But what you may not know is that according to cryptozoologists, Ohio is a hotbed for creature activity. From Bigfootesque creatures to massive,
kidnapping reptiles to all other things that go bump in the night, the stories that come out of Ohio are some of the most unique in the country.
Loveland Frog Men, Cedar Bog Monster, 'Orange Eyes' and more.
The Orange Eyes story is freaky. I've posted about some weird stuff that friends in Colorado have experienced.
I'm intrigued by flying cryptids. Flying cryptids like the mothman and the Jersey devil are the best, imo.
Oh ya. Some strange stuff in Ohio. Though the most mysterious creature seems to be the elusive crackhead and drug epidemic they got in Ohio. The
second would be the dogman.
Heres a video of one but its from Florida I think. This was taken life on Facebook or so they say, the guy ran in when he saw the shadow and went
live, then went back out and? You can see outline. They got pretty good camo technology. But the outline looks like dogman.
edit on 7pmSundaypm212021f0pmSun, 21 Mar 2021 19:25:14 -0500 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)
I always liked this video. Simply because there sitting around the camp fire and there all talking. "We dont need not tent, well sleep under the
stars" And some guy says. "thats right, were some manly men right here"
And then a minute latter? They all screech and run everywhere. Anyways. Fake? Or real? Either way. Its interesting. And hilarious the way they
took off like that. Though it is understandable if you got some read eye glowing weirdo coming at you.
edit on 7pmSundaypm212021f0pmSun, 21 Mar 2021 19:14:08 -0500 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)
a reply to: galadofwarthethird
Yeah I can't sit thru much of that waiting to see it. What shocks me the most about this video is apparently there's people with nothing better to do
then follow this guy live on facebook
a reply to: Mark08
Its at the beginning of the video from the 58 second mark on, you can see it run by. The rest is him ranting about it, and now he saw it before and
its been in his backyard off and on for months or so.
And ya. Hes got people following on facebook. No different then any other media outlet. Not as popular as Trump or Bidden is on this site is for sure.
But you would be surprised what people follow and watch. A new trend, actually going on for some time now. Is were people sit and watch other people
sit and play videogames.
So ya.
edit on 7pmSundaypm212021f0pmSun, 21 Mar 2021 19:29:27 -0500 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)
Who knows. But probably not good. Places like that or small towns, do sometimes get all druggy sometime. People just got no better hobbies in some
places. And drugs are a easy habit to do. Thats whats wrong with the world. To many lazy people who want quick fixes.
They may as well live in a different world. And they do. In a world the drug creates in there heads. Like always. People trying to take the easy
way out. Find out they accidentally just took the hard way out. The oposite of what they wanted to do.
Life is funny like that..
A little patience goes a long way. Just like you. Why not use the search function on most if not all websites? Google knows and has your answers.
And if google doesn't, or has fake answers? Then try duck duck go.
But off topic. to get on topic? You think this increase in dogman casses is a direct result of all those homeless drugged out people just wondering
into the woods? Or just more people seeing things, simply because there on all kids of drugs that make them see things?
I admit. Thats like easy pickings for a dogman on the hunt. Though most of these people wondering into the woods, may just give them all diariaha
for days, who knows what kind of chemicals there laden with. But its bound to give any animal that ate it, the #s.
Or just more because the websites are more infested with dogman stuff, even more so then bigfoot and lock ness?
And in the end? Just how many of the populations at large go out in the the real woods anways? the answer is? Basically any large city in the
world, because most of the woods in and around? Is just a park zone. So its almost at a zero, our of the whole wide world.
Anyways? ya drugs? Google gave me this vid. Don't be lazy now, the search function is your friend.
Dogman, I mean. ya. could be. But? Unlike bigfoot? They would not be a native species of this planet. The canis lupus species. Never even got
close to this much of an evolutionary timezone as to evolve a upward walking stature? Thats millions of years of natural evolotion.
Conclusion? Somebody is bringing this species here and just dumping them here in the in the worlds forests. So ya bigfoot is really from another
dimension. And dogmen? Are aliens.
A dogman encounter this kid says him and his brother had one day. I dont think this one is in ohio either. So they are, at least in 5 states other
states encounters with a dogman. And it usually one dogman, rarely in cases people say, are there more then just one dogman in the same spot and
area. Meaning they are solitary hunters for the most part.
But that is only if this whole dogman thing isnt just more fake stuff. Question, question, ?.
edit on 12amMondayam222021f1amMon, 22 Mar 2021 00:41:24 -0500 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason
Fun thread and Ohio certainly has some strange critters.
As to that vid, I think it's B.S. and the "creature" looks like a dude in a ghillie suit with lights... not that that wouldn't be terrifying out in
the woods if they were an unknown weirdo in a ghillie suit!
However, fifteen people and I saw two orange light-like eyes on something in the desert once and after we all fled, I went back to investigate in
daylight and no tracks could be found in the soft mud where we saw it.
So... stuff like that seems to happen for 'realz'... whatever 'realz' means.