Started out in signalling where the TX/RX (transmitting/receiving) controls use to work with a 8 wire system (telecommunication basics). The word
(bits) was send by frequency 4000, 8000, 12000, +, and only accepted by the corresponding frequency filter/station address (3000Hz were a –/0 and
5000Hz a +/l, etc). The binary way of control (gates) – 0 and l
Then the industrial time that consist of mostly 3 phase, logic/relay/contactor control, drives (starting to change from DC to AC) and PLC’s. I
understood single phase but only did a few favours for family and friends (a plug or light here and there – you buy the meat, beer and spares and we
do the job together)
During this time a friend needed a usage meter (k-watt) in an old garage he made into a flat that he was going to rent out. Time to switch on!!!
Luckily cell-phones just came out and I had my “brick” with me as it was time to phone a friend in building construction
So I put in this new No Name watt meter
Ok, fixed still no power. Go to the box in the street to switch on the CB. Oops it does switch on but there is a loose connection on the
municipality side. Due to the difficult position (no space) and not having the proper Hi-Voltage equipment with me I decided to call the relevant
technician – not enough beers yet for any more fun. Then the technician made the fun, he made the short that kicked out the local transformer.
So we all went to the transformer
A worker drop a spanner onto the transformer bus-bars (nice welding works though)
My work lead to the whole of Pretoria East to kick out, even the Pretoria East Hospital generator kicked in
Moral of the story – If you think you know without checking you are going to burn your fingers
Maybe I could tell you how we kicked out Pretoria West as apprentices being naughty (33 000 Volt). I think not, too old for jail time, even the
police were looking for us as we stopped Iscor’s production.