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Spiricom - two-way communication with the dead

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posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:00 PM
I've long been fascinated by the possibility of communication with the dead - indeed, I have sat in various circles, both open and closed, and experienced some quite strange happenings.

However, all this pales in comparison to work underatken by Dr. George W.
Meek and Bill O'Neil, who recorded real-time communications with Dr George J Mueller who had died sx years before the device, called Spiricom, was invented.

For a talk given by Dr Meek - with typical communications (some of which are remarkably clear and sustained - sounding like "Sparky the Piano" for those who remember
) please see here Please note this is streaming audio, so cable connection mght be advisable?

For the full (wriitten) report - please see here

For shortened audio extracts (and transcript of what is being said) please see here

If you haven't heard these recordings before they are very impressive IMO - if they represent "genuine" two-way communications they have profound implications.

What are your thoughts please? Genuine or hoax? Impressive or otherwise?

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:11 PM
The files are in .mpga format. What audio program can run that???

And btw... After seeing this thread, I did a little searching and found some strange websites about ITC (don't know what it is yet):

[edit on 21-3-2005 by TheBandit795]

This is spooky:

Either it's a big hoax, or it's real and they can communicate with the deceased... I hope that independant research has been done with this.

[edit on 21-3-2005 by TheBandit795]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 05:41 PM
This is intersting stuff. If I may provide a tidbit about ITC:

"Today there is high-tech communication reported between researchers in this physical world and other entities, often called "spirits" or "spiritual beings," residing in delicate, more finely spun dimensions of reality. Modern research laboratories in Europe are reporting extended, two-way communication with spiritual beings almost daily, receiving esoteric and advanced technical information through telephone answering machines, radios and computer printouts. They are reporting actual video images from the astral planes on their television sets. This is all part of a new and burgeoning field called instrumental transcommunication (ITC). If the reports are true, then ITC is quickly building a bridge between the dimensions of physical and spiritual being that even the most skeptical among us will soon have to take a close, objective look at. While the evidence at present is genuinely astonishing, it is not yet wholly conclusive, so each of us will have to judge the validity of ITC for ourselves. - From "When Dimensions Cross" by Mark Macy

And here's a page with links to ITC, AVP, etc.

Links Page

It would seem that if your interested in AVP, ITC might be something to read up on. I'm still undecided about AVP.


posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 02:42 AM
Thanx to both TheBandit795 and VisionWithin or the additional links - some really fascinating stuff indeed!

If it is genuine (and certainly Meek argued that he really had no reason to create a hoax with is background and pedigree), then the implications for all of us are profound IMO. During my ow research it appears that other people couldn't duplicate the results that meek - and especially O'Neil - achieved, even though the planss, etc, for Spricom were made freely available - and accessable via the web liks already given here. The reason given is that O'Neil had mediumship abilities which other researchers might have lacked - though the jury has to be out on that one I guess?

However, if oher researchers, cited by yourselves above, are achieving some degrees of success, it offers great promise in my view, as we are left with tangible, "touchable" evidence of - well - *something*, as is the case with crop circles.

For myself,I am considering EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) experimentation - eBay reveals several companies who sell equipment suitable for conducting EVP at very reasonable prices.

Thanx again Bandit and Vision for your interest and additional information on this (to me) fascinating subject!

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 11:06 AM
Good luck, Alfred…

While I do believe that ghosts are certainly possible, I have no idea what they actually are. Or if they can be trusted. I’m interested in doing some experiments, but concerned about the possible consequences of success. Do let us know if anything works for you.

Oh, and…welcome to ATS. I’m fairly new myself, and it’s nice to see a “newbie” who is both well written AND articulate.


posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 11:46 AM
Didn't Thomas Edison do some thing like that? Stolen or something?

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 12:50 PM
thomas edison? who's that? I heard of him, but forgot who he was

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 04:26 PM
He's the guy who invented the tape recorder, or its ancestors. He invented something called the phonograph, and the light bulb. And movies.

[edit on 24-3-2005 by Kushi_Master]

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 04:21 AM
now i remember
but my question is: could the old recorders record EVP ? and if so, could they hear it back and understand what it says?

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 04:59 AM
I've heard of this man, but have never heard his work, my computer is older and really slow so I don't think I could download those files, but anyway, I'm not sure if you could have a conversation with the deceased, but I do know that if you leave a tape recorder, any kind will do, in the center of a room, that is empty, the chances of recording something are very high, I have seen many different television programs on the subject, and heard many of the recording on radio shows. If someone suspects their home is haunted perhaps they could try this and tell us the results of their experiment. But remember, the room must be empty and it must be free of all noise pollution, cars and such if possible, for at least 12 hours, you may be surprised with what you find. Happy hunting.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 06:27 AM
I was thinking about dead people communicating whilst watch a programme in Britain called Most Haunted which at the time was carrying out live experiments using a medium to communicate with spirits using various means.All of the spirits they came in contact with had been dead for a couple hundred years.I started to think about all the info that is available today and the amount of people who have knowledge of the subject if in the future these people die what would be the chances of communicating with them once on the other side.
I noticed that in the programme they were using pens and a board with letters and numbers.The one thing that struck me was that if you have a spirit of hundreds of years old they wouldn`t know what a pen was or probably how to spell or communicate in modern English.
Imagine the knowledge we could gain if we could communicate with a dead medium from the 20th century.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 08:06 PM

Well, of course, pens and writing have not been available t many over the millenia - BUT Spiricom is very much a 20th Century phenomena, so perhaps Dr Mueller was able to communicate in a medium (no pun intended!) that he understood and used inherently??

Thanx, too, to VisionWithin, for the very kind words of welcome and encouragement: I share your reservations about cntacting spirits - I have *never* used a Quija board for this reason - who am I to control possibly hostile spirits or entities??

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by AlfredENewman

Well, of course, pens and writing have not been available t many over the millenia - BUT Spiricom is very much a 20th Century phenomena, so perhaps Dr Mueller was able to communicate in a medium (no pun intended!) that he understood and used inherently??

Whilst the concept of communicating via electrical/electronic communication is exciting without knowing more about life after death or in fact what happens to us after death the chanes of finding that we can record voices of people who have died l think is open to false verification as the chances of this being possible is remote.Mediums have been able to communicate with the dead (or we believe to be) but l have yet to be convinced by there results.I am hopeful that in time mediums will be able to communicate with people who have passed with knowledge of mediums and the types of communication used during contacts.
The recording on the links you have provided are so bad that there ould be multiple causes and explainations of the sounds that they have made.Maybe one day we will get evidance that will provide truely unquestionable evidance.I feel that could be a long wait.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 06:11 AM

....Originally posted by weirdoThe recording on the links you have provided are so bad that there ould be multiple causes and explainations of the sounds that they have made.Maybe one day we will get evidance that will provide truely unquestionable evidance.I feel that
could be a long wait...


It was actually the quality of the recordings that made me flag the websites I used: so many recordings that involve EVP seem rather vague at best (IMO): the voice of Dr Mueller (if that is who it is) seems extraordinarily clear to me - and the substance of his messages quite involved and detailed (involving whole setences, rather than odd words).

I have no axe to grind though - it just intrigued me that this *might* have been an instance of two-way communication with those on a different plane - if so, then I still think something remarkable happened. Death will come to us all - it is comforting to think that there is a possibilty of survival IMO, without relying simply on religious or spiritual believe systems....

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 06:18 AM
Don`t get me wrong l to am interested and am not here to disprove you.Research has to carry on but without knowing what happens to us after death l think we could communicate in this way was just to easy.Reasearch realise on an understanding of the subject you are studying you need a base to start from l haven`t seen or heard any evidance to that effect.As with possesion it is so easy to fake.
As for us ever proof life excists after death that would really upset the balance on Earth.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by weirdo
Don`t get me wrong .....As for us ever proof life excists after death that would really upset the balance on Earth.

Hi weirdo!!

No, sorry if it seemed i was "flaming" - the restrictions of CMC (computeer mediated conferencing) I suppose?? I'm all for healthy debate!!

As to your points made here succinctly and clearly: well, I suppose this is the nub of the matter isn't it? If we had reliable, demonstrable proof of our existance post-mortum, via Spiricom or some such mechanism, then we would all know that our time, on this plane, leads somewhere else - which would be quite a fascinating thing IMO.

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 03:22 PM
washa doingggggg


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