posted on Mar, 20 2021 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to:
The media be God yo, especially when they have been partnered with the official government propoganda agency since 2016, the global engagement center.
Not only the media is partnered with said agency, but academic institutions and key professional organizations. Utilizing agents and actors for the
sake of influencing targeted populations/demographics.
All of that wording is not me just writing conjecture either, it was written like that straight from the law that created it and allocates funding for
the global engagement center. The only rebuttals have been " well its for ckubtering foreign propoganda!" , to which i reply "why do you think they
been harping on about
foreign interferance in our country" ? Its the rational used to legally justify these propoganda initiatives. The irony
is, this propoganda mostly serves foreign globalists corps and royal families for dominating control over our nation and people.