posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 05:35 PM
i was at work the other day, and started thinking about how distance doesn't seem to be a factor regarding quantum entanglement, and how the HELL
this could possably be.
this got me thinking, what if space-time is folded in on itself so much, that every point in space actually occupies the same point as every other
piont in space? thus making the universe infinitely large, and infinitely small at the same time.
in this scenario, distance really would be meaningless (at least in the grand sceme of things), and would really just be a sort "three-dimentional
this then got me thinking, what about black holes? what if there is more than just a froth of super condenced matter and energy in the singularity of
a black hole? what if it also contains space-time that is super folded/condeced? in other words, what if there are entire universes contained WITHIN
the singularities of black holes?
the more i think about it the harder it gets to articulate it in my own head let alone to other people....
bah.....gotta stop head hurts......
[edit on 20-3-2005 by Urn]