interpreted the Mayan calander got the 1 and the 2 mixed up..(2012 becomes 2021)
Geopolitically,things are heating up fast-China is emboldened by the virus(was that the plan?),Taiwan/Philipines/South China sea issues are growing.
Russia for whatever reason(Navalny/unrest/Biden calling Putin a murderer and insignificant)are also showing their teeth.
Israel appear to be intent on baiting Iran into a military response-OK this is SOP,but recently they are admitting they are behind attacks on Iran,first the IRGC ship/base was attacked and just now the Natanz Uranium centrifuge factory was cyber attacked.Both of those have been admited to by Israel in their own media,which I find unusual as they previously like to remain ambigious.

Its almost as though something has happened which has made the foes of America feel now is the best time in years to make their moves-maybe its because the US president gives the impression he should be in convalescent home for the mentally challanged instead of behind the desk in the oval office.

Everything seems to be happening all at once.
I hope it all chills out,but I am not holding my breath.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: pravdaseeker
a reply to: putnam6

Greetings putnam6,

Ha! Your response is pretty spot on..

If Ukraine rebel region fighting gets started it will be far worse than the stuff going on a few years ago.

Both sides are stocking up and positioning larger more powerful, and nuke capable cannons and mortar systems than before.

The 2 drunks fighting analogy couldn't describe it better I reckon...

And yep, you are gonna get a bloody nose, or knife to the ribs, and the blame too if they can get away with it.


I agree Pravda

The thread is about America and NATO getting involved

My father used to say there is a time and place for everything

In 2021 it's no the time or place for America or Europe/NATO to get involved period. Some here have stated yea but, well, yea but we shouldn't have got involved before either. It's that simple. It's to be expected for Russia to protect its interests

You don't have to agree with it to understand the Russian viewpoint. If their information on the safety of Russian citizens is an incorrect view somebody then show proof of that, that instead of bringing up WWII concerns. What we are discussing is the current situation and trying to maintain stability in the region and worldwide.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

Actually a good point, Zelensky is a Ukrainian Jewish comedian turned politician and was seen as very pro Russian but he had to work with the fact's, his predecessor had been put into power in a coup, the democratically elected government before that had been overthrown by that coup and so he had to tow the line or face causing another uprising or worse a civil war inside the main heartland of the Ukraine as the sheer number of those that still see the NAZI's as hero's that temporarily liberated them from Stalin's soviet union makes such ultra right wing views all too palatable in that nation.

You have to remember the history.

So yes he is NOT a NAZI but has had to tow the line which for many people likely including himself is something they do not find palatable.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Poroshenko wasn't removed from power. He served a full term and was voted out in favor of Zelensky.

Poroshenko's predecessor, Yanukovych, was impeached after he betrayed the will of the Ukrainian people by seeking closer ties with Russia when he was elected to seek closer economic ties with the EU. He then fled the country with billions of dollars stolen from the treasury.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: Silcone Synapse
The way this year is going I am starting to think maybe the people who interpreted the Mayan calander got the 1 and the 2 mixed up..(2012 becomes 2021)
Geopolitically,things are heating up fast-China is emboldened by the virus(was that the plan?),Taiwan/Philipines/South China sea issues are growing.
Russia for whatever reason(Navalny/unrest/Biden calling Putin a murderer and insignificant)are also showing their teeth.
Israel appear to be intent on baiting Iran into a military response-OK this is SOP,but recently they are admitting they are behind attacks on Iran,first the IRGC ship/base was attacked and just now the Natanz Uranium centrifuge factory was cyber attacked.Both of those have been admited to by Israel in their own media,which I find unusual as they previously like to remain ambigious.

Its almost as though something has happened which has made the foes of America feel now is the best time in years to make their moves-maybe its because the US president gives the impression he should be in convalescent home for the mentally challanged instead of behind the desk in the oval office.

Everything seems to be happening all at once.
I hope it all chills out,but I am not holding my breath.

Yep, it feels as we are reaching the boiling point in a number of areas and issues. As a nation, we are ill-prepared to cope with it. Honestly, I think we will be lucky to get out of it with just an economic depression, there feels like there is so much more on the horizon in the geopolitical sense. Too many flashpoints and too much gasoline been tossed around.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

Correct on the president but incorrect on his impeachment, he was ousted in a coup simple as that and it was not the will of THE people but a group instigated and very well funded and organized with a very strong NAZI element within them.

I am not going to quote the Alphabet to you but we all know the hand controlling that particular puppet now don't we.

Both the former Soviet union and a certain very influential Alphabet agency in the US that has actually often gone against the well being of the US own citizen's have committed serious crimes abroad away from there own nations and claimed it was in there nations national interests when in fact it often was not.

The Former KGB and that particular Alphabet Agency both staged coup's - often against POPULIST leaders and therefore very undemocratic coup's, sometimes they used military, left or right wing insurgents and other times they used most subtle techniques, stirring up the population of poor ghetto's, making riot's happen that would otherwise not have.

In both cases the puppet leaders they both placed into power were without reserve a bunch of criminal's that got fat off there respective states and imposed often martial laws or so called transition period's.

And as for that certain Alphabet Agency it also did it within the US itself, it's allies and indeed may still be up to those dirty trick's, most of it's agent's are decent men and woman but some of it's department's and it's leadership are renowned for being often more crooked than a Chinese nail.

Half of the so called Arab Spring was also there doing and they most certainly WERE arming scum that cut little Christian children's fingers off for refusing to renounce Jesus in Syria and then crucifying those fingerless little boy's on park railings in the city's they had there bloody evil caliphate going in.

Why - because they wanted control of the oil, is that your national interest or that of a few very wealthy crook's that control too much wealth that never filters down into your actual economy in the real world?.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
a reply to: LABTECH767

Poroshenko wasn't removed from power. He served a full term and was voted out in favor of Zelensky.

Poroshenko's predecessor, Yanukovych, was impeached after he betrayed the will of the Ukrainian people by seeking closer ties with Russia when he was elected to seek closer economic ties with the EU. He then fled the country with billions of dollars stolen from the treasury.

You got it backwards Yanukovych fled the country with russian spetznats to Russia then they impeached him after he ran away with about 70 billion dollars. He was under investgation and fled the country to avoid arrest. But could not remove him from office until they declared he was unable to perform his duties when he refused to return to Ukraine. He actually tried to claim he was going to run Ukraine from moscow. Needless to say that didnt go over well with Russian troops invading their country. It was obvious Putin was calling the shots when his plane got permission in the middle of the night to fly him to Russia.
edit on 4/12/21 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

He wasnt ousted in a coup the only coup attempt was Russia and the fake vote in crimea. They arrest all the law makers then claim they wanted to join Russia. Never mind the fact Russian troops had taken control of Crimea so anyone who tried to object went to jail or disapeared. Ukraine did not have enough of a military force their to stop them just one naval base and they locked that down. Told them if they dont surrender they would kill them So they didnt have much choice.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

And don't forget that according to Putin's own President's Council on Human Rights (in a now deleted report) only about 30% of the population ended up voting with at most 50% of that voting in favor of the referendum.

posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

Greetings SleeperHasAwakened,

Very well put mate!

You gotta admit, one could cut the propaganda with a knife, it is so thick in the air right now these days.

Surely most of the people aren't blind to this "in your face" hypocrisy?

It doesn't seem to stop wars from happening though.

Yeah mate, I reckon things are going to get pretty messy, pretty soon.

I hope and pray it results in something peaceful in the end, but it isn't looking like it will go that way at all.


posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

Greetings Excalibur254,

I am not "calling out" anyone really.... the original author of the source in the post might be though...I just posted it because it is a neglected topic in the news cycles, but is now beginning to show its head in the news; now that it is heating up nicely for the elite.

Zelensky may or may not be a Nazi, but a lot of the fighters in his army are... and maybe this symbol was "chosen" just for shock value... but I doubt it personally. The whole world has been brainwashed about WW2 and the Nazi's.... generations have grown up with "that" symbol being the ultimate in evil symbology.

It holds special disgust for that symbol with the Russians. For obvious reasons. It was chosen to create as much antagonism for Russia as possible. Help make sure the "wanted war" does in fact, kick off.

Why do people automatically "assume" just because you post something that you agree with it 110%, or are a rabid supporter of the source?

It is just a serious neglected news story that threatens world peace, and isn't getting covered in the news like it should be.

Of course, there is a reason for that... to let the situation get so rotten and heated that a war breaks out; and the elite can further their evil plans.

Again, I am not calling Ukraine out, if anyone is, the author of the news article is...


posted on Apr, 12 2021 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: pravdaseeker

The issues with the Azov Battalion have been known for years and reported on for years. In fact the US has placed provisions in their appropriation bills that prohibit aid sent to Ukraine from being used by the Azov Battalion due to their white supremacist ideology.

That said the Ukrainian military stands at 255,000 strong. The Azov Battalion makes up about 1,000 of that. Back in 2014, it was estimated that about 10-20% of its members were neo-Nazis. I'm not sure how much that has changed.

In the end though, we're still talking about a minuscule percentage of the Ukrainian military. And even then they have been called out by the media for years and steps have been taken by the US and NATO to prevent materiel aid from going to them.

I'd be willing to bet white supremacists make up a larger proportion of the US military than the Ukrainian.

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