posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 07:50 AM
americans...what more to say cept they are very sad people.
using religion to determine whether shiavo gets food supplements or not. the christians and concervatists are simply put...self centered naive people
who got no clue about what church actually teaches em. if you're truly religious you wouldn't try to play god and keep someone "alive" and isntead
you'd let em die in peace.
this woman, and many others, who are in coma for so damn long can't live no more. they're practically dead already. scientific research should be
able to already show how dead the brains are. at least thats how it is over here. after a certain period people in coma are dead and keeping their
body on suplements and keep them like a plant is just selfish of the family. a family who can't let go and decide whta they want and got no cleu
whats for the best for the person who's truly suffering.
let shiavo die and go to God or whatever. she's far past due and so are many others.
conservative/religious americans...geez. such selfish/self rightous/arrogant people. they sunk to a new lowth even. government and society
indoctrinating each other in such a way that they make hitler and his party look like amatures. even using children to break in to the hospital to
water the plant.
if people were truly religious they'd led her go to meet god
if people were truly humane they'd let her sleep in so she wouldnt have to suffer.
it's time people wake up instead of staying so naive.
even if the husband wants to murder his wife due to events taken place years ago. he'd still be doing a human thing. now his motives might be
questionable. does he truly want to kill her to get even? or does he want to help her (which idiot americans call murder as well). as long as the
outcome is the same i wouldnt care.
i'm glad i live in the netherlands when seeing this sort of news.
oh yeah you're biased concervative news stations compare us with nazi's
damn hypocrites
especially with the pro-life activists which put a price on the husbands life so he'd get killed
anyway. seeing how the majority is filled with concervative republicans they probably let this woman "live" ergo suffer for a long long long time to
[edit on 27-3-2005 by Enyalius]