posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to:
I only speculate P. If living a life with a perspective based simply upon one established paradigm, ie, the paradigm generated by one existing
society, be it small tribe or larger culture, could we not describe a consciousness developed on more than one paradigm, or existential story line?
That is IF we ''want'' to call it higher. Maybe broader or wider maybe.
For you three levels, I can grok that somewhat. The first level, the navigating the physical world on a reflex basis yeah. That reflex I can see as
''unconscious'' behavior. The automatic, non-thinking reflexes to life. Here I model the theories of George Lackoff in his ''neuro-psycologies''
studies that most human behavior is merely reactive rote activity based on learned behavior. This goes to the extreme of suggesting that somewhere in
the vicinity of 97 or 98 % of who we think we are in this physical world is this, the remaining percentage, what ever degree it is, is more to our
In experimenting myself along these lines, I find that a simple path away from that automatic action or as could be described as that 97 % is to learn
to not react, but rather to respond. In situations where reaction will occur automatically, response more often needs ''time'' before the response.
Time to evaluate, time to calm the automatic reaction and then respond more a a mature person rather than as an infant. One might also call this
process maturation but it can also fit into a definition of broader, wider, or higher consciousness.
For the second level, it's my experience that the synchronicity you speak of manifest more when we focus our attention on response to life rather than
just allowing reactive thought and behavior.
Here I might carry on but for sake of not allowing response from you would be nothing more than just the reactive need to talk to myself.