heating and Ac wow 3 meals a day. Why don't they intervein when people start losing their housing or a tragedy (temporarily with help) does not become
homelessness I wonder.
Being able to receive three meals a day is huge for those who’re experiencing chronic homelessness and lack the means to get food. Now, you ask a
good question for someone who clearly possesses zero knowledge of human services, but as I’ve worked in Human Services for a little more than 8
years, I’ll explain it for you.
What you’re describing in your question,
is an existing program called
Homelessness Prevention (HP). It’s not an anti-poverty
program, but is intended to prevent the total loss of one’s nighttime dwelling. When one seeks HP services through a social service agency, the
social worker/case manager has to ascertain the main cause of impending eviction. The typical situation(s) leading to eviction are due to: Loss of
income (for whatever reason) which renders one unable to pay their rent and thus accumulating a large amount of arrearages (by the time a court issues
an eviction, people are $3-$6,000 in arrears), not being on the lease, and people flat out
not paying their bills. [It should be noted, that by
federal guidelines, people whom are couch surfing, are considered “permanently housed,” except in the case of children and youth up to 18 or 22 in
some states.]
The largest barrier to providing services for HP cases is simply, too large of volume of needy individuals and families but not enough funding.
Typically, the individual or family is going to be losing the housing and doesn’t have the means to maintain that particular unit, so it’s not
fiscally prudent or possible for most counties to offer assistance, save for veteran service organizations such as Supportive Services for Veteran
Families (SSVF) being that they receive federal funding, and most people aren’t vets, so news flash! You’re going to be fuc*ing homeless.
Now, the newly homeless individual or family qualifies (depending on income) for
Rapid Rehousing (RR) services. This is a program designed to
help literally homeless individuals and families obtain affordable housing within 3 months. After housing is obtained, and during the housing search
period, individuals are connected with employment services or if unable to work, connected with Housing Authorities to obtain subsidized housing
vouchers. They are also connected with local food banks, Public Welfare offices for SNAP, medical, and other state benefits they
may be
eligible for. Until permanent housing is obtained, social workers send referrals to get the person/family into community shelters and/or transitional
housing, or rehabs if necessary.
In all cases, agencies utilize a Vulnerability Index- Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (VI-SPIDAT), which gives the person/family a
score based on the level of need; the more barriers to housing, the higher the score. Thus, someone such as a physically disabled and unemployable
geriatric, or a drug addicted single-mom with bad credit and no vehicle, are going to score very high on the list and be offered shelter space before
the normal guy or gal who just fell on hard times. And because funding and other resources are so limited, social workers always have a
Resolution (formerly known as Diversion) conversations with new applicants. Here the goal is to get the individual or family to resolve their
housing crisis without receiving money from the agency (because we’re too broke for your ass; get a job). These are questions like “Do you have a
friend or relative you can stay with for a while?” “Do you know anyone who can lend you money for a security deposit?” “Can I help you call
any of these people and ask on your behalf?” and so on.
So my opinion, as someone who deals with this stuff everyday, and knows this isn’t the government trying to gas everyone (🙄 you dumb slags), is
that this warehouse project is an excellent first intervention to assist social service agencies in connecting our most vulnerable citizens with
appropriate services and permanent housing programs.
edit on 21-2-2021 by amtracer because: Grammar