a reply to:
There is oil in Mozambique, Oil and other resources, someone want's to destabilize the region, to destroy the local government's and to then send in
a coalition force in the aftermath to then take control of that oil.
They are allowing these group's to do what they are doing until then and just perhaps even helping them along.
And no it is not our elected government's but how deep do the intelligence community and corporate link's go, they stopped working for our nations a
long time ago after WW2 in fact and are now working for what the US call's the MIC or to put it another way the guy's that OWN the MIC and much of the
rest of the worlds apparatus and daily brainwash the public through corporate controlled media, the tiny less than one percent of the one percent and
in fact less than one percent of that, there are just about one hundred people that own and control MORE than half the world's wealth, the rest of the
human race as far as they are concerned if they are even still human themselves is just stock to be bartered, controlled, culled, enslaved, to put it
frankly they are worse than Hitler ever was.
So what would a bunch of little kid's being beheaded matter to those devil's, not one bit or else they would have made sure poverty was a thing of
the past, starvation was gone from the world, all children had free high quality education, our environment was protected and humans were already on
mars and the moon and mining the asteroid belt.
That tiny elite have kept us in our cage, they don't want us to be free it would take there power from them and that is all they live for power and
control it is there one pleasure, that and the odd war in some sick and twisted game of chess as they style themselves God's when in fact they are
nothing and die just like any other man, of course I would argue they are less than man as they have inbred to excess to keep the power in there
closed circles, few if any outsiders ever join them and those that do have there children die off and there wealth and power gravitate back into this
tiny elite's hand's ever single time.
So in short Mozambique, Oil, resources, stable government that would tax the hell out of foreign oil corporations and foreign oil corporations that
are investing that are not the one's the elite WANT THERE so destabilize the region, use the handy proxy of lunatic's willing to behead Children and
blow themselves up because they are just that lunatics that should be in padded cell's (though in there case I would line the walls with sharp
poisonous spikes) and let it all unravel before sending in there proxy army's to STABILIZE and CONTROL the region and there CHOSEN oil company's that
they DO want there.
It's about money, control and resources.