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The Patéro Abduction - Brazilian Travis Walton Case

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posted on Mar, 16 2021 @ 04:57 PM
The target of several investigations and speculations over it's veracidty, the so-called “Patéro Case” is one of the classics in the history of Brazilian ufology and ocnsidered the Brazilian Equivalent of Travis Walton case. Occurred in the early 1970s, the strange facts reported by the merchant Onilson Patero were even investigated by the Department of Political and Social Order (DOPS), which, at the time of the Military Dictatorship in Brazil, had the function of monitoring and repressing political movements. and social issues contrary to the established power. Listen, at the end of the text, to Patero's interview with Silvio Santos, on TV Tupi, in 1978.

What makes this case different from all the rest is that the abdcutee had disappeared from six days and reapearred over 1000km (621m) from the local of abduction, whereas his car was still where he was abducted. This will be a massive wall of text, so if you dont likew reading, better off doing it while bored. Sorry for any english mispronunciation and grammar mistakes

On the night of May 21 to 22, 1973, on the road in the direction Itajobi, in the north of the State of São Paulo, the salesman Onilson Pátero was returning home from the city of Oswaldo Cruz, where he had gone to work. He started his journey of return around 11:00 PM, and would travel 280 km to Catanduvas, in his car, a Blue Opala 1976.

Passing the "Salto" bridge of Avanhadava, approximately 150 km from Catanduva, he came across a bank truck parked on the highway and a boy hitchhiking nearby. His first thought was that the boy was an acxquitance of the police station near Avadanha. He decided to accept the hitchiker and Onilson introduced himself, followed by the boy, who said his name was Alex. Onilson offered a cigarette, but the boy refused, saying that he did not smoke when he was traveling. However, the boy carried something similar to a metal cigarette box, which he kept close to his body

Onilson, our protagonist at the above text

During the trip, they both talked animatedly. The stranger asked several questions about Onilson, about his education level and his way of life, how long he has lived in Catanduva, his time working, among other things. Onilson answered all questions and occasionally asked too. One of these questions was about Alex's work. Alex replied that he worked on providing services. Throughout the conversation, the boy proved to have a great memory, as he remembered everything that Onilson had said. When giving the Alex the ride, Onilson told him where he lived, citing street name and house number. At the end of the ride, about an hour and a half later, Alex thanked for the ride and declared: "One of these days I will pay you a visit, on (Onilson street name) ", repeating exactly the same address.
Initially, Alex's destination would be Catanduva, the city where Onilson was headed. At a certain point during the trip, on the Washington Luis highway, at the entrance of the city of Catanduva, the stranger Alex) said that he remembered that his destination was not Catanduva, but Itajobi, located 18 km away.

At that time, at dawn, there was no transportation available to that location. In addition, it was raining, which is why Onilson decided to take him to his final destination. When he arrived at the town, he left Alex in the central square and refused the money that the Alex had offered him. Even with this opposition, the stranger placed a 50 cruzeiros bill in the pocket of the shirt he wore. After that, they said goodbye and Onilson went home again. He looked at his watch, checking that it was approximately 3:00 am.

With only 7 kilometers left to reach its destination, unusual facts began to occur to Onilson. Initially, Onilson noticed an interference on his car radio. as if Onilson was decreasing the volume of the radio sound. In addition, the car's engine started to fail, losing yield. Shortly afterwards, he noticed the appearance of a blue light , about 20 cm in diameter, on one of his cars panels.

That spotlight shifted to the right, positioning itself on the empty bench beside him. Then, the focus went down, moving to the left side, in a wave motion, placing itself on the pedals, where it disappeared. Where this beam of light hit, the illuminated area was transparent, allowing Onilson to see the engine running and the asphalt passing under the vehicle. Intrigued, he looked at the sky, through the windshield, in order to identify the origin and such phenomenon, but he didn't see anything. The night was dark and the rain was thickening.

The car's engine continued to have problems, forcing Onilson to slow down. After 500 meters after a climb, Onilson noticed an intense light, just ahead of his car. From this light, a stronger beam of light came towards him. When approaching the object, along the road, the light became so intense and blinding that Onilson had to protect his eyes. Imagining that he was dealing with another vehicle, coming in the opposite direction, he signaled four times, alternating between high and low headlights. There was no answer. The car's engine failures have intensified, further reducing vehicle performance. Onilson slowed down to the first gear. Fearing a crash with the supposed vehicle, Onilson turned his car to the road`s shoulder, where he stopped in a cross way. He was unable to see if he was still on the track or off, due to the light that blinding him.

At this point, he realized that the entire electrical system of his vehicle was inoperative. Engine, headlights, radio and dashboard were in a state of disrepair. He took off his glasses and was afraid he had hit another vehicle.. Realizing that such a vehicle did not pass, he decided to risk to look at the source of such light. To his surprise, he observed an object suspended in the sky. It was circular in shape, like two overlapping plates.

edit on 16-3-2021 by Frocharocha because: quote

posted on Mar, 16 2021 @ 04:59 PM

Still sitting in the driver's seat, he felt very hot. He opened the door and put his right foot on the road, when he noticed that a kind of field started circulating the object, at the same time that he felt the temperature soften. Onilson remained watching the object until a type of cylinder started coming out of the object, which descended to the ground, while the object approaching him, who, frightened, thought of running away on foot. Onilson decided to running away towards the city of Itajobi, entering a forest and then trying to reach Catanduva. He ran about 30 meters, until he felt that something made him stop moving. He described the sensation as touching fine, although he did not actually see what it was holding him. He turned towards the car and noticed that the object was close to the car, illuminating it with the ray of light. Amazed, he realized that his car was all transparent, like glass. Then Onilson suddenly lost his consciousness and felt asleep.

The following morning, policeman Clóvis Queiroz, was in his guardhouse, at the junction Catanduva-Presidente Washington Luiz, when, just before 5:00 am, he searched by two man. They said that they were driving their Kombi along the Itajobi road and in a certain section they found a man lying next to a Blue Opal, whose doors were open and the headlights were on.

Immediately, the guard drove to the informed location at about 5 am. He positioned his car, illuminating the victim, who was still lying down. Then he came over to examine him. Upon realizing that he was alive he tried to turn him. Immediately, Onilson woke up and tried to free himself from the guard, with a strong emotional impact. When asked by the guard about what had happened, Onilson declared: "They want to catch me ...". As soon as he succeeded freeing himself fro mthe olicemen, he identified himself and narrated all the facts that occurred.

At that moment, a truck was approaching, loaded with chickens. The guard signaled the driver, asking him to stop. Then he took the driver to Onilson and said:? "There are three people here now. I dare you to tell us who want to catch you." Faced with such a question, Onilson declared: "The situation here is serious... it is no joke". Still incredulous, the guard considered Onilson to have been the victim of an epileptic attack and thought it best to refer him for treatment. He went to the car to close it and noticed an open road map. He questioned Onilson, if he had consulted the map, before fainting. Onilson denied and said that it was his map and it was kept in a folder next to the driver`s seat.

Both inspected the location and found the folder open on the seat, with the papers rummaged, scattered on the seat and on the floor of the vehicle, although the key to the folder was still in Onilson's pocket. Onilson reaffirmed that he had not opened the folder and moved the papers.

Shortly afterwards, the road guard took Onilson to the emergency room of Santa Casa de Catanduva, where he was seen by the doctor Dr. Elias Azis Chediak, who underwent clinical examinations, neurological and psychological tests, finding nothing unusual. A strange fact observed by all involved is the fact that Onilson was driving under rain, yet his car and Onilson himself were dry.

Onilson's wife, upon receiving the news that her husband was at the hospital, picked up new clothes and went to Santa Casa. Upon arriving she found her husband and was astonished, that Onilson's hair was black, instead of brown, his natural color. The natural color only reappeared 3 or 4 days after she took him home.

Another physiological disorder that troubleded Onilson was a strange itch that appeared shortly after the case. Dr. Chediak prescribed a medication, recommending that he returned the next day, to complement his exams.

edit on 16-3-2021 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2021 @ 05:00 PM
Second Abduction

On April 26, 1974, Onilson informed his wife, Dona. Lourdes, that he was going to have lunch earlier at home, as he was going out on business to the city of Julio de Mesquita (approximately 160 km from Catanduva). And so he left at 12:30 pm.

Arriving in Júlio de Mesquita at 3:00 pm, he did not meet the mayor with whom, according to a previous arrangement, he would have a deal, at 3:30 pm, regarding the sale of a library to the city. Onilson was a representative of a company specialized in the field.

The mayor Antônio Soares, only arrived at 17:30 pm and did not finalize the purchase, claiming that he would first have to listen to the opinion of the teaching supervisor, in the neighboring city (Marília). Hnilson then decided to continue his trip to Marília (30 km away), but again, the teather supervisor was absent. Frustrated, he made a quick snack and started the trip back home at 10:30 pm.

He previously had sold his 1976 Blue Opala shortly after his abduction and was now traveling in a Bluish Beetle. Around 11:30 pm, he was 15 km from Guarantã, and 120 km from Catanduva. About 200 meters from the Voltage Station Line of Cia. Elétrica de São Paulo, Onilson observed a bluish luminosity running parallel along the wires.
At that moment, the car's engine started to fail at the same time as he observed a streak of intense, bluish light. Remembering the facts involving his first experience, Onilson decided to go ahead and drive past the road`s limit, avoiding a new contact.

His escape, whomever, was thwarted because the car's engine died, forcing Onilson to drive the car, still packed, to the road`s shpulder. As soon as he stopped the car, he noticed an identical object, or perhaps the same object seen on the first occasion. Frightened, Onilson decided to flee on foot. As he opened the car door and was about to put his feet on the ground he realized that, somekind of metalic treadmill instantly appeared under his feet. That treadmill started moving towards the object, with Onilson unable to move. Suddenly he found himself in an oval room on board the object.

Drawning of the ship's room

posted on Mar, 16 2021 @ 05:04 PM
Inside the ship

In this room, he saw none other than Alex, the hitchiker boy he had picked up on the occasion of his first experience. He wore the same clothes that night and came over smiling and saying that nothing bad would happen to Onilson. This communication was heard perfectly by Onilson, but when Onilson tried to answer he did not hear his own words.

In the middle of the room there was a great blue luminosity, which apparently came from the ceiling (about 3.5 meters/11.4ft high), which was the shape of a dome, where many threads were seen crossing, accordingly to cobwebs, in 3 to 4 layers .

Along the wall of the room, at a height of approximately meter (3,2ft) from the floor, a bluish light moved in circular motion.Alex asked Onilson to sit in a chair with a high back and a soft seat, which looked like rubber.

Onilson doesn't know how long he had stayed in the first room, as he was only conscious there for 1 to 2 minutes. The memory came back to him when he was already in another room, similar to the first. There were wires in the ceiling, but around the wall a shiny metal tube, about 30 cm thick, was arranged in circle format. There were also lights arranged in circumference, parallel to that of the aforementioned tube and approximately 1 span above it. In addition, there were 3 to 4 points of light on the wall that used to turn off in the same way as you see on a TV screen when it is turned off.
In this room was Alex, who asked him to take off his clothes and put on another set of new clothes (Alex helped him). The clothing was made of a fabric that looked like it was made of metallic threads, with aspects of matte-gloss nylon, and that covered Onilson up to the feet. Onilson heard Alex's explanations but he couldn't hear his own questions. The clothes fit his body and felt soft inside. He doesn't know if there were wires that connected the clothes to the wall.

He also saw that on the wall a window of approximately 1.5 m in length and 60 cm in width and through it noticed that behind the window, in the adjoining compartment, the movement of people who seemed to be sitting on chairs, as he only saw the sillhuete above the waist. The chairs seemed to be motorized or moving carts, as these people moved while keeping their bodies immobile, which would no longer happen if they were walking on their own feet. The people, who at most were three together at a time, werec overed by hoods that were an extension of the very clothes they wore.

Alex, then said "you are going to see a maneuver", passed his hand in a place on the wall, where, afterwards, a 40 cm wide viewfinder came out, allowing a view out of the Flying Saucer. Onilson was then given a helmet to put on his head, which fitted around his neck but didn't caused shortness of breath. The helmet had a visor on the front and Onilson had the impression that when it was placed on his head he ended up seeing better and farther away, perfectly distinguishing the landscape. He did not know if it was day or night outside, but he distinguished a valley, where there was a city that seemed to him to be in Europe, as it consisted of houses with high and steep roofs and also appeared to be church towers.
Distant from the city, perhaps 2000 meters from it, an egg-shaped formation emerged from the ground, 4 to 5 meters wide, which, accompanied by a white cloud, rose in the air and approached the place where was Onilson. If that egg thing entered the same flyign sauce Onilson was in, then it must have done s in another room, because in his room he saw nothing.

Alien's Mission

Alex explained that his job on the planet was to remove a certain substance from Earth, which could be easily manipulated by humans and was fatal for flying saucers of various non warfaring species who visited Earth. This substance existed on Earth in abundance and would inevitably be discovered by its inhabitants, sooner or later. However, "they" were studying the subject, to find a defense, for the future, against the application of this substance.

Alex further explained that, in the future, he hoped other civilizations could reach an understanding with humanity, but if that was not the case, a fine powder, similar to a smoke, would be released upon the athmosphere that would "not hurt a butterfly" and would achieve their goals (which was not specified by Alex) . If necessary, they would abduct Onilson again... but this time together with another person of a higher hierarchical level on Earth.

Alex then placed metallic bracelets, yellow and opaque onto Onilson wrists and ankles, which did not bother him. After being in the second room for about 5 minutes, he was placed in an urn, looking like a styrofoam, embedded in the floor and which there was room for the whole body to accommodate anatomically. However, he doesn't know how long he stayed in that urn, because he doesn't remember anything else. He only knows that, when his conscience returned, he was already dressed again in his own clothes and in another more spacious compartment, but without Alex around.

edit on 16-3-2021 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2021 @ 05:05 PM
The 3º Compartiment

The last room that Onilson remembers seeing was in semi-cylindrical shape, 12 to 15 meters in diameter (42ft to 48ft). He was sitting on a chair, within a row of another 5 to 6 chairs placed in the middle. There was still in front of him, in the center, a shiny metallic cylinder, about 40 cm in diameter, that reached the ceiling of the hall and that was of a height of about 10 to 15 meters (38ft to 48ft). In the corner to his left, there was nothing, but to his right were 3 hooded people standing, whose loose clothes extended to their feet. They had the regular height of a human being, of approximately 1.70m (5'5). (Onilson refered them as "doctors"). One of them was sitting in front of a screen. Another looked at Onilson and the third observed some objects present in the room.

It was at that moment that a new character emerged: a human individual, identical to Onilson, in its smallest details. He wore an identical outfit to the one that Onilson wore on the day of his 1st abduction, 11 months earlier. He stayed in this room for a while and left the room. Shortly thereafter, three other people, also of a human aspect, entered the room, disappearing shortly thereafter. All of this did not last more than three minutes.

Onilson's next memory was that he was being disembarked from the object through the same conveyor belt that captured him at the beginning of his experience. It placed onilson gently on the grass somewhere unknown to Onilson, who sat on the grass and watched the strange object leave. He looked at his watch and saw that it was already 3:15 in the morning. Looking around, he saw lights from a city in the distance, and lights from vehicles traveling on a highway in a nearby valley. He started running downhill, towards this road.

The descent of the hill and the returnal

The descent of the hill, with the absence of a clear moon, in terrain of ups and downs, rocks big and small, must have despaired Onilson. This was confirmed by the cries for help that he launched from time to time, during the 3 hours of descent. Later, Onilson drew a sketch with the way down the hill.

When he reached a larger stone, already close to the road, he decided to rest because he had injured a foot in a crack and also had cramps. While he was standing, to rest for about 15 to 20 minutes, a thunderstorm started, which brought him greater cheer. He then took shelter under a sloping stone, where he marked his passage through the place with a pocket knife, engraving the initials of his name.

The Place where onilson was left by the flying saucer

At daybreak, he arrived at the base of the hill, where he saw a group of people. He approached, identified himself and asked for help to reach a Police Station, as he wanted to warn his relatives that he was okay. He told one of the farmers who helped him, called Cesar Menelli, about his experience. The farmer took him to his own home, where he took a shower and made Onilson a snack.

Although Onilson told his wife that she would return the same day that she left the house, Dona Lourdes was concerned, although she maintained a calm appearance in the face of her husband's disappearance. Onilson had traveled on Friday, April 26, 1974. The days passed and Onilson did not return from his trip and did not give news to his family. On the following Tuesday, April 30, 1974, a warning came from the Guarantã Police Station stating that they found Onilson's vehicle three days earlier (on the place he was abducteed). The vehicle was apparently in good order, with no signs of an accident or robbery. There were no signs or clues as to the whereabouts of the owner, Onilson, who was then declared officially missing. Family members sought information in hospitals, without obtaining any clue about Onilson whereabouts.

edit on 16-3-2021 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2021 @ 05:06 PM

The car of Onilson

The following day, May 1, Wednesday, Éder Pátero, brother of Onilson, his nephew Antônio Chagas and his brother-in-law Francisco Sanches, started a new search. First they checked Onilson's car, held at the Guarantã Police Station, and found no clue. They then retraced the likely route that Onilson would have taken on his trip, visiting roadside farms, cities, hospitals and police stations. Thus, they passed through Marília Pirajuí, Pongaí, Cafelândia, Guarantã, Novo Horizonte and Júlio de Mesquita, and in the latter they sought out the mayor himself, with whom Onilson had spoken on the day of his disappearance.

On Thursday, May 2, family members received a call informing them that Onilson Pátero had reappeared in Colatina, Espírito Santo. They immediately started the journey to pick up Onilson in Colatina. Upon meeting Onilson, it appeared that he was a little pale. At around 1:00 on May 4, they made their way back. By this time, the story of Pátero's disappearance and reappearance had already reached the press and several reporters were committed to covering the abduction. Twelve kilometers from Colatina, reporters awaited the passage of the Pátero family at the entrance of the Catuá farm, owned by Mr. Menelli (where Onilson was a guest).

They then asked Onilson to go up with them to the rock where he had engraved his name, marking his passage through the hill`s descent. Reporters not only confirmed the existence of the print but also photographed it, publishing it in the newspaper "O Vespertino", in Vitória, on May 6, 1974.

The family's investigations and his search trip resulted in considerable expenses, in addition to working days wasted by Eder, during the search period for Onilson. Onilson was examined by doctors,. who noticed injection points on his body. Onilson had dissapeared for 6 days and was found in a point 1000km(620 miles) away from his car.

Onilson never saw Alex or had a strange experience again.

The Onilson Pátero Case, is considered one of the classic cases of Brazilian Ufology, was investigated by several nationally renowned ufologists. One of the most prestigious UFO research institutions in Brazil, the Brazilian Society of Flying Saucer Studies (SBEDV), carried out an extensive investigation on the case, publishing a detailed research report in two SBEDV Bulletins, edition 94/98 (September - 1973 / June 1974) and edition 99/103 (July - 74 / April-1975). In this report, SBEDV transcribes research data from other pioneering UFO researchers in National Ufology, such as Max Berezovski and Silvio Lago.

edit on 16-3-2021 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 06:13 AM
Wow. What an awesome story.
I wonder what the substance was that was deadly to UFO species and what the dusty ‘smoke’ would do and why it would be a feasible response.
Some mysterious freely given info to a human subject that you were planning on leaving alone and never coming near again.
Did they inject him with a substance or draw material out of him?
Thanks Frocharocha that was an excellent read.
a reply to: Frocharocha

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: Dalamax
Wow. What an awesome story.
I wonder what the substance was that was deadly to UFO species and what the dusty ‘smoke’ would do and why it would be a feasible response.
Some mysterious freely given info to a human subject that you were planning on leaving alone and never coming near again.
Did they inject him with a substance or draw material out of him?
Thanks Frocharocha that was an excellent read.
a reply to: Frocharocha

Likerly drew material out of him, like in other abductions. If they injected something it would have probably been detected by doctors.

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 07:04 AM
I guess, how vigorous a medical examination did he undertake after the event?

a reply to: Frocharocha

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 07:14 AM

originally posted by: Dalamax
I guess, how vigorous a medical examination did he undertake after the event?

a reply to: Frocharocha

Quick medical examination, but they found nothing other than weird marks (last picture)

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 07:33 AM
The text says injection points? Is that a translation error?
I wonder if he suffered any unusual health issues in the following years?
a reply to: Frocharocha

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 07:33 AM
The text says injection points? Is that a translation error?
I wonder if he suffered any unusual health issues in the following years?
a reply to: Frocharocha

posted on Mar, 17 2021 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: Dalamax
The text says injection points? Is that a translation error?
I wonder if he suffered any unusual health issues in the following years?
a reply to: Frocharocha

Only after his first abudction.

Yes, injection points that looked biological material was removed from his body. Probably translation error from my part.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 06:06 PM
Fascinating case, great upload💯

posted on Nov, 21 2021 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: Frocharocha

Thanks so much for posting the case here Frocharocha, loved reading about the CE this morning.

Wowzers this would make a fantastic movie

posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: DalamaxI wonder what the substance was that was deadly to UFO species and what the dusty ‘smoke’ would do and why it would be a feasible response.

Been wondering about that for the past 24 hours too.

OK................ If the occupants of the UFO are so concerned about this deadly substance from Earth, what if that substance is the carbons we are emitting? Coals, oils etc. Are they real dangerous to the watchers in the sky and / or their propulsion systems?

What if as an answer to this problem the UFOs are abducting people to clone then use these creations as and when to spread an agenda through Planet Earth's population?

We got this Greta Thunberg character. I don't know if it's just me, but is there something a little odd about her? Like creepy? Like almost created by UFOs occupants in a cloning exercise?

What better way to change the way we pollute the planet than placing clones (as and when required) into positions of power? No invasion needed to save the planet from Humanity. Just interfere when needed by using clones and placing them in the environmental field.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: Frocharocha

Interesting case!

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